The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 920: What on earth are this woman’s brain cells thinking?

Chapter 920 What are the brain cells of this woman thinking?

"What are the consequences? What do you mean by this, Su Nian? What do you want to do?"

"you guess."

There was a smile on Su Nian's face: "Guess, what do I want to do? Miss Lan, you are so smart, you can stand out among so many people and become Mr. Huo's sweetheart, and then come to me, how could you be anything?" Simple person, since you are not a simple person, you can definitely guess what I want to do. "

"Su Nian, haven't you kept saying that you love Beichen? Now that Beichen is like this, you still want to be like this because of your prejudice against me. Do you really think it's good?"

"Lan Shi, I really feel like you only have moral kidnapping. I don't know how it works for others, but we have been dealing with each other for so long. Don't you really understand? I am an immoral person, and your method of moral kidnapping is really useless to me."

"And I didn't say anything. I just talked about the consequences. What consequences will there be if you really don't follow me at this time? Do you think that you are standing casually in Beichen's position? You What does this company mean? Is it a spring outing for primary school students? "


From the moment Lan Min met Su Nian, he felt that this woman was very pretentious and fake.

 It’s that feeling that can’t be expressed.

  Previously, Lan Min thought that he was thinking too much, but now he really doesn’t think too much at all.

This Su Nian pretended to be so sensible in front of Li Beichen, but in front of him, he looked like this, which was really disgusting.

Originally, Lan Min wanted to use this opportunity to make Huo Linyuan feel that she could not only be an obedient lover, but also a helpful wife.

Now Lan Yan really feels that this is really an opportunity.

 Beichen can be allowed to see the true face of this woman. If this is really the case, then everything can go back to before. When Lan Min thought of this, his eyes became more confident.

Su Nian just happened to see this confidence. This confident look really made Su Nian a little curious.

 I wonder what the brain cells of this heroine are thinking.

Humiliating yourself in this way can be said to be an insult in the face.

  Why does this heroine still look so confident?

What is the structure of his brain? Why have no scientists studied the structure of Mary Sue's brain? Su Nian even felt that if he really wanted to study it, there would be a major breakthrough in the history of human evolution. .

“Okay, okay, looking at you like this, you can’t imagine what the consequences I’m talking about are. If that’s the case, then I’ll give you a good example.”

"As we all know, in this long history, the status of us women is very low. We do a little bit wrong, or even we just attract a little attention, but everyone knows that I am the one from Beichen. Wife, the mistress of the entire Li family, now that something happened to my husband, not only did I not do anything for my husband, but another woman came. "

 “What do you have with my husband? Whose is the child in your belly?”

"Su Nian, you understand what you are going to say." Lan Min became anxious when he heard this.

 After all, Huo Linyuan is here now.

 She knew Huo Linyuan's temperament very well.

 (End of this chapter)

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