Chapter 1265 : Above Heaven! Lin Langyue’s fine dog operation!

the other side.

After Lin Langyue found Chu Lingxiao, the two walked slowly towards the mountain.

After a while, Chu Lingxiao looked at her in shock: “You mean, Lin Yuan has five tokens in his hand?”

Lin Langyue nodded solemnly, “Yes.”

To be honest.

If just now, the two exchanged.

I’m afraid Chu Lingxiao has already snatched the five tokens away!

At this moment, I noticed Chu Lingxiao’s big bright eyes and that little fist that was about to move.

Lin Langyue’s mouth twitched slightly.

“Why, Chu Lingxiao… has a restless aura?”

“Ah, this…is exactly the same as Yun Zhou’s breath!”

“What does this woman want?”

“… Forget it, no matter what she wants to do, anyway, if she can’t find the token in the end, she will go and grab Lin Yuan!”

Inexplicably, Lin Langyue gradually turned into a “boat”.

Another hour passed.

A deep voice suddenly resounded through the fairy mountain:

(The token of the ten directions has been found, please reach the top of the fairy mountain within half a quarter.)

(Before the expiration date, the inheritance site will be automatically invited.)

The voice fell, and the people of all forces were paralyzed in an instant.

“Mist Grass, have all the tokens of the ten directions been found?!”

“I didn’t even see a token shadow!”

“Isn’t this over? The future inheritance has nothing to do with our Chen family!”

“Forget about it for now, what about the people of Tiandi, let’s go to the top of the mountain first.”

for a while.

Whether they found the token or not, they all rushed to the top of the mountain.

Lin Yuan and his peak master stood in the corner of the mountain.

There are seven tokens lying in the storage rings of the two of them, that is a triumphant one! Scanned around.

Lin Yuan grinned when he saw Yun Zhou lying flat on the rocks on the top of the mountain and sleeping.

“Heh, I found seven out of ten tokens, and the remaining three must be with other forces. I don’t believe you have tokens in your hand!”

“Stop here, waste, you will eventually watch me win the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.


He grinned, and directly asked the peak master on the side to take out two tokens.

In any case, opening the way to heaven is the most important thing.

As long as the road to heaven is opened and the token is donated, the promotion will be secured! Seeing that Yun Zhou was still sleeping, Bai Zi’er panicked.

“Father benefactor, why do you still have the time to sleep? Someone has already used a token to open the way to heaven.”

Lin Langyue also noticed this, she glanced at Lin Yuan’s direction, and pondered.

“Otherwise…go to him to snatch a few tokens?”


At some point, Lin Langyue, the decent representative, also had the idea of ​​”stealing people’s things”.

It’s outrageous……

“According to the voice just now, if you want to open the way to heaven, you have to use a token.”

“But how to open it, the voice didn’t say everything.”

“That is to say, the way to open the heavenly path needs to be explored by oneself… Lin Yuan looked at the token covered by his figure, and observed the lines above it.

It seems to understand something through the direction of the lines.

“This token has the power of the Daoxiang hexagram, and it must be able to cause the emergence of some kind of secret realm.”

“The opening of this secret realm requires the blessing of Xianli.”

“I don’t have celestial power… I can’t activate this token.”

“That is to say, I’m afraid I won’t be able to drive this day.”

Lin Yuan’s mind is very clear and his analysis is very thorough.

It didn’t take long to figure out what the problem was.

But this kind of small problem is hard to get others, is it hard to get him? Naturally impossible!

“Big Beard, put your token next to mine.”

“Then hug me from behind, urging the immortal power to pass me, and pass on the token!”

The bearded man did as he was told.

Immortal power swept across Lin Yuan’s body, and then transmitted to the two tokens.

Very thin!

This operation is more detailed!

Directly let Lin Yuan transfer the immortal power with an ordinary body and activate the token.

“Dao Gua, open!”

Lin Yuan’s eyes brightened, and his voice trembled a little.


The token in front of him trembled continuously, and suddenly burst into two dazzling beams of light, reaching straight into the sky!

Strands of golden light lingered around the beam of light, constantly turning on it.

In the end, two roads leading to the sky filled with rays of light were formed!

The other end connected by the beam of light is a cloud in the sky that never moves.

With the influx of beams of light, the clouds gradually became brighter, and thunder came!

Thunder in the clear sky, visions of heaven and earth!

Obviously, above the connected clouds is the so-called other realm! Of course.

Although the connected points are above the clouds.

But it can be seen through perception that the place directly connected is not really “above the sky”.

It’s just another secret place!

After all, “above the sky” is a place where only the “way of heaven” can set foot.


Lin Yuan’s expression was a surprise!

Unexpectedly, with only two tokens, two heavenly paths were opened! There is no need to take out the rest!

There are fewer competitors again!

Just wait and see, this wave, the one who accepts the inheritance can only be me! Lin Yuan raised his head proudly.

Unsurprisingly, this time, I am the best of the best! People from other forces were also dumbfounded watching this scene.

Good guy, let a personal stick open the way to heaven? Wait…where did he find the token?

A large group of people like myself didn’t find the token, let him find it with a stick? The corners of everyone’s mouths twitched, and they felt that they were beaten to pieces.

Noticing their eyes, Lin Yuan sneered: “Heh, what’s wrong with being healthier than me? You’re still a bunch of trash!”

the other side.

“Father Engong~ Wake up, someone has already made a way to heaven, and we haven’t found it the token.”

Bai Zi’er nestled in her big white robe, pouting and pushing the cloud boat.

Yun Zhou opened his eyes sleepily and wiped the saliva from his mouth:

“Who do you think opened the way to heaven?”

Bai Zi’er pointed to the far corner, “It’s that guy stick, he and his subordinates have opened two paths to heaven!”

“Isn’t that good?”

Yun Zhou stood up from the boulder, shook his neck, “Look at him, the road should be connected soon, let’s go, go and ask him to come over.”

Bai Zier: “What??”

Seeing the golden light blooming on the road in front of him, Lin Yuan’s smile became more and more complacent.

This wave, he will directly lead to the other realm! Tsk tsk, listen to this name report!

“The other realm!”

What a depth, there must be a lot of good things in it! Maybe it’s the inheritance point!

Just when he was having a good time, a figure suddenly stood between him and the beam of light.

“Who stepped on a horse… oh cattle!”

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