Chapter 942 Huo Linyuan discovered Lin Na

When Lin Na said this, she really felt that if there was a normal-minded person nearby who heard her say this, he would definitely think that her mind was not normal.

 But there is no other way, that’s what this Lan person thinks.

At the same time, Lin Na now really feels that she is very powerful and can actually understand Lan Min's thinking logic.

 With his abilities, how could he not succeed?

 If God doesn’t allow you to succeed, then God just doesn’t have the foresight.

"Lin Na, what do you mean by this? Do you mean to say something sarcastic? Now the situation is really urgent."

"Whatever is urgent, you just choose. What is good, what else can you do now? Do you want me to go to Su Nian and tell Su Nian, you see my face, don't embarrass you, you and Lan Why can't you get along well with me? I mean, even if Su Nian wants to get along well with you, you can't get along well with her. "

"Su Nian, that's just a small company. Why do you care about that? I really don't know what you have to worry about. Haven't you always looked down on Su Nian for relying on his identity and family's abilities? After you settled the current situation, you gave Huo Linyuan a good talk and asked Huo Linyuan to open a company for you. Huo Linyuan loved you so much that you could open it in a matter of minutes. In your heart, you really Do you think you are not as good as Su Nian? "

These words immediately made Lan Zhi determined.

“I know what to do, thank you Lin Na, thank you for helping me.”

Lin Na looked at the woman in front of her who said "thank you" and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

 She really feels now that this Lin Na is the kind of person who will count the money for her after selling her.

 This woman.

 After Lan Min left, a man appeared in front of Lin Na.

Lin Na raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw the man, and then stood up: "It's really a rare visitor. What kind of wind is it today? It actually blew Mr. Huo to my place. It's really a rare visitor." That's right, come here The person in question was none other than Huo Linyuan.

Huo Linyuan came to Lin Na expressionlessly: "Miss Lin, you are really capable. You have been hiding for so long and you are still using my woman. Don't you know the price of this? "

"I'm also a little curious about the price, Mr. Huo, what price you can give me. Mr. Huo, you may not believe it. The moment I took advantage of your woman, Mr. Huo, I was mentally prepared. I can say it every day. It’s been a life of worry, but now that Mr. Huo is finally here, I can’t help but feel relieved. I even feel a lot more relaxed.”

Although Lin Na said how scared she was, there was no fear at all on her face, and she was even a little excited.

 The reason why Lin Na is like this is because she knows that she has finally succeeded.

 Successfully came into Huo Linyuan's sight.

You must know that the Lin family is really weak and has no sense of existence in the eyes of big men like Huo Linyuan and Li Beichen.

Lin Na could really see murderous intent in Huo Linyuan's eyes at this moment.

 But even so, what’s the point?

 Threats always coexist with opportunities.

"You are really an interesting woman. Your behavior will bring disaster to you and your family."

But these words succeeded in making Lin Na smile more and more: "The disaster is just in your mind, Mr. Huo. As long as you want it, Mr. Huo, you can do it at any time. I am a little woman. any solution."

 (End of this chapter)

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