Chapter 1329 : Chen Tu: Isn’t the Patriarch awesome? Let the Patriarch come!

Chen Tu swallowed his saliva, and a ten-level storm blew up in his mind.

What kind of “behemoth” is hiding in this small place? Is it possible that there is still a real Buddha in this ruined temple? How can this be done?

He pondered for a while, and was about to speak.

But before he could speak.

Suddenly, the familiar bass came from the void again: “Within ten breaths, get out of here, or we will all practice numbers again!”


With the deafening thunder, a dark vortex suddenly formed above the sky.

There is a mysterious grayness on it, and the breath of reincarnation pours down! Shark air covering the sky and covering the sun is like a dead hell.

Scary and creepy!

“I am Nima!”

Several peak masters were so frightened that they lost their souls, and got up one after another to fly into the air.

Chen Tu also twitched his old face, and jumped into the air with a whoosh.

He has lived for tens of thousands of years, can he still not know the principles of reincarnation? This thing is the way that the immortal emperor mastered in the past! Was it brought out by a random sentence?

Looking at it like this, I’m afraid the lowest level must be a semi-perfect level, right? This is not a true Buddha, this is the Lord of Reincarnation!

If they don’t make it right, they have to be rectified and live again!

Lin Langyue smiled rarely, like a lotus flower in full bloom:

“Elder Chen, do you want to take me away with you? As long as you can understand him, I can be a guest with you…”

She was halfway through speaking when she was suddenly interrupted by Chen Tu.

He spoke quickly: “Fairy Lin, don’t be joking, my Chen family’s small place can’t accommodate a reincarnated concubine like you, please go ahead, I’ll go first!”

He didn’t dare to say more nonsense, and led the people away immediately.

After all, the voice made it clear, it’s only ten breaths.

If you can’t get out, you have to train your account again! Number training… What is number training!?

They didn’t have time to think about it, and they went a hundred miles away in an instant.

Seeing that no one was chasing after him, a peak owner heaved a long sigh of relief, looked at Chen Tu and asked:

“That Elder Chen… how can we tell the Patriarch when we go back?”

Chen Tu twitched the corner of his mouth: “How do you say it? Tell the truth!”

“Malaba’s, that emperor may be stronger than the Patriarch, so he can’t afford to offend easily.”

In the fairyland, it has always been “the fairy form is weaker than the deity”.

This wave of Yunzhou went the other way.

Chen Tu was immediately dumbfounded.

“But we saw LinLangyue coaxed her away before she brought her back, how can the Patriarch punish her by punishing her?”

The Peak Lord asked in embarrassment.

“Damn it!”

Chen Tu thought of the power just now, and his calf cramped: “The main reason is to catch Lin Langyue, let him try it himself.”

“I’m waiting for this strength, if I take it back forcibly, I will die!”

“Let’s go back and say so.”

“Let’s say we were on the way to find Lin Langyue, and we were injured by a hidden emperor.”

“It was only after I escaped death that I found out that Lin Langyue’s hiding place is in the temple of Emperor Zun.”

“Then let’s ask the Patriarch to take action, suppress this emperor, and bring back Lin Langyue!”

“This matter has nothing to do with us.”

Recalling the law of reincarnation all over the sky in his mind, he felt that the whole person was not good.

At the same time, he still made up his mind.

After returning to Chen’s house to settle the matter, he will retreat! What is the house owner’s hole card… It’s all nonsense!

This Nima is a emperor if he meets anyone casually.

He plays the hole card?

He made a hook seven nine!


After hearing Chen Tu’s words, the digital peak master’s eyes lit up.

He hurriedly said “high”, and after discussing for a while, they hammered each other.

After all, if you want the Patriarch to believe their words, you have to be injured… at the same time.

Lin Langyue walked into the temple, her delicate face was full of smiles.

In the eyes, Yun Zhou was lying on the broken couch with a big face.

The whole person is lazy, how can he look like he just made a move?

“You have not recovered from your serious injury, and now you are rashly using this kind of reincarnation power, will it aggravate your injury?”

Thinking about it, Lin Langyue asked with concern.

Yun Zhou didn’t turn his head back, but stared straight at the roof:

“It’s okay, it’s enough to simply urge the next reincarnation daoist to scare them, I didn’t even think about making a real move…”

As for Chen Tu, he has read the original text and has a little understanding of it.

He likes to pretend to be a human being, but he also belongs to the villain camp.

There was no conflict between the two of them, so he didn’t need to send someone to retrain his account number.

His celestial power has not been fully recovered, so he will not easily do things that are not good for him.

“But having said that, I was in a daze when I heard that they wanted you to go to Chen’s house…”

Yun Zhou murmured: “Do they want to ask you about Chen Xinghe?”

Lin Langyue nodded: “It should be… After all, only you, me and him will enter the final inheritance.”

“Chen Xinghe died suddenly, in their eyes, you and I naturally cannot escape the responsibility.”

that’s the truth.

Chen Fusheng’s first order to Chen Tu was to order them to bring back Yunzhou and Lin Langyue.

Yunzhou’s external news is still missing, so Lin Langyue has become the primary target.

“Hehe, what else can you do if you can’t escape the relationship?”

Yun Zhou smiled and said: “Now they all know that you have an emperor to protect you. As long as Chen Fusheng doesn’t take action, who in the Chen family would dare to act rashly?”

“Besides… You are so beautiful, maybe they will think that you are the “little beauty” favored by Emperor Zun, and they have to think even more if they want to move you.”

What a spoiled little beauty…

This man can’t spit out 5.1 ivory from a dog’s mouth!

Lin Langyue blushed slightly, but she didn’t say anything to refute.

After all, what Yun Zhou said was quite reasonable.

Looking at his lightly smiling face, I feel a sense of security in my heart for no reason.

She chuckled, then relaxed a little and said:

“Okay, I’ve finished the fairy chicken, you can drink some chicken soup to make up for it.”

“Okay, don’t leave me the chicken legs, I’d like to eat them.”

Yun Zhou responded casually.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something.

He couldn’t help but look up at the figure lying on the beam of the house, with a strange look on his face:

“I said, you’ve seen enough of me while lying on your stomach, isn’t it appropriate to stare wide-eyed?”

“Would you like to come down and talk?”

Upon hearing this, Lin Langyue, who had just relaxed, tensed up immediately.

The moment I raised my head, I was stunned…

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