Chapter 944 Su Nian finally appears

 Li's Group and Su Nian's small company.

How else can Lan Min choose?

 The next day, Lan Min went to the Human Resources Department to submit his resignation application.

SY HR is very efficient and approved in less than an hour.

 Lan Min immediately hugged the cardboard box and prepared to leave.

But before Lan Min could reach the door, he bumped into Su Nian.

"Ms. Lan, are you leaving so soon? You are also an old employee who followed my sister and I when we first founded the company, and you are also the management of our company. Do you want me to organize a farewell party for you? That's it. If I leave in a deserted manner, the employees in the company might think that I am too harsh on others, which will make everyone feel cold." Su Nian looked at Lan Min with a smile on his face.

Sun Ying'er, who was next to her, immediately responded to Su Nian's words and said, "Nian Nian, you are so kind. All the employees in the company have eyes. How could they think like this?"

"Su Nian, I don't know what you are planning, but I can say that your behavior is like losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds. I have no other meaning. I just hope that you will not regret what you did today." "Why." Of course Lan Min knew what Su Nian meant at this time, how could the price drop now?

 No matter what happens, there must be momentum.

  After all, there is a saying that losers do not lose the formation.

"Of course I know, but I am self-aware. I know what I am capable of, and I will do what I do. You know, if you are really not capable and want to eat a fat man in one bite, then the final result may not be the same. That's great." "That's good if you think so, but I really hope you won't feel too uncomfortable if you see others eating something."

"Why should I feel uncomfortable? After all, what abilities I have, don't I know it myself? No one with a little bit of brain would feel too uncomfortable. Hey, Lan Min, do you know what I hate most about you? I hate you most. I always feel that everyone in this world is a fool, and your opponents are all fools. In your case, it is really a bit rude. You are an adult after all. Why do you always have such childish thoughts? You have such childish thoughts, you know, you are so rude, I don’t like your thoughts very much.”

You must know that although Lan Min has really made a decision, he still feels a little unspeakable in his heart.

 I always feel that Su Nian must have some back-up plan.

But there was another voice in Lan Min's heart. The other voice said: "This won't be anything. How could this be anything? Su Nian may be scaring you, so it won't happen at all. Don't worry about it. You The more entangled it is, the more Su Nian will succeed. "

 “Su Nian, I don’t have what you can say.”

When Su Nian heard this, he suddenly became a little uneasy: "What do you mean by this? What do you mean by this? To be honest, your behavior is really like fighting with a primary school student. I beg you, can you A little more mature.”

When Lan Min said this, he walked up to Su Nian and said, "Su Nian, you are so arrogant, are you really not afraid? Will you soon stop laughing?"

These words made Su Nian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "You do make me look forward to it. What kind of methods you will use makes me unable to hold my head up. It really makes me look forward to it."

 The next moment, Lan Min laughed directly: "Hahaha, then you can take your time and look forward to it!"

 (End of this chapter)

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