The concubine said: "What you want to do is bound to be very thoughtful. I have nothing to say, but I will not confess, even if I am sent to the emperor, I will not confess. (((card Tino Novel Network om”

Both De Fei and Shu Fei were out of anger, but they couldn't treat the concubine anymore. Now her grade is one level higher than them, and her rights are much higher than their two concubines!

However, Li Wanrou said: "No need to argue, give all the evidence to the emperor. As for the emperor, believe it or not, how can we check this matter is not something we can control, what do you say?"

The two concubines thought for a while, and they both agreed: "Sure enough! You are right! Just follow what you said!"

The two waved their hands to the **** and wanted to take the concubine away. Who knows that when the palace person touched the concubine, they felt a bit of numbness on the body, followed by a tingling in the neck. A golden hairpin stabbed even the eunuch's neck, and then turned around to avoid the attack of everyone. Although the kung fu was not very high, it was already much stronger against the ordinary house lady! This means that the concubine is kung fu!

De Fei and Shu Fei almost didn't dare to pass out: "You... what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with you?" The concubine sneered: "I can't hide anyway, even if I kill you. It's good to at least take you on the road!"

Li Wanrou said: "Concubine, you undoubtedly admitted your crime, and you know no one will treat you lightly."

"So what? I won't admit it." The concubine sneered: "All of you are dead, no one knows what's going on? I'll say you are hurt by the gangsters!" she said, running away Go directly to the woman opposite. It is De Fei.

De Fei was startled and stepped back a few steps, watching the hairpin pierce her neck. She was so scared that she screamed, and just when she was about to be unlucky, she was grabbed by Li Wanrou. She quickly tapped a few times on her shoulders and neck, and she was sore and very weak. He collapsed on the ground. om

"You are also a martial arts person?"

Li Wanrou said: "I am not a martial arts person, I know a little acupuncture point, hitting the acupuncture point will make you sore and weak, very painful."

The concubine hated Li Wanrou. She wanted to stand up, but she was powerless. Many workers tied the consort together.

Li Wanrou said: "If you don't say anything else, your attempt to assassinate De Fei is already the most impossible thing to tolerate. This time you are dead, let's be honest."

The concubine sneered for a while: "When I have nothing to say, as the saying goes, the winner is the king and the loser is the invader, I just need to understand these. I would rather die than say, don't be bothered by me."

"Queen concubine, you still... Ah, concubine!" Li Wanrou was startled, she watched the concubine's mouth spit out blood, and then fell to the ground.

"What is this..." De Fei was so frightened that De Fei looked very painful.

Li Wanrou passed by quickly, holding up the concubine, smelling her body, and lost her voice: "It is the poison of southern Xinjiang!" It is a special poison of southern Xinjiang, and after eating it, there is no possibility of rescue.

"Yes, what about it? I'm from southern Xinjiang. This is where I grew up."

De Fei trembled: "It's really scary. This woman turned out to be from South Xinjiang."

"Yeah, people from southern Xinjiang" The eyes of the concubine maiden closed slightly: "What should I do? That's my home. Although I like the emperor, I can't forget that I am from southern Xinjiang. !"

"Queen Concubine..." Li Wanrou sighed; "Why did you know today, why should you be?"

"This matter has nothing to do with the crown prince. The crown prince... he and I haven't seen each other for several years. He has been in Jingzhou to seal the land, so, so..." Her seriousness is all hopeful looks, and she doesn't want the crown prince to have an accident. . om

Li Wanrou nodded: "I understand. I will talk to the prince."

"Thank you...Thank you..." After the concubine's words were finished, she passed away directly, and there was no way to live. Li Wanrou knew that it was impossible to live.

It seems that the concubine is a native of southern Xinjiang, and she was sent to Da Yinguo from a young age. She has been hiding in the palace. After decades of time, she became a concubine. After the death of Toffee Du, the palace Someone needs to continue to target Da Yinguo, that is, he has become a new chess piece, but he was still discovered by Li Wanrou.

De Fei was shocked: "I really didn't expect that one of the concubines around us would be like this. She would also work hard. If she wanted to harm us, she would move her finger a little and it would be dead."

However, Li Wanrou said: "Don't worry about this, I think that ten out of ten concubines do not want to do this."

"Can't you say it?"

Concubine said: "I think so too. The concubine has a great prince. She has long regarded herself as a great Yin Guo. If she finds rebellion, the whole life of the great prince will be over."

When the eldest prince was born, his body was very weak, and he had been sick for a few years, and even had acne. His body was not very good. Fortunately, the emperor was very affectionate. He was the literati. Every day I'm sorting out things like ancient cultural classics. His body is not so good in recent years. Although he has been married for many years, it is estimated that a child has not been born because of this weak body.

What if the concubine had an accident, and the big prince was killed by the emperor? It can be seen that the concubine is unwilling to do this. But forced to do nothing. Li Wanrou said: "I think there should be many ways if the concubine doesn't want to be exposed. She can hide here for so many years. I think it's not easy to lie to her with such carving skills, such as those handwritings and papers. The clues left behind, she just lived and crooked and did not want to die, but worried about the big prince."

De Fei sighed: "Nanjiang! Such a place can only be enough, not only there are many strange poisons, but also more vicious people, I don't know if there are other people in this palace. Did Xinjiang sneak in?"

Li Wanrou said: "I don't think it is possible. This time even the concubine who has been hiding for so many years has used it. Obviously, there are no useable pieces." Just send a letter, you can find someone else. High position, even if the emperor crashed, the new emperor should also admire the three points of the concubine. This is a very high position that can be used to govern the country.

But if she wants to use her, it may be gone.

De Fei relieved, and Fei Fei said: "Even so, we still have to check it, and we can't take it lightly, this matter still has to think about and return to the emperor."

Li Wanrou said: "I have a reluctant request, I hope the two of you will say things within the last time limit, don't say it in advance, you can think about how to speak better, or you can put some of the palace The loopholes are filled, on the other hand, the emperor can also let you know that you searched hard."

The two nodded: "Well, we know."

Li Wan Judao said: "Don't say anything about it. I'm leaving soon, and I'm not a member of the harem. I shouldn't care about this matter." Although the emperor knew that he had his own handwriting, could you say it still Well said, after all, the emperor doesn't like too smart women!

Both concubines knew, and Li Wanrou left. The princess was sick in her palace. I heard that the princess was around and froze for a long time. Then she said, "Got it, let's go down."

The maiden froze, wondering if the concubine could be ignored? Shouldn't it be angered according to the previous personality? Who knows she is so simple and indifferent now!

The concubine said, "This palace is not a fool, and the conspiracy in it is not involved." Anyway, all his sons are dead, and they still care about what to do.

It was very late when Li Wanrou returned home. Mrs. Madam and others were very nervous. When she came back, she was relieved.

Mrs. Madame walked over to help her: "I came back so late, what happened?"

Li Wanrou said: "Some miscellaneous things in the palace, don't worry, Madam. It doesn't matter."

Mrs. Madam had many words to ask, such as the violent death of Lin Weixin, but when she saw Li Wanrou's face, she knew she couldn't ask, and nodded: "Okay, go back and rest. Know that you are going to southern Xinjiang. Be careful. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Go." Madam waved her hand and let her go.

Mrs. Madam sat in the room and thought, Lin Weixin was also a poor woman! This woman didn't get any care from childhood to age. I didn't do well in this matter. She didn't care about her, but now she was dead, and the news from the palace, she became a concubine of glory, and it was sad to be killed for royal dignity.

At this time, Lin Weixin, who was remembered by her, had awakened. She saw a large black bed with a black statue on the head, surrounded by black furniture, and the patterns on it were very scary.

She sat up and touched her belly first. Still, she looked around nervously: "Where is this?"

"This is on board."

Lin Weiping was taken aback, and a man in black long-distance running appeared in front of him. He was not very long, but he was imposing and had a very sharp look.

He said, "What is stupid?"

Lin Weixin said nervously: "Here is the ship?" It is obviously very stable. Who thought that it was a ship!

She ran to the window and opened the curtain to see the endless river.

She said nervously: "What's wrong? Where is this place?"

The man said: "It's the way to Nanjiang, and you will be my woman in the future."

Lin Weixin only felt dizzy and said what!

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