Chapter 929: Shocked, Li Beichen actually taught children to lie

Li Beichen brought the calligraphy treasure to the bedroom.

Then Li Beichen looked at Mo Bao seriously and said: "Dad knows that Mo Bao is the smartest kid in the world, so when grandpa comes, if grandpa asks Mo Bao how dad is, just say that dad hasn't woken up for a long time." ”

Mo Bao really couldn't help but want to roll his eyes.

This dad is really drunk.

How can a father be like this?

If I didn't have the memory of my previous life, I would be just an ordinary child.

 At such a young age, he actually said such things.

Isn’t this clearly teaching yourself to lie?

 Mo Bao is really a little lucky now.

 Happily, his father died so early in his previous life. If his father was still alive in his previous life, how could he be so smart and sensible?

“Mo Bao, Mo Bao, do you understand what I mean?” Li Beichen, who looked like a father, said gently.

Originally, Li Beichen wanted to give Mo Bao a few more instructions.

 But I heard the sound of footsteps.

 With no other choice, Li Beichen had no choice but to lie down.

Just when Li Beichen lay down, the bedroom door opened.

 Li Jianhong walked in.

When Li Jianhong saw Mo Bao, he was a little surprised. Then he walked up to Mo Bao and asked curiously: "Mo Bao, why are you here? Are you also worried about your father? Mo Bao, you are so good. "

 After listening to his grandfather's words, a cute smile appeared on Mo Bao's childish face.

 “Grandpa, what’s wrong with Dad?”

After hearing this, Li Jianhong sighed deeply, then reached out and touched Mo Bao's little head: "There is nothing wrong with your dad. Your dad is just a little tired during this period, so he lies in bed to rest, Mo Bao." Be good, don't worry too much, your dad will be fine."

Mo Bao nodded hard after hearing this.

 Seeing the well-behaved Mo Bao, Li Jianhong's heart almost melted.

But Mo Bao then continued: "Grandpa, is daddy broken? It's like my toy car." "Yes, Mo Bao is very smart, just like Mo Bao's toy car."

“Then if Dad is completely broken and can no longer be played, can we get a new one?”

 Li Jianhong:…

 Li Beichen lying down:…

 That's right, Mo Bao wanted to use this opportunity to teach his father a lesson.

 Hmph, didn’t you scare yourself so much just now?

 As his son, let him know what it means to have good fortune.

How could Li Beichen not realize that his son was seeking revenge on him?

Is this brat a little too smart?

  Not only is he too smart.

 Still very vindictive.

Li Beichen felt really helpless, but what else could Li Beichen, a father, do?

 The only thing we can do is teach this son well!

The well-behaved Mo Bao walked up to Li Jianhong and tugged on Li Jianhong's clothes: "If Mo Bao really has to change his father, can Mo Bao choose his own father?"

 This really made Li Jianhong not know what to say.

At the same time, Li Jianhong is really curious now, what did Li Beichen, the father, do to Mo Bao to make Mo Bao treat him like this? The key is that Mo Bao is only one year old.

 Let a one-year-old child behave like this.


What else could Li Jianhong do? He could only express his love for his grandson.

 (End of this chapter)

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