The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 965: It’s not that a family doesn’t enter the same door

Chapter 965 It’s not like a family doesn’t enter the same house

 After Sun Ying'er said this, everyone was stunned.

Luo Qian looked at Sun Ying'er.

 In fact, he didn't like Sun Ying'er before. After all, Huo Linyuan obviously had no interest in Sun Ying'er, but Sun Ying'er had tried his best to cheat her over the years.

Although Sun Ying'er's family background is there, in the hearts of men, the women who follow her are not very good.

Furthermore, Luo Qian felt that this Sun Ying'er didn't know what was good or bad at all. Now Huo Linyuan finally thought about it and wanted to marry her, but this Sun Ying'er actually took Qiao at the critical moment.

Now that Sun Ying'er had this attitude again, Luo Qian snorted: "Miss Sun, if you think about it carefully, we haven't seen each other for a long time. They say that one day is like three autumns apart. I used to really think this was nonsense. , but now I know that this is actually so reasonable.

 For example, Miss Sun and I haven't seen each other for a long time. The Miss Sun now is completely different from the Miss Sun before. Now I am really curious about what Miss Sun you really look like. "

Sun Ying'er certainly knew that Luo Qian's words were reminding her of her previous attitude in front of Huo Linyuan.

Sun Ying'er looked at Luo Qian's contemptuous look as if she were looking at a betrayer.

This reminded Sun Ying'er of Lan Min.

Thinking about it now, this Luo Qian thinks Lu Jing is a traitor or something, so he feels that he is also a traitor in these eyes, just like Lan Min. Lan Min never paid attention to Li Beichen and Lu Jing before, but When they left, not wanting to follow her.

Lan Min started jumping up and down, as if Li Beichen and Lu Jing had left her and felt sorry for her.

Thinking about it this way, it really means that one family does not enter the same house.

"What's the difference between me before and me now? And who are you, Luo Qian, and what qualifications do you have to take care of me? If I remember correctly, then you and I are just acquaintances, haha, even "Stranger, you come to accuse me now," Luo Qian didn't expect this woman to be so blunt: "Sun Ying'er, okay, you really don't take us seriously now, and seeing your posture, what do you think? You can protect Lu Jing."

"Whether I can protect you or not is not up to you. If you think I'm talking big words, then come and try and see who among us is talking big words." After saying this, Sun Ying'er said a little. He paused for a moment: "Anyway, I'm covering Lu Jing!"

For some reason, Luo Qian felt that the aura of the woman in front of him was overwhelming, the kind of aura that could not be ignored.

Such momentum really made Luo Qian unable to help but want to retreat.

 But such a thought appeared in Luo Qian's heart, and he couldn't help but slap himself hard.

  Why is it so useless?

What's so great about this Sun Ying'er? Sun Ying'er is just a woman. How can he feel timid when facing a woman? If this news spreads, then his reputation will be really ruined.

 At this time, Sun Ying'er looked at Lu Jing.

 Unexpectedly, he saw Lu Jing's dazed look, as if he was stupid.

Seeing Lu Jing like this, Sun Ying'er frowned and said, "Lu Jing, you have some potential for me. If you continue to be like this and have no future, then don't stay with me in the future and don't embarrass me."

 (End of this chapter)

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