Three days, fleeting.

   And Hongmeng Video also ushered in the "Inventory of the Ten Great Techniques of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms".

   "Is the inventory of the top ten exercises just the beginning?"

   "Not yet, maybe it will be soon."

   "Three days have passed, it's time to count the top ten exercises."

   "Hahaha, I wonder if Tianjizi will publish the content of the exercises."

   "Then you think too much, it must not be, don't worry, it won't let you get what you want."

   At this time, everyone in the heavens and ten thousand realms has received a message.

   "Inventory of Top Ten Cultivation Techniques of All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms" has officially started."

   The video starts playing...

   introduced the source of the exercises from the very beginning.

  【The Jiang brothers from the World Society, the martial arts masters of the Song Dynasty, have been invincible for decades. 】

[Because of the great favor of the Xiao family from Chengdu Huanhuajian Sect, the two meticulously designed a piece of music in a coffin, so that the future generations of the intelligent superman of the Xiao family can open the mechanism and be able to see it. The cheat book "The Book of Forgetting Love", with an attempt to repay the kindness. 】

   [The Jiang brothers were buried in the Xiao family's ancestral hall after their deaths, but decades later, no one from the Xiao family knows the secrets]

   "Oh? This cheat book is called Wang Qing Tian Shu?"

   "This name sounds like a forgotten emotion, should you forget your emotions?"

   Everyone frowned and murmured.

The name    does not seem to be very good.

  At this time, Xiao Qiushui of the Wonder World of China suddenly widened his eyes and murmured: "Forgetting Love, I didn't expect it to be the Forgetting Love."

   was a little unbelievable because he was a little surprised because of his practice of Forgetting Love.

   It was just a moment of surprise, and the next moment Xiao Qiushui was relieved.

   Given the terrible aspects of the Forgetfulness Book, it is only natural to be on the list.

   just didn't expect to be ranked tenth.

   Although Senior Tianjizi also said that the rankings are in no particular order, but being ranked tenth, it makes Xiao Qiushui unwilling.

   This class of exercises... the tenth place is a bit unfair.

  【Until the Xiao family was destroyed by the power gang because of Bao Yuefei's mother, the unknown Sancai swordsman accidentally obtained the "Book of Forgotten Love" because of his proficiency in rhythm, and destroyed the original book after it was memorized into a recitation. 】

  【Since the three talented swordsmen have insufficient internal strength, they are unable to practice magical skills on the books. 】

   [At this time, the younger generation of the Xiao family came out of a well-known young knight Xiao Qiushui, who was extremely clever, upright and resolute, ambitious, and excellent in character. 】

   At this time, Xiao Qiushui saw himself, and his body was shocked.

   [The three-talented swordsman decided to grant Xiao Qiushui the "Book of Forgotten Love" to encourage him to serve the country and lead the martial arts. 】

   "Hey, this Xiao Qiushui is lucky, hahaha."

   "It’s really good luck to get the Book of Forgetful Love, but what's the use of this practice secret?"

   "Ghost knows, let's wait for Senior Tianjizi to announce it later, who knows?"

[Xiao Qiushui and Mrs. Tang entered the ground to fight with Mrs. Tang, Xiao Qiushui couldn’t bear to lose the martial arts of the Heavenly Book of Love. Therefore, with the approval of Mrs. Tang, he had a chance to record the martial arts on the long note and then record the martial arts. The scriptures of the heavens and the orders of the gods each use their palm strength to urge them to be embedded in the pillars, so that they can be discovered by later generations. 】

[And Wangqing Tianshu is not a book at all, but the musical accomplishments of Qin Jian, Flute Sword, and Hu Jian. However, when Xiao Qiushui was in danger, he recorded his understanding of the fifteen tactics in the "Wang Qing Tian Shu" into a chapter. , Transcribed on this long folded note! 】

"what does this mean?"

"In other words, the previous Wangqing Tianshu was not the Wangqing Tianshu at all. It was just a combination of piano sword, flute sword, and Hu Jian with musical accomplishments. However, Xiao Qiushui was extremely intelligent, comprehending the Wangqing Tianshu, and recorded the Wangqing Tianshu. It's the first true love book."

   [At this point, the real "Book of Forgotten Love" has re-emerged. 】

  【For this reason, the rivers and lakes set off a **** storm. 】

   "Uh, why hasn't this practice been introduced yet?"

   "I'll talk about it later, why are you in a hurry?"

   "Even if I tell you, what's the use? Do you have any secrets for the exercises, can you still not practice?"

   [The Book of Forgetful Love focuses on realm, feeling, mood, and momentum. Only those who are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and music theory, the most emotional, and extremely talented in martial arts can learn it]

   "Fuck, is this a technique that people can learn?"

   "Only people who are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, poetry and music theory, the most passionate, and extremely talented in martial arts can learn. If I want to know this, will I still learn the love story?"

   "What you said makes sense, the learning conditions for this "Book of Forgotten Love" are too harsh."

   "Ordinary people will definitely not be able to learn it. Anyway, many people in the world don't even know words. Where can they be familiar with piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, it is basically impossible anyway."

   "This is for geniuses. From this we can see how strong Xiao Qiushui's talent really is."

   [The martial arts in "The Book of Forgetting Love" is only suitable for one person to learn. Multi-person learning makes it impossible to communicate with each other. The more you learn and the harder you study, the more you will break your emotions, your temperament cannot be controlled, and the consequences will be unmanageable. 】

[The Book of Forgetting Love] first emphasizes sentiment. After having sentiment, you can forget the sentiment, and after you forget the sentiment, you can be noble. The power of destroying the opponent, instead of the meager power of one drop in the ocean in nature... No matter how high the enemy’s martial arts, UU read www. uukanshu. How can com stand the ruthless power of the world? 】

   "Tsk tsk, it's worthy of the heavenly book of forgetting love, first have love and then forget love..."

  【The Book of Forgetful Love has fifteen positions, divided into fifteen methods, and a total of fifteen tactics, then go up into the earth, any stone, one object, or piece of cedar tiles can also be fully utilized. 】

   "Go to heaven and earth?"

   "So awesome?"

  【You can make creative moves with the music, and you can make endless with the painting...】

  The tricks are endless, and we are constantly innovating...

   [After learning the "Book of Forgetting Love", you must be able to forget your emotions. Once you can't forget your emotions, you can't abandon yourself and become a swordsman with nothing. 】

  【When using the sword of Wangqing, there is only one person and one sword between heaven and earth. There are thousands of mountains and rivers, and all living beings are all his swords. 】

  【If there is affection and affection, you will not be able to enter into the hearts of other people. 】

   "Sure enough, the Forgetfulness Book values ​​the momentum and the realm..."

   [One of the king’s tactics is to use the emperor’s accumulated might to frighten the enemy. It is the king’s sword. If a person is affectionate, he cannot completely abandon himself and become a master of the ninety-five years. 】

[The Book of Forgetful Love] is a business from heaven and earth. It is not invincible, but there are enemies. If one day, there is a person who shows that he is the mountain and the sea, or the respect of the people, or the parents of the living, or the sun and the moon. Your swordsmanship is impossible to use in the face of this person who is fully integrated into the mountains and rivers. 】

  【Because of this, "The Book of Forgetful Love" actually borrows the power of heaven and earth to defeat the opponent, while also changing the combat environment and creating conditions for victory. 】

   Seeing this, everyone knew that this kind of exercise is not for ordinary people in the world at all, but for those who are talented to guard against the sky.

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