Chapter 1327 : Smart Chen Tu! Lock the man with a strong hand!

“The Chen family should have inquired about the news about their holy son.”

“It’s just that it’s too fast to come here…”

Lin Langyue thought in her heart, her expression a little dignified.

After all, the “assailant” Yunzhou is in the temple!

“Fairy Lin, I haven’t seen Bie Lai for many years.”

Chen Tu said flatly: “I’m here this time to invite Fairy Lin to visit the Chen family.”

“I still need to ask the fairy a few words about the cause of death of the holy son in my sect.”

Lin Langyue was the elder of Linmen before, even though she was only a nominal name, but her identity existed, Chen Tu would not be embarrassed.

But looking at it now, Lin Langyue left Linmen and became a casual cultivator, so there is no need to be polite.

Simply cut to the chase and directly clarify the meaning of the future.

The head of the family sent him directly for the cause of the death of the holy son, so he will be responsible to the end.

Judging from the investigation in the past few days, what other people know.

Only six people entered the final range of the inheritance site.

Among them, the body of the young master of Linmen dissipated, the sword head of Yunling appeared outside the inheritance place, and Bai Qian, the beast of all races, returned to 147 first.

According to the timeline.

Stay in the secret place, the two most suspicious people.

Apart from the Yun Zhou who was in the limelight, it was Lin Langyue! After Yun Zhou won the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, the inheritance land collapsed.

Yunzhou’s life and death are unknown, and various forces are sending people to look for it!

And Lin Langyue probably didn’t get the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, so he escaped first.

Thinking so, Chen Tu immediately led a group of people to search around the inheritance site.

Finally, in this ruined temple, I saw her figure.

Lin Langyue’s tone was flat: “It’s fine to be a guest, what Elder Chen wants to ask, just ask.”


Chen Tu stood with his hands behind his back, and shook his head: “Since Lin Xianzi came out of the dirty land of Linmen, the Patriarch has been thinking about you all the time, and wants to invite you to join the Chen family as an elder.”

“This visit to you for questioning is just a formality. It’s more about wanting Fairy Lin to see my Chen family’s beauty.”

“If you want, you can leave my Chen family as an elder. If you don’t want to, you can leave at will. My Chen family will definitely not force you.”

“The kindness of the Patriarch, I also ask Fairy Lin not to shirk, lest the old man be difficult to do.”

The words are nice, but they are all scene words.

Lin Langyue came out from the inheritance place, even if she didn’t get the inheritance, the increase in strength must not be underestimated.

Instead of taking her away forcibly, it is better to treat her with courtesy in the name of Patriarch.

After arriving at the Chen family’s territory, it’s up to him to make it flat or round.

Hearing this, Lin Langyue pondered for a while.

Although she was a little silly when she was with Yunzhou, but she practiced the ruthless way herself, and her thoughts were extremely meticulous.

From Chen Tu’s few words, she could easily sense something was wrong.

But as Chen Tu said, she has no reason to refuse!

And in the temple behind him lay the unhealed Yun Zhou.

If it’s tough at this time, I’m afraid it will put Yun Zhou in danger…

After thinking about it comprehensively, she bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes became tough: “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Thank you Fairy Lin for your face.”

Chen Tu said something nonchalantly, then turned around to lead the way.

He is not afraid of Lin Langyue running away.

On the contrary, as long as she dares to run away, she can’t get away from the Son’s affairs! At that time, the Chen family’s power will be used to hunt and kill her.

Should I say it or not, to be the Great Elder of the Chen family, one must not only have cultivation, but also have an active mind.

Just after Lin Langyue glanced reluctantly, and then resolutely prepared to leavewhen.

The monk who was repairing the temple on the roof suddenly said: “Several benefactors, you are very strong!”


Several Chen family disciples were taken aback for a moment, then looked back.

The leader, Chen Tu, narrowed his eyes unkindly.

Lin Langyue was taken aback, and quickly responded: “Abbot Juefu, I have troubled you for the past few days, I…”

“It’s nothing to trouble the poor monk, but your husband’s injury hasn’t healed yet, can you leave at ease?”

Jue Fu held the broken tile in one hand, tilted his head and said in doubt.

The corner of Lin Langyue’s mouth twitched instantly.

This monk did it on purpose, right? What is he going to do!?

“Huh? Husband?”

Turning around, the corners of Chen Tu’s mouth instantly drew a hint of deep meaning:

“When did Fairy Lin, who has always been unfeeling, have a husband? Chen is very curious. Would you like us to meet?”

“How can there be a husband…”

Lin Langyue pretended to be indifferent: “This monk is just talking nonsense.”


The smile on Chen Tu’s face grew even wider:

“Monks don’t tell lies, can monks still talk nonsense?”

He ignored Lin Langyue’s gloomy expression, and said with a smile:

“If I’m not mistaken, the fairy’s husband should be in this temple, right?”

“If it’s convenient, why don’t you let me see it later?”

Lin Langyue frowned instantly, her beautiful eyes were inexplicably cold: “Not to mention whether I have a husband, even if I do, why should I let you wait to see?”

“Ha ha.”

Chen Tu stroked his beard with a smile: “Why is Fairy Lin so nervous?”

“I just want to see who it is that can win the fairy’s heart. Don’t worry, the old man is just out of curiosity, and he will never act too politely.”

After saying this, he walked directly towards the temple.

Seeing this, several people around looked at each other in blank dismay, and then hurriedly followed.

At this moment, there was a “Zheng”!

The long sword in Lin Langyue’s hand suddenly came out of its sheath: “No one can take a step forward.”

Chen Tuman’s smiling face turned cold, and he suddenly mocked: “Why, Fairy Lin, what kind of shady secret does this have?”


The immortal sword in his hand bloomed with supreme power, and the dazzling sword light blasted down the shark, cutting a huge chasm!

Lin Langyue’s voice was cold, like a fairy on a desolate moon:

“I respect you, Elder Chen, it’s for your face, don’t think that I’m afraid of you because you have the support of the Chen family behind you.”

As soon as these words came out, a group of people in the Chen family stared wide-eyed.

This ruthless Fairy Lin is so tough!

They have lived to such a great age, and they have never seen anyone who dared to talk to the Great Elder like that.

(Of course, except for the Six Emperors.)

Chen Tu was also very happy.

He, a strong man who has been in the fairyland for many years, is actually despised by Lin Langyue today?

Riding on a horse! Unbearably ripe! Off Jill Spectrum!


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