It was the third time that Shu Xiaowu heard the title "Spirit Lord". The previous two times, she was just surprised at who was given such a title, but when the person who left a deep impression in her impression appeared in When she was in front of her, and when she called out this name, she couldn't believe it... The person he had been calling was actually her.

"You, you call me the 'Spirit Lord'?"

Shu Xiaowu tried his best to look in the face, his eyes locked on the man in blue who was about ten steps away from him, and was blocked by a tall, cold-looking man in white with one hand. When those two words slipped out of her mouth, her heart trembled inexplicably, and there was an indescribable subtle touch.

Although she used to have only one relationship with him, and his appearance at that time was still very different from now, but just his jade-like face that seemed to have no smoke and air without any trace of turbidity, just cast it on him. At a glance, she could recall the "stunning" encounter she had once had in a matter of seconds.

With his green hair and green eyes faded away, he lost a strange charm, and added a youthful and pure purity that belonged to a young man. The black eyes are clear, and when they look at people, they seem to be able to contain everything in this world. Shu Xiaowu's heart calmed down with his twinkling eyes, and he let out a light sigh of relief, and she couldn't help showing a smile that she didn't know why.

Seeing him, she actually felt a sense of familiarity from the bottom of her heart.

Hearing her question, Aoki nodded happily, and there was a happy smile on his face. The smile was very strong and warm, and his face that did not have many fluctuations was dyed with colorful colors.

Shu Xiaowu looked at his smile, his heart moved slightly, and he grinned with his smile.

If Yu Shu is extremely charming and charming, then the man in front of him is pure and pure, and more importantly, there seems to be some kind of inexplicable connection between him and her.

To put it simply, she is very fond of him~

"Spirit Lord, I'm Aoki. We used to stay together in an illusion for five hundred years, and I finally found you!"

Aoki spoke quickly and quickly, but every word in it was extremely smooth and clear. There was an undisguised smile on his face, his eyes were full of stars, and his already clear face was full of luster. When he saw the spirit master echoing his smile, his mood became clearer. .

He finally found the spirit master, and finally, he could complete his mission...

"Five hundred years... Who are you?" After crossing out the word "Spiritual Master" that made her heart skip a beat, Shu Xiaowu frowned slightly and asked softly.

When she heard the illusion, the first image that came to her mind was the place where she once lived for a thousand years. Besides this place, she didn't seem to have another five hundred years?

However, in that place full of unknown wild flowers and weeds and a dwarf mountain top, who had been with her for five hundred years... She twitched, only the grass beside her, right?

She swallowed hard, looked at the man in Tsing Yi quickly, and quickly pulled her gaze back. There was no way she could smother the person who was in front of Zhong Lingyuxiu and the "old grass" in her mind that always relied on her height and body advantage to shamelessly "grab" her five hundred years of sunshine.

O(╯□╰)o This is so disillusioned, okay?

Seeing the suspicion in the spirit master's eyes, Aoki immediately wanted to walk in her direction, wanting to prove her identity to her. But before he could walk out, he found that his body was still being controlled by Meng Yanla.

"Meng Yan..." He circled back between Meng Yan's hands and face in confusion, not understanding why he acted like this suddenly. Although Meng Yan always protects herself, the spirit master is not a bad person.

Meng Yan pursed the corner of her mouth lightly and cast a brief glance in the direction of Shu Xiaowu. His eyes swept across the innocent-looking aura, in addition to being more agile, he frowned at the girl whose aura was very similar to that of Aoki. But in a short while, his expression disappeared again, and the other hand on his side squeezed his fist tightly and slowly let go.

When Aoki, who didn't notice anything unusual, walked in her direction, he followed his footsteps and walked in the direction of Shu Xiaowu.

The distance between him and Shu Xiaowu was not far, but it was only a few steps away, but Meng Yan tensed up.

When he came out of Gu Nao's tearing space, he and Aoki were close to each other. When Shu Xiaowu tried to break free from Aoki's wrist, he sensed the abnormality in her. Even though she was just subconsciously lucky and only revealed an extremely weak breath, he still sensed the breath she emitted. In addition to the aura, it was also mixed with a strong magic energy, and even the magic energy almost completely suppressed the aura. .

Being able to exude spiritual energy and demonic energy at the same time, he has lived for many years and has seen a lot of weird things, but he has never heard of it. But he can be sure that before this, she should not be like this.

Meng Yan lowered her eyes halfway, looked at Shu Xiaowu intentionally or unintentionally, and carefully took away her guard. From her body, he could smell the dangerous breath. If he guessed correctly, her change must be caused by the devil.

Why did he do this, Meng Yan did not dare to easily assert. But if you want to take her away today, or even take her away in the future, it must not be easy.

Behind the two of them, Gu Nao followed slowly with a sullen face, looking in the direction of the teacher and sister from time to time. When he saw that they were barely able to hold back the demon master Yu Shu and held him in place without causing any damage, he put his mind down a little and walked quickly towards Shu Xiaowu's position with the steps of the two of them. past.

When the figure of Shu Xiaowu and the Demon Lord was discovered, the master had already made arrangements.

They will be divided into two groups, one will be led by the master and others in person, to attract the attention of the demon master Yu Shu and contain him.

And Gu Nao and the rest will use Qianli Xun as a guide. According to Qianli Xun's location, when the master crushes a sensor stone that has been connected earlier, he will use Split Sky to appear here, as quickly as possible. Xiaowu took it away.


Shu Xiaowu looked at the "Old Grass" named "Aoki", whose identity was suspected to have been with him for five hundred years and had such a long experience together, and walked briskly in front of him.

After standing in front of her, Aoki suddenly spread out her hands in front of her. There was no trace of Bai Nen's palms, facing the sunlight, reflecting the luster. Then he looked at Shu Xiaowu brightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face full of expression.

Originally, Shu Xiaowu hadn't thought of what he was doing, but he was stunned by his smiling face at such a close distance, and suddenly felt a sense in his heart, and the next second he reached out and put his hand on his palm.

At the moment of contact with him, the surrounding air seemed to be distorted in an instant, and the area she was in was transformed into a different form. In the blink of an eye, what she could see became a different scene.

Looking up and looking into the distance, you can see the green hilltop with black and gray tops shrouded in white clouds. Above the sky is the sun that exudes a warm temperature. The top of the hill and the top of the hill are full of green, tender and bright colors. flowers and trees.

Everything overlapped with the place in her memory. Here, there is her who is still a green grass, the flowers and trees around her... and the thick "old grass" that has accompanied her for five hundred years.

So many familiar scenes immediately filled her heart with Wen Che, and a comfortable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Everything here was so familiar to her and how she missed it.

But after taking another look, she suddenly found that everything here is frozen, you can only see it, but there is no real touch.

Specifically, everything here seems to be just a picture in memory. There is sun, but no sunlight, flowers and plants, but no smell... Although she can see it, she has no real experience.

Thinking of this, Shu Xiaowu's smile did not change, but his thoughts slowly faded from this scene. She has determined that he is indeed the "old grass" by her side.

This is the second time she has seen the scene there since she and Yu Shu left the mountain that has grown for a thousand years. She even seemed to have groped a little from it. What she saw here in Aoki was just a short-lived picture left in his memory, while in Yangli, it was her original place - a place that really existed.

Shu Xiaowu's thoughts had just returned, and her sight had not recovered, Aoki's particularly relaxed voice reached her ears. His sound quality tends to be clear and dry. If you just listen to the voice, you will feel like a child who has not grown up. At this time, he was extremely happy, and when his voice came out, he was more like a happy boy who got candy.

"Sect Master Mu said that this place is called the Illusory Realm. Ever since you left, the spirit master, the spiritual energy in the illusion has been missing for three hundred years, and it has not been opened again. But it still exists, the spirit master, you and I'll go back, go back to where we were."

Aoki held Shu Xiaowu's delicate fingers with her backhand, and looked at her without blinking, even her brows were full of smiles.

Although the Spiritual Illusory Realm is no longer open, it has not disappeared. Even after he integrated most of the spiritual energy into the human world, he still preserved the core position of the illusionary realm.

When he first opened his spiritual knowledge, he had already had a mission - not to let the spirit master and the demon master Yu Shu be together, to bring the spirit master back to the illusion and continue her destiny. Now, as long as the spirit master agrees, he can take her back to Beihai and return to their fantasy realm.

The author has something to say: because the author has been lazy and did not update on time these days, he decided to update Zhang Fei tomorrow, kowtow!

I finally wrote out Aoki's identity. Every time I make a mistake, he is the old grass. In addition, about the matter of Xiaowu's vision of the illusion, you can go back to chapter 43 if you are interested.

In other words, I actually set up several foreshadowings before, did you all automatically ignore them? ?

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