According to the order of story development, the original owner will be the same as the original owner of the first two worlds. Get into a very bad situation, maybe even die badly.

It's not because of this sickly body, but because of excessive power and a mind that doesn't match the power.

Although there are a lot of people attached to him in the court, there are even more people who are looking forward to his early death from illness and taking food from him.

From ancient times to the present, there are very few sycophants who can die well.

However, this was not a problem for Lin Sui. Lin Sui twirled the red bead on his wrist and asked someone to clean up the medicine bowl, thinking about where Yan Qin would be.

According to the guidance of fate, Yan Qin must not be far away from him, but he does not know when it will be sent to him.

Lin Sui put on his clothes and planned to get up and walk around the mansion.

The servant waiting outside the door immediately became nervous and told him to wear more clothes, as if he was afraid that the weather in May would make him fall ill.

"My bones are not that weak."

Lin Sui waved his hand, this body is just injured and prone to weakness.

Drinking medicine to continue life is to rely on those medicines to suppress the toxicity and hang the vitality. The toxins accumulate in the body, so it is a little weak, but it is not really weak, and it does not cough up blood at every turn.

This makes Lin Sui more satisfied. If he is too weak to love, he will not be very happy. This has nothing to do with the awakening of memory through empathy.

After all, desire is human nature, and it is also a way for him to be pleased. He can choose not to do it, but it cannot be arranged that he cannot do it.

Seeing that the master didn't listen to the persuasion, Caixiao said anxiously, "But you just said a few days ago that your health is getting worse."

Lin Sui was silent for a while. The original owner did say such things, but it was not because he was feeling more uncomfortable, but because he wanted to use this incident to convey information to the outside world, so that those who were staring at him could get away from him. Divert a little attention from yourself.

"No problem, have any newcomers entered the mansion recently?"

Lin Sui changed the topic and took a walk in the courtyard.

Caixiao shook her head and said, "No, but I feel that there are not enough servants, and I still want to add some more manpower. The servants can arrange it immediately."

Caixiao is the person Chen He gave to the original owner, and she has been working as a first-class maid by the original owner's side. Although there is a special housekeeper in the mansion, her power is far above that of the housekeeper.

"Check all the people again, and finally submit them to me for review."

Lin Sui thought that if there were no newcomers, maybe Yan Qin was not among them, and it seemed that he couldn't play the show of a domineering master and a pretty servant.

But he definitely didn't say anything in vain, so he simply checked the people thoroughly to see how many dishonest people there are in the mansion.

After all, not all the people left behind by Chen He believed in the original owner. If people die for money and birds for food, they might be able to find out two guys who betrayed the owner.

When Caixiao heard this, her expression was slightly serious, and she nodded immediately.

The porridge in the evening was brought by Yunxiao, another first-class maid, and placed beside Lin Sui.

The two first-class maidservants served by the original owner, one inside the master and one outside the master.

Yunxiao has a calm personality, doesn't like to talk too much, and is responsible for internal affairs, while Caixiao is aggressive and outgoing, and is responsible for external affairs.

Lin Sui sipped the soft porridge and moved slowly, while Yunxiao waited quietly, so quiet that one could ignore her existence.

Lin Sui observed her for a while, then put down the spoon in his hand.

Yunxiao immediately handed over the clean handkerchief, waiting for Lin Sui to take it.

"Yunxiao, you've been taking care of this housework for a long time, do you want to do something else?"

Yunxiao was slightly startled when she heard the words, and immediately saluted, "The master asks the slave to do whatever the slave does, and I don't dare to think about anything else."

"With your ability, it's a pity to only do some housework. I have some new things to tell you now. Do you dare or not."

Lin Sui didn't intend to sit back and eat like the original owner. For him, if he wants to do one thing, he must do it well, even if he is a sycophant, he must be the most outstanding one.

Yunxiao bowed his head respectfully, "Master has an order, Yunxiao will go all out."

Lin Sui gave her some instructions, took off the token around her waist, and put it in her hand, telling her to enter the palace and go to the House of Internal Affairs now.

Both Caixiao and Yunxiao belonged to the original owner by Chen He, and it was clear through the investigation of the last three generations that their deeds of selling their lives, including their family members, were all in Chen He's power network. Lin Sui naturally felt at ease if they were not afraid of their betrayal. .

When Yunxiao replied in the morning of the second day, Caixiao couldn't sit still.

She has always regarded herself as the number one person by her master's side, but now the master asked Yunxiao to contact people in the palace, making it clear that she wanted to use Yunxiao more.

Lin Sui sprinkled a handful of fish food into the lake and watched the fish come out of the water to fight.

"In a pond, the fish that jumps the most is bound to be eaten first."

Lin Sui's tone was calm, Caixiao thought it was a warning, and his face turned pale.

"But you have to jump higher, so that people can remember it. It's just on the face, but don't raise it in your heart."

Lin Sui needs someone who can declare his will outside, and Caixiao is a good candidate.

It's just that when people walk by the river, they have to be careful not to fall. Lin Sui doesn't need people who are complacent and take themselves too seriously.

Caixiao saluted, "Slaves save it."

"Don't worry, you've been by my side for so long, I naturally know your temperament, I have always been at ease when you do things, but it's impossible for you to take care of everything, if you only want a fat job, then I will do it for you again Mobilize, mobilize."

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