Chapter 977 Lu Jing’s little thoughts

Su Nian and Sun Yinger immediately began to discuss what to do.

Lu Jing, who was standing next to him, saw the two women discussing passionately what to do and couldn't help but said: "Two aunts, did you agree directly like this? So simply? Don't you thank me? "

At any rate, he has done some ideological work with you and the environment, and has struggled with it for a long time, but the two women acting like this really made him feel a bit insignificant.

 After Lu Jing finished speaking,. Sun Yinger looked at him immediately.

But being looked at by Sun Ying'er suddenly like this, Lu Jing was a little panicked, and then hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe:"I'm joking with you, Aunt Sun, Auntie, how can I ask you to thank me? I'm really joking, really." joke."

"I'm sorry, I didn't apologize to you right away. This was my mistake. I apologize to you. Although you called me aunt, we actually have nothing to do with you. You can make such a sacrifice, which really impresses me. Touched." Sun Ying'er said seriously.

The reason why Sun Ying'er didn't thank her immediately just now was because she didn't react at all. After all, if such a method of explosion is really used, then... really...

 When she heard Lu Jing's voice, she realized that she was too excited.

 I kind of ignored Lu Jing.

  It’s really a bit too much.

Su Nian also thought the same way: "Sister is right, I have neglected you a bit. This decision has a great impact on you. You really don't need to make such a sacrifice."

Su Nian and Sun Ying'er both couldn't help but feel annoyed at the same time as to why they were so excited. Such excitement made the two of them seem...well, it was really a bit too much.

This made the two of them feel embarrassed.

But Lu Jing was really a little embarrassed when the two looked at him with guilty looks. He was really not used to it, and it just felt weird. Then Lu Jing hurriedly said: "Two aunts, don't use such a tone. Don't speak to me in such a tone. It's my honor to serve you. It's really my honor." "Lu Jing, why don't you think about it?" Sun Ying'er felt that she should pay less attention to the mess. Don't let your mind... go too far... Of course, now that Sun Ying'er's rationality has returned, she also thought that if they really used this method, it would have a really big impact on Lu Jing.

Although Lu Jing's current reputation is not very good, if such a method is used, Lu Jing's reputation may become even worse.

Lu Jing looked at Sun Ying'er.

He also knew very well what Sun Ying'er meant by saying this, but thinking about how Sun Ying'er could fight so hard, he felt that he was also a man after all, and how could he not do something as a man.

So when Sun Ying'er finished saying this, Lu Jing smiled and waved his hands: "Aunt Sun, what do you mean by this? Why do you think I am timid and afraid of getting into trouble? I am a man. You must know that men can never Not afraid of this.”


"There's nothing special about it, but you use this method." However, when Lu Jing said this, he chuckled a few times: "If I really don't have any selfish intentions, I think you might not believe it, ahem, My selfishness is also very simple. I hope you can treat me as one of your own and stop being so defensive about me."

Sun Yinger was a little curious when Lu Jing said something about selfishness. She was curious about what so-called selfishness this guy could have.

 But when I heard this, I really didn’t know what to say.

Sun Ying'er walked up to Lu Jing with a helpless face: "You didn't take my words to heart. Have you forgotten that I said you are mine and I protect you? Now you still say In this case, it really disappoints me.”

Lu Jing started to nod crazily when he heard this: "Yes, yes, it's my fault, I just can't speak."

What else could Sun Ying'er say, she could only smile helplessly.

 (End of this chapter)

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