Chapter 924 Aren’t you tasting the consequences now?

As the instigator, Lin Na naturally felt that the bigger the trouble, the better.

"Then tell me, what should I do to help you gain a foothold in the Li Group? Just kidding, those people usually hope that something will happen to Li Beichen, so that they can completely replace him. Now you are standing in front of them. They have been thinking about it for so long. , It can even be said that they don’t feel uncomfortable when they think of going crazy, so that’s weird.”

"But I finally suppressed Su Nian now, is that all?" Even Lan Zhen felt that Su Nian was laughing at him behind his back.

 When he thought of this, Lan Min became anxious.

"And you don't know, Su Nian told me to be careful about the consequences. If I really don't do anything now, then I just sit back and wait for death. I really don't want to sit back and wait for death. I really don't want it."

However, when Lin Na heard this, she looked at Lan Min.

Being looked at so suddenly made Lan Min really speechless.

 The next words surprised Lan Min even more.

 Because Lin Na said: "Aren't you tasting the consequences now?"

“Do you really think that it’s so easy to get a high position? Those directors will definitely find ways to deal with you and make you look embarrassed. After all, you represent Li Beichen now. Even by insulting you, they are insulting Li Beichen.

I believe that no smart person would miss such a good opportunity. "

Even dealing with Lan Min requires no braining at all.

However, Lin Na didn't say this.

Lin Na did not say anything out loud.

No matter how stupid Lan Min is, she is still a pregnant woman.

Lin Na is still a little bit humane.

 What if saying it out really irritates Lan Min and causes Lan Min to have a miscarriage?

 Then it is a sin. =

"You can block one of them, but there are too many people. And in this situation, even if something happens to you, it can't be blamed on Su Nian. Hey, this Su Nian is really not that smart. Now I I really admire Su Nian’s brain, why he can always come up with these special points.” Lan Min:…

At this time, Lan Zhi thought of the eyes of those directors.

He looked at her with contempt and disdain. It could even be said that he looked at her like an ant.

 “They can’t do this, they can’t do this, I...”

"Why can't you do this? Tell me what you have now. Hey, I understand your current mood very well, but you must know that there is a saying that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. You want the crown yourself. You have to carry that weight."

"Of course, if you are really afraid of death, then you can take off the crown. This is your own freedom, but there is only one chance. You choose it yourself. I hope you don't regret it."

 “Then what should I do now.”

Lin Na shrugged slightly: "I said this is your choice. Whatever you want to choose, just choose it. I have no right to interfere, and you think I don't know. If I really want to interfere, then you If you regret it in the future, you will definitely blame me, and I will not take the blame."

Lin Na knew Lan Min’s temperament very clearly.

Although she has never paid attention to Lan Shi, if Lan Shi really bothers her, then there is really no peace.


“Without a but, who are you? Do you think you are living in a novel? Do you think you are the heroine of the novel? Do you think the world revolves around you?”

But when talking about this, Lin Na suddenly thought of something.

 There seems to be something wrong with Huo Linyuan's attitude in this matter...

When she thought of this, Lin Na looked at Lan Min

 I feel like something suddenly becomes interesting.

 (End of this chapter)

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