Chapter 39 Digging the Bamboo Shoots

Hearing that Shen Yibo said he was going to the bathroom, Han Jiangxue's impatience surged up in an instant. She was just thinking that Shen Yibo, the little fat man, had finally become a lot better, but she didn't expect to punish her right away.

Han Jiangxue frowned, seemingly very worried about Shen Yibo, "Didn't you take medicine? How come you still have a stomachache?"

She glanced at Ye Zhen Zhen who was gradually moving away, feeling a little anxious.

The sale of oranges yesterday made Ye Zhenzhen the showman in the morning, now digging bamboo shoots, she has to behave better than Ye Zhenzhen no matter what.

The most important thing is that the result of digging the bamboo shoots will affect their accommodation and play expenses tomorrow. She doesn't want to be the shabby one and make netizens laugh.

Shen Yibo clutched his stomach, "I don't know, Mom, I, I want to go to the bathroom right now..."

Han Jiangxue whispered to Shen Yibo, "Wait a little longer, there is no toilet here, I will take you to the place where the bamboo shoots are dug later."

[Yibo is so pitiful, come on, auntie hugs. 】

[It must be the problem with Han Jiangxue's meat in the morning. I just said that Han Jiangxue's meat is not in the refrigerator, so it must not be eaten. 】

[There is also that traditional Chinese medicine, the doctor said it is to be taken after meals! She also gave Yibo to eat on an empty stomach, maybe it was the medicine plus the spoiled meat that caused Xiao Yibo's stomachache! 】

【Didn't Xiao Yibo say he needs to go to the bathroom? Why didn't Han Jiangxue take the children there for convenience? 】

Still soon arrived at the place where the bamboo shoots were dug, it was a bamboo forest, Han Jiangxue put down the tools and the basket in his hands, and carried Shen Yibo to a place where there were few people...

When Han Jiangxue came back with Shen Yibo who was done with convenience, the other mothers had already started with their babies.

Wu Yuerou didn't know how to do this kind of work. Although she had tools in her hand, she didn't dig a single one in half a day.

Lin Qianqian and Xu Wanjia did it very well. Lin Qianqian had been on the set before. She filmed the scene of digging bamboo shoots. By the way, she also told Xu Wanjia how to find the tip of the bamboo shoots and dig down...

Not to mention Ye Zhenzhen, she used to do public welfare activities in her previous life and whenever she had time, she would go to the mountains by herself, she is very familiar with this kind of game.

Among the several mothers, only Ye Zhenzhen can dig the fastest and find the most accurate. Wherever the tool in her hand goes down, she can find a nest of fresh tender bamboo shoots.

Han Jiangxue started late in the first place, when she was complacent about finding several bamboo shoots in a row, Ye Zhen Zhen's back basket was already full of bamboo shoots.

There was no longer a smile on her face.

How could Ye Zhenzhen dig so fast?

Can you still dig so much?

【my God! What kind of treasure is Ye Zhenzhen, how can she be so good at it? 】

[She pretended to be there again! 】

【She looks soft and weak, I didn't expect to do things so quickly】

Ye Zhenzhen took Xiao Chen's hand and carried the bamboo shoots in the basket to find Xiaowen, "This basket is full, let's count it first."

There are a lot of bamboo shoots in this place, and at this rate, she can dig a lot in one day.

The program team has already prepared professional tools, the quality inspection staff checked the bamboo shoots in Ye Zhenzhen's back basket, and found no unqualified ones, and then went up to weigh a full 40 catties.

Xiao Wen and the staff looked at Ye Zhen Zhen with incredible admiration.

Xiao Wen asked with a smile, "Zhenzhen, have you ever dug bamboo shoots before?"

Looking at Ye Zhen Zhen's appearance when digging bamboo shoots, she is not unfamiliar at all, as if she does this often.

Ye Zhen Zhen shook her head, "I saw people digging on TV, I was just lucky, I happened to dig a few bamboo shoot nests."

The original owner's memory did not include the item of digging bamboo shoots in the mountains, so she must not reveal her secrets.

Xiao Wen nodded slightly, "Then you are really amazing!"

【Ye Jianjian really knows Versailles, it's just luck】

【Could black fans go away, Ye Zhen Zhen can be black with such modesty? 】

【That's modesty? almost Versailles]

Ye Zhen Zhen asked Xiao Chen if he wanted to take a break, Xiao Chen shook his head, expressing that he wanted to continue picking bamboo shoots with her.

One big and one small continue to dig bamboo shoots happily.

Ye Zhen Zhen dug very quickly, there were many, Xiao Chen helped to pick up one or two, and she swiftly picked up the rest into the basket.

After Han Jiangxue dug several more in a row, Shen Yibo's stomach started to rumble again, "Mom, I, I still want to go to the toilet."

When Han Jiangxue heard Shen Yibo's request to go to the bathroom again, Han Jiangxue was already very angry. This little fat man really knows how to drag her back except for eating.

If it wasn't for his arguing for convenience just now, she wouldn't have let Ye Zhenzhen snatch such a good place, so that the other party dug a basket of bamboo shoots in a while.

Han Jiangxue was very angry, but she was surrounded by cameras and staff, so she patiently carried Yibo to a place where there were few people.

After all the delays, she only dug half a box of bamboo shoots in the morning, which was only about 22 catties.

Xu Wanjia and Lin Qianqian, a mother and daughter pair, had a good harvest. Xu Wanjia dug some unqualified old bamboo shoots, and after removing them, there were 45 catties of qualified ones.

Lin Qianqian dug almost no old bamboo shoots, and the qualified ones weighed 55 catties.

Ye Zhen Zhen dug two and a half baskets in a row, and she was the one who dug the most in the morning, with a total of 100 catties of bamboo shoots.

The worst one was Wu Yuerou, who dug up 12 catties of qualified ones all morning, but only a few bamboo shoots.

The noon meal is a boxed lunch provided by the program team. The program team prepared a picnic cloth and found a relatively clean place to spread it, so that mothers and babies can sit down and rest for a while after eating.

After eating lunch, Shen Yibo didn't feel his stomach ache anymore, so he played with An Ruilin and Song Yuchen in the woods.

Shen Yibo laughed and said: "Xiaochen, I just saw a beautiful lake over there, let's go play there!"

"Okay, I'll go and have a look."

Hearing the lake, Ye Zhen Zhen jumped up and followed the direction where the children were running.

The place where they are now is a hillside, Shen Yibo took Song Yuchen to run to the back of the hillside, no wonder she didn't see a lake just now.

Ye Zhenzhen shouted while running, "Xiaochen, Yibo, don't run around."

Song Yuchen heard Ye Zhenzhen calling him from behind, and obediently stopped, waiting for Ye Zhenzhen to come over.

But Shen Yibo and An Ruilin were still fighting each other, and they didn't hear anyone shouting at all.

Ye Zhenzhen doesn't remember how Song Yuchen fell into the lake in the plot of the original book, but she must avoid letting Song Yuchen get close to that lake today.

Not only Song Yuchen couldn't fall into the lake, but other children too.

"Shen Yibo, An Ruilin come back quickly! Don't go to the lake." Ye Zhen Zhen shouted loudly.

The two children who were running forward stopped when they heard the sound, and turned to look at Ye Zhen Zhen.

Han Jiangxue and Wu Yuerou also followed, Han Jiangxue went over and grabbed Shen Yibo's little hand, "Shen Yibo, what should you do if you ran to the lake for a while and fell into the lake?"

It will be recommended starting tomorrow, and the daily updates will be at least two chapters in 4K

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