Chapter 957 Lu Jing: Aunt Sun, you!

"Aunt Sun, I know you are perfunctory with me, but you can't perfuse me like this. You have to show some attitude. If you deal with me so casually, you really make me feel like a fool."

Now Lu Jing really feels that he has been greatly insulted.

 After all, in this situation, everyone is thinking about what Su Nian is doing and what moves he should make.

Sun Ying'er stopped and then looked at Lu Jing.

Lu Jing continued: "You think I don't know. You and my aunt must be thinking of some clever tricks. For example, no one can think of the draft you did, but you can think of it. Aunt Sun, what I just said You've seen my attitude towards that Lanzi, but haven't you seen my attitude towards you?"

 Now Lu Jing really feels that he is the person closest to the secret.

 But the closer someone is, the more it makes him feel a little worried.

What on earth is this Su Nian doing and what does he want to do?

There are also many people who find many excuses to approach me and inquire about this matter. Haha, it’s just asking, it’s better that he knows.

 “Then what do you think your aunt is doing.”

Lu Jing frowned: "It would be great if I knew. If I knew, then I would not be Lu Jing. I have that brain. I punched Li Beichen and kicked Huo Linyuan. How could I be beaten by these two Guys are bullying.”

"You also said that you don't have that kind of brain. Do you think you can understand your aunt's intention when I tell you? Hey, Lu Jing, I think you know better than anyone else what kind of brain you have. , since you know it well, don’t use it, just follow me and your aunt. Anyway, if you follow honestly, then we will definitely not forget your benefits. "

The more Sun Yinger sees Lu Jing like this, the more she likes to tease him.

So when Sun Ying'er said this, she acted mysteriously: "You also said that your aunt doesn't play according to common sense, so you just wait slowly, waiting for your aunt's surprise. chant."

“Hey, hey, Aunt Sun, what do you mean by this? You still don’t trust me, why, why don’t you trust me yet.” The more Aunt Sun said this, the more curious Lu Jing became.

What on earth is this Su Nian doing?   Wow, why did you let yourself be so close to the secret and not tell yourself.

 It’s really uncomfortable.

Lu Jing was hanging around Sun Ying'er and kept chattering beside her.

Lu Jing had no choice but to adopt time tactics.

 I want to annoy this Sun Ying'er to death.

 That’s right, it’s annoying to death.

 When you annoy Sun Ying'er to death and can't stand it anymore, you will definitely say this to yourself.

 But Lu Jing's voice became hoarse.

It was to the point where she was almost speechless, but Sun Ying'er still didn't let go.

Moreover, he didn’t chase Lu Jing away this time, and he didn’t even look unhappy at all.

When she got off work in the evening, Sun Ying'er calmly took out a box of Golden Throat lozenges from the drawer and pushed it in front of Lu Jing: "I've been talking about it all day, go back and take medicine tonight, so that you can continue talking tomorrow, be good~"

 Lu Jing:! ! !

Why does Lu Jing feel that Sun Ying'er treats him as a child? How can he endure this: "Aunt Sun! You!"

Sun Ying'er calmly spread her hands: "What's wrong with me? If you want to say anything, just say it directly. There's no need to wait around like this."

What else can Lu Jing say?

 (End of this chapter)

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