"Under the eyes of the public, this assassin only eats the so-called real pills you gave him, and then he will become like this," Prince Ping pointed to the assassin's corpse on the ground, very Angrily said, "You didn't kill him, what is it?"

Speaking of this, he thought about it and paused for a while, then added, "Just now you also said that this real pill is your new pill, and no one knows how it works. So, even if you didn't kill people on purpose, you are also suspected of killing witnesses!"

However, when Prince Ping said this, he felt like there was something in his mouth, but he licked it with his tongue and couldn't feel it, so he didn't take it to heart.

He is excited and happy now that he has caught Lin Yuelan's handle. At this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, the prisoner was poisoned to death, and the only one who gave him food was Lin Yuelan.

So, everything goes straight to Lin Yuelan.

Jiang Zhennan stood in front of Lin Yuelan and said coldly to Prince Ping, "Prince Ping, this prisoner is very important to prove the innocence of Princess Guguo, so do you think Princess Guguo will have this Stupid, without asking any questions, poisoning people to death and committing another murder charge?"

Speaking of this, he looked at Prince Ping with sharp eyes, and said coldly, "Prince Ping, does Princess Guguo look so stupid?"

Prince Ping defended, "General, this king did not say that Princess Guguo deliberately killed this assassin and witness."

Speaking of this, his expression also became sharp and serious, and he continued, "General, whether you admit it or not, this assassin is after taking the pill given by Princess Guguo, Therefore, whether intentional or intentional, the fact that cannot be changed is that Princess Gu poisoned the assassin!"

This is the most critical point - Lin Yuelan gave the pills in public, and this person died again.

So, as Prince Ping said, no matter whether Lin Yuelan did it on purpose or not, before the truth about the assassin's death was found out, Lin Yuelan was temporarily charged with murder.

After Prince Ping finished speaking to Jiang Zhennan, he turned around and immediately said sternly to His Royal Highness, "Prince, it is a fact that the princess of Guguo murdered, please order that the princess of Guguo be imprisoned immediately. After finding out all the truth, we will arrange or release the princess of Gu Kingdom!"

Looking at Prince Ping who was so aggressive, the prince frowned, and then said sternly, "Seventh Emperor, you also said that the truth of the assassin's death is unknown, how to determine that it was Princess Gu Poisoned to kill? So, imprisoning Princess Gu is too serious, right?"

Prince Prince is no longer as close to Prince Ping as he used to be, and his tone is faintly alienated.

He is always targeting the Princess of Guguo like this, and he is thinking of abolishing the Princess of Guguo, etc. It is more like targeting him and pulling him, the prince, from the position of the prince. .

Prince Ping's face sank, and when he was about to say something, Second Hu suddenly made a sound.

He said, "His Royal Highness Prince, Princess Gu, Caomin has already drawn the outline of the jade pendant, please take a look!"

Hearing Hu Lao Er's words, the prince moved in his heart, and said with some eagerness, "Hurry up!"

When the guard wanted to take the blueprint from Old Hu, Jiang Zhennan took the lead and took the blueprint from Old Hu to show the prince.

This is to prevent someone from doing things in the middle of this, or something happens.

Prince took over the blueprint and looked at it impatiently.

When he first saw the drawing, his pupils could not help shrinking, then he returned to calm, and his expression was very calm and continued to look at the jade pendant in the drawing. Suddenly, his pupils slammed again. She shrank, and then, a hint of surprise flashed on her face, but she quickly covered it up again.

The eldest grandson has been staring since Hu Lao Er finished drawing the drawings, especially noticing the expression of the prince, and soon he noticed the surprise on the prince's face, his hands clenched tightly After a moment, under the slightly lowered head, a fierce and fierce light flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

The prince picked up the gavel and slapped it again, and asked sternly, "Elder Hu, are you sure you remember correctly the appearance of this jade pendant?"

Second Hu said very honestly, "Back to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Caomin is very sure and will never forget it!"

The prince nodded, then picked up the drawing and pointed straight to a place, "Why is there a thin line here?"

This thin line is on the left side of the dragon-patterned jade pendant.

However, because of Hu Laoer's drawings, people can see it at a glance.

Second Hu said, "Back to His Royal Highness, there is a small line under the left eye of the jade pendant. Caomin remembers it clearly! At that time, Caomin was a little puzzled, why such a delicate jade pendant, There will be imperfections like a small thin line."


is false.

No one expected it. They thought it was the sage who wanted to frame Princess Gu, but in the end, they told them that this jade pendant was fake.

Since this jade pendant is fake, it means that it is not the saint who wants to frame the princess of Guguo.


This kind of jade pendant with dragon pattern represents the status of a saint, and Hu Lao Er saw this kind of jade pendant, but now I check it out, this jade pendant is fake, does that mean that someone...someone...

Someone pretended to be a saint to frame the princess of Guguo?

When this guess came out, many people were almost surprised.

It is a crime of suspected treason.

Who would have the guts to be a saint?

This case is not only a matter of the Princess Guguo owed wages, but it has already implicated the saint, and it is also a matter of Jiangshan and Jiji.

The two princes were also taken aback.

They did not expect that this case, which seemed to be the princess of Guguo owed the workers wages, was suddenly involved in a major case of rebellion.

The main messenger of this rebellion is likely to be the main messenger who framed Princess Gu.

It's just that what they don't quite understand is why this behind-the-scenes instigator pretends to be a saint and finds a few pariahs to frame Lin Yuelan?

This is obviously a stupid thing to use a bull's knife for slaughtering chickens, and this bull's knife is still a golden knife, so conspicuous, once exposed, it is a big crime to destroy the nine clans!

Prince Ping's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that this matter had developed like this.

But then, his sharp eyes seemed to burst into anger, he pointed directly at Lin Yuelan, and sternly accused, "It's you, it's you, if you didn't accidentally poison the only witness, We may know who is behind the scenes now. Now, the only clue is broken, this king sees how you want to explain to His Majesty!"

Lin Yuelan looked at Prince Ping who was very angry, and sneered, "Prince Ping, who told you that this person can't come back to life after being poisoned?"

Everyone, "…"

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