Chapter 922 Uncle Li, what do you mean?

Lan Yan thought that as long as he could deal with Su Nian, it would be fine.

  But she didn’t expect that when she came to the board of directors of Li Group, she would understand what the dangers of society are.

 “You woman, how much rice have you eaten and how many roads have you walked?”

 “What school did you graduate from, and do you have any experience working on Wall Street?”

“Can you understand the stock market? Do you know how to talk to the China Securities Regulatory Commission?”

 “I’ll give you ten thousand yuan, can you make money for me in the stock market?”

 Lan Min really has a headache.

 What does this have to do with the stock market?

  Why are these people like this?

Lan Min took a deep breath: "But you have known Beichen for so many years, don't you trust Beichen? Since Beichen can hand over this position to me, of course it is because of Beichen, so you are like this Don’t you believe Beichen?”

Lan Min spoke with a decisive voice.

But when Lan Min finished saying this, there were a lot of boos.

 The disdainful voice made Lan Min really feel a little numb.

 The kind that really makes you feel numb.

 She couldn't help but look at Li Jianhong who was in charge.

Even if Li Jianhong doesn't like himself anymore, he can't do this. After all, something happened to Li Beichen.

 It has a great impact on the entire company.

Does Li Jianhong, an old fox, really not even know this? "What do you see me doing?" Li Jianhong started, but paused when he said these words: "No, I should mean, it turns out that you can still see me, I thought you couldn't see me like this now , Haha, it turns out your eyes are not blind."

 “Uncle Li, what do you mean by this?”

Li Jianhong didn’t speak this time.

But the people around Li Jianhong spoke up: "Don't you even understand what Director Li means? Anyway, I feel that as long as it is an individual, it can be understood."

Another person also said: "Yes, what Director Li means is that he or he still has the final say in our company. You little girl who doesn't know anything, what do you mean by coming here? Do you really think that we are the best?" Is the old guy dead?"

"She has no ability at all. Such a woman can't even join our company as a clerk, but now she has to stand here and give orders to us old bones. This is really interesting."

“Hey, what does this mean? Does this mean that if you live a long time, you can encounter anything? If this is really the case, then I admit it, I admit that I have gained a lot of experience, and it is quite a lot of experience.”

"Old Qian, how can you say that? It's really a bit too much for you to say that. After all, she is just a little girl. Although what you said is true, but you are so embarrassing for a little girl, do you really think this Is it appropriate?”

These words immediately made the audience burst into laughter.

It really made Lan Min want to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

You have to know how people who can do this can be ordinary people. It took them many years to achieve such an achievement. In such a situation, how could they be more willing to succumb to a woman who relies on a man to gain power? .

 Even if they surrender, how can they suddenly be worthy of themselves?

 It is worthy of all the years of struggle.

 This resulted in Lan Min becoming a joke in everyone’s eyes.

  Anyway, older people like them usually have nothing to do, so they just have some fun for themselves.

 (End of this chapter)

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