Chapter 912 Blows the hero’s lungs

 If it’s not about saving face.

So Li Jianhong really wants to applaud now.

 She is indeed his daughter-in-law, Li Jianhong, and she is such a slippery talker.

 “Mr. Huo”

“Su Nian, you really know how to speak.”

Su Nian glanced lightly: "It's not about speaking, but a logical question. If you really have a hobby of cuckolding, then I hope you can let your woman change her partner. After all, I don't have one. I am a very selfish person and I don’t want my man to have any so-called contact with other women.”

 In this situation, Huo Linyuan was obviously at a disadvantage.

 If he were facing someone else at this moment, then he would definitely forget it.

 But it was Su Nian he was facing at this moment.

If this is the case now, then what so-called face does he have as a man?

  It can be said that it is almost laughable.

Huo Linyuan's male dignity would not allow such a thing to happen.

 Quite not allowed.

Just when Huo Linyuan, the male protagonist, was thinking about how to deal with it, Su Nian continued to speak.

 After all... there aren't many turn-based games that adults like.

"And Mr. Huo, don't you really feel that there is something wrong with what you are saying here now? If a company controls the company, it requires the board of directors to agree. Even if it is stipulated by the law, then as his wife, I am his first heir. Let’s not talk about you, it’s just Lan Min.” ˆ ˆ “You…this is what Li Beichen said himself.”

"I said it myself, so what does it mean? Is this a will? If this is a will, what evidence is there? Is there a lawyer? If there is a lawyer, can you tell me what it is? Lawyer, as Li Beichen’s legal wife, I feel it is necessary for me to meet.”

"And even if there is a lawyer, it may not be possible." When Su Nian said this, he paused, then carefully looked at the man in front of him, and then looked at him with an idiot look: "Don't you really know anything about the law? Don't you know about business law? Do you really think that if a company's manager suddenly has an accident, then just a random person can make a statement about this person's position in a company?" Everything, even the position of a legal person, Mr. Huo, don’t you really think it’s ridiculous?”

Huo Linyuan:…

When Su Nian finished saying this, she felt as happy as she wanted.

Who doesn’t know that there are no laws in a **** Mary Sue?

At this moment, Su Nian really felt that he had gone too far. After all, he was talking about the law to a person who didn't know the law at all.

Hey, now Su Nian finally understands and understands why she is destined to become a vicious female supporting role.

After all, I am so vicious to begin with.

Li Jianhong also knew that he should cooperate now, so he immediately said: "Lin Yuan, after all, you keep calling me uncle, and I can't let you call me uncle in vain. In this way, if you really don't know, then I will buy it for you and have it delivered directly to your house. Do you think this is okay?"

Huo Linyuan's lungs were exploding with anger now.

This Su Nian is really not a simple speaker, but a super speaker.

But even if this is the case, what else can he do, he can only smile and say: "If this is really the case, then I will first say thank you to Uncle Li, thank you for being so good to me. "

 (End of this chapter)

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