Seeing that Ruoyi had taken the lead, Yan Qin scolded the stinky Taoist priest in his heart, and went straight in.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't want to sleep in the same bed with you. I don't need sleep at all. You think everyone is like your mortal body."

Yan Qin sat on the chair and snorted coldly.

He looked at the wall beside him, wishing that the wall was transparent, and his expression dropped.

"How can you make him happy?"

Lin Sui wasn't angry with them, but he wasn't close either. The feeling of being alienated made Yan Qin uncomfortable.

Ruoyi also sighed inaudibly, with a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

But they misjudged the situation, and Lin Sui had calmed down a long time ago.

He was angry for a while at the time, but then he felt that it was not a big deal, after all, he hadn't missed it, but this novelty didn't have to last forever, and none of them could bear it.

He let them hang out like this, one is to teach them a long lesson, and the other is to make them more familiar and pave the way for the later integration.

However, he also thought that the two of them could act tacitly in this situation and hide it from him together, so he probably didn't have to think about what went wrong during the fusion.

Lin Sui looked at the furnishings of the room, and found that they were similar to those in the human world, but the difference was that everything here was possessed by demon power.

It's like a washbasin on a shelf. Just press the little toad made of unknown material next to it, and the basin will automatically emit water. Press it again and the water will disappear by itself. It is almost the same as modern times, and it is very convenient.

People and little demons who are new to Chaoyundu would probably be very interested, but Lin Sui naturally wouldn't. After a short rest, he went out to inquire about the situation.

Miaoyin and Danshu had already split into two groups. After Lin Sui went out, Yanqin and Ruoyi also went together.

Different from Ruoyi's hesitation, the evil side doesn't care how many times it is driven away, and sticks to it the next time we meet.

But what surprised him this time was that Lin Sui didn't push him away.

Yan Qin was ecstatic, and walked forward while holding Lin Sui's hand, He Ruo signaled with a look that Lin Sui was no longer angry.

If he breathed a sigh of relief, he was still worried that Lin Sui would alienate him because of this.

What he did before was indeed a little Meng làng and loose làng. When he was moving, his evil face suddenly thought that there should be another one here, but he didn't sternly refuse.

Although Chaoyundu is a small town, there are quite a few streets. Some residents like to set up things in their own boundaries, and sometimes they may pass through another street when they walk in.

They moved separately, and Lin Sui went to a market on a street, and when he walked in, he heard the demon there talking and laughing.

"Just now someone came in to seek longevity, and asked me if there was any way. Hahahaha, of course there is a way. If you want to live a long time, you can be a ghost or a demon. As long as you practice hard, you will live longer than a human being."

"That's right, I want to be a human being and want to break through the limitations of human beings. How can there be such a good thing, and who would take too long? The old locust tree and the old guī lying in the water, which one of them will not live long, which one Tired of life?"

Seeing Lin Sui coming, the two joking monsters who didn't know where to go, immediately changed their business manners.

"Master Ghost, are you here to buy or sell something?"

The two of them are merchants of Chaoyundu, who buy and receive things, and occasionally post transaction notices for various monsters and elves.

"Do you know the fixed soul jade?"

The taller monster replied: "Of course I know, but if Mr. Ghost comes to ask about the whereabouts, we won't know. After all, there are many people outside, and we also want to find them as soon as possible to receive the reward."

Lin Sui raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are there a lot of people looking for it?"

"Yeah, the ghost world is mainly looking for it, and the Handan lineage of Dongnan Mountain is also inquiring about it, and many people are also inquiring about it. I don't know what kind of miraculous effect this jade has, so why are they all looking for it?"

Lin Sui grasped the key point and asked, "That is to say, there is no soul-fixing jade in Chaoyundu?"

The shorter monster replied: "Yes, my lord, if there is one, we would have gone looking for it a long time ago."

Lin Sui bought some gadgets as a reward for their reply, and asked a few more monsters, and the answers were similar.

Lin Sui probably understood in his heart that it was impossible to buy the half piece of jade here. These merchants were the most shrewd. If they had something to say, they would have already offered a price and would not hide it. After all, it was only half a piece of soul-fixing jade. , is not the world's greatest treasure.

Lin Sui went back to the inn, and not long after, the others also came back.

Dan Shu was very frustrated: "I didn't find out anything, I only know that they are also looking for it."

Miaoyin was a little worried: "I hope that others will not find it first, and I don't know what they want this for."

If Yi looks calm, he probably understands what the master's hexagram guidance means.

Yan Qin was still the same, playing with Lin Sui's fingers beside Lin Sui, and he was not lost if he couldn't find it.

The pendulum of the monster inn rang lightly. Logically speaking, it should be night now, but the misty scenery outside the house was still so foggy that it was difficult to distinguish day from night.

A bunch of toads jumped out with trays to deliver food to the guests, including wild fruits and incense candles.

Miaoyin resisted the urge to frown, Danshu didn't feel anything, but was curious about the things on the plate when they were jumping around.

Boss Toad also came back not long after. He stuck out his tongue and croaked twice and said: "The Dinghun Jade is not here. If you really want to know, you can ask Mr. Wish. If Mr. Wish heard your wish, or

May be willing to tell you. "

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