Chapter 910 It seems that Mr. Huo, you have a lot of rules

Even in this situation, Huo Linyuan was not panicked at all.

"If my guess is correct, then Uncle Li, you may think that I am provocative, or even think that I am taking advantage of the situation at this time. No, no, no, you really misunderstood. Mine is really not like this. I I really want to help you, I really want to help you.”

“Okay, Uncle Li, calm down a little first, and then I’ll show you something.”

Li Jianhong raised his eyebrows slightly.

 Then he sat on the chair.

Since Huo Linyuan was so confident, he wanted to see what Huo Linyuan was doing.

Huo Linyuan then asked Li Jianhong how to control the projector.

 After getting a positive answer from Li Jianhong, Huo Linyuan started tinkering.

 Soon, audio and video footage of Li Beichen appeared.

Li Beichen on the screen said: I, Li Beichen, hereby solemnly promise that if something goes wrong with me, everything I own will be taken over by Lan Zhen, and Lan Zhen has the right to act for me in any position in the company.

When Li Jianhong heard this, his first reaction was.

Go back and strangle that **** guy to death.

How could he say this?

Li Jianhong's expression made Huo Linyuan very satisfied.

 Since everyone now feels that he is causing trouble, it is his handiwork.

  No matter how you explain it, no one believes it.

 Since this is the case, then why not just accept it.

You can't just take the blame for nothing.

"Lan Zhen is a woman. If she is allowed to manage the company, I think something will definitely happen. And Lan Zhen is my girlfriend. The news outside is making a lot of noise. Everyone thinks that this time Li Beichen and his wife I did everything. If that's the case, why don't you take responsibility and slap everyone in the face so that everyone knows that the relationship between our two families is very good." What does this really mean? All said.

The reason why Li Jianhong didn't pay attention to what was said outside was because, regardless of whether it was Huo Linyuan or not, such rumors outside had the effect of a smoke bomb.

He even thought that if Huo Linyuan really wanted to clarify, he could just muddy the water and make it as muddy as possible.

But now Huo Linyuan's words can really be said to have completely put him on the fire.

"What's wrong, Uncle Li, why are you silent? Don't you believe me? Don't you still believe your son? I believe the reason why your son let Lan Min take over these things must have seen Lan Min. There is me behind you, otherwise, how could you be so ridiculous."

“Although I am not a nosy person, I also don’t like to betray other people’s trust. I even feel that if I really owe others their trust in me, then it is really a bad thing.”

Huo Linyuan's attitude at the moment is as good as possible.

Then he will do what the old man wants.

 Let’s see how this old man steps down.

There are only two people in the office at the moment.

 Both of them had smiles on their faces.

 But the whole room was filled with murderous intent.

At this moment, the door to the room was pushed open.

The person who pushed the door open was none other than Su Nian.

When Huo Linyuan saw Su Nian at the door, he smiled and said, "Mrs. Li, do you usually make such a big noise? If you really make such a noise, then I really think you should change your habits. Before I Although there is nothing wrong with being like this in front of others, it is really bad if you are like this in front of others.”

“It seems like you have a lot of rules, Mr. Huo.”

 (End of this chapter)

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