Chapter 1331 : The monk pinches the secret! Taoist nun’s mouth is swollen!

Regarding Yunzhou’s identity.

Jue Fu just found out.

When he learned that the other party was the Tianjiao from the lower realm, he was so shocked that he was stunned!


It is said that this Tianjiao is only in his double tenth year, but he actually has the cultivation level of Emperor Zun? Those who are on horseback, the first elder of the Chen family will be killed with a fairy shape.

This little guy is a monster wow!

After figuring out what, Jue Fu began to show his loyalty without saying a word! That’s right, Yun Zhou can have such cultivation at such a young age.

The future is limitless!

Maybe the next master of the fairyland will be this little guy! He has to hug such developed thighs!

“It’s just that the Haoyun School is facing a catastrophe…the mountain is about to come and the wind is blowing over the building, should I remind Emperor Zun?”

Juefu pinched his fate with his fingers, and his wrinkled face was inexplicably a little more embarrassed.

After a while, he still shook his head:

“Forget it, the secret must not be leaked, whether Emperor Zun can resolve it depends on his good fortune…”

above the sky.

Yun Zhou and Lin Langyue looked down at the collapsed inheritance site, with different expressions.

“I’m going back to Yunling, will you go with me?”

Yun Zhou suddenly asked.

Lin Langyue pretended to be relaxed and shook her head: “Forget it, I didn’t protect you well this time. When I get to Yunling, I don’t know how your aunt will scold me.”

“For a few short years,I still don’t go looking for this, it’s not fun 670.”

In fact, in the past two days, Yun Susu has also sent her voice several times in succession.

It’s just that when she thought that Yun Susu would come to pick up Yun Zhou in person, she chose not to respond.

During these short two days, she enjoyed the leisure time very much, and was inexplicably nostalgic, and she didn’t want Yun Zhou to leave.

Looking at the collapsed land below, Yun Zhou felt a sense of sadness on his face:

“Farewell this time, I guess my aunt won’t let me out to take risks easily.”

“You didn’t go to Yunling for a few years… and you don’t know when we will meet again.”

Lin Langyue bit her red lips lightly: “It’s better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes even if we meet each other forever.”

“If we don’t meet, it will save you, a disciple, who always takes advantage of me.”

I don’t know why, but when she said this, she felt sour inexplicably.

There’s something vaguely resentful about it.

Yun Zhou was also used to her inappropriate words, and immediately raised the corners of his mouth.

“Okay, since you hate it, at worst, I will hide from you and forget about you in the future.”

“You are guilty!”

Lin Langyue stared at him angrily: “I warn you, if you dare to forget me, I will kill you!”

0(*A meter)0

Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile: “I promised to forget each other in the rivers and lakes, but I’m not allowed to forget you, isn’t it too overbearing?”

Lin Langyue’s cheeks blushed at the sight of this look, and she turned her head dodgingly.

Yun Zhou smiled and did not expose her, suddenly thought of something and said:

“Anyway, you are alone now, otherwise how about joining the Haoyun Sect, I will make you an elder.”

Hearing this, Lin Langyue was a little moved, but in the end she shook her head: “Forget it, you have so many confidante friends, I won’t bother you.”

“In case someone who doesn’t have good eyes offends me, I’ll kill him, and you won’t feel sorry for him to death.”

As she said that, she glared at Yunzhou angrily, and cursed secretly, “Huaxin carrot.”

Yun Zhou looked at her amusedly: “You are a Taoist nun who fights and kills every day, which man dares to approach you?”


Lin Langyue stiffened her neck, and snorted coldly: “What kind of man do you need for a poor Taoist to cultivate a ruthless Tao?!”

“All right, all right, you don’t need a man, you’re an old iron rod, a fairy in the world who will die alone!”

Yun Zhou interrupted her with a smile: “I have nothing to do, I will go first, you are arrogant.”


Before he could leave, Lin Langyue stopped him directly.

After a moment of silence, he thought: “You have to be more careful recently, Chen Fusheng’s death to Chen Xinghe was not as peaceful as you thought.”

“It is estimated that he will not let it go this time, you must protect yourself.”

“Besides, don’t worry, if someone from the Chen family really finds me, I won’t confess you.”

“But even so, you should try your best not to show your face in public these days, hurry up and return to Yunling first, and show up when the limelight passes.”

She is like a little daughter-in-law telling her husband, how can she look like a cold fairy?

“Pfft~ OK, I see.”

Yun Zhou squeezed her pretty face funnyly: “Okay, you don’t have to worry too much.”

“It’s not that you don’t know my current strength. The Chen family wants to touch me. Unless Chen Fusheng comes by himself, one will die!”

“Tch, arrogant fellow.”

Lin Langyue dodged her eyes, but she didn’t slap the big hand off her face.

Inexplicably, she still likes the warmth of this big hand.

It’s outrageous!

“Okay, I have nothing to do, I’ll go first, my aunt is waiting for me.”

“Okay, send me a voice transmission if you are in danger, I… umm!”

Before she could finish her sentence, Yun Zhou suddenly held her cheeks on both sides, and stamped them hard.


You bastard, you’ve been taken advantage of again!

“See you baby, don’t forget about the Taoist companion, I will accept you if I have the chance!”

“Bah, bah, fart, I will never die for you as a Taoist partner!”

While wiping her mouth, Lin Langyue pulled out her long sword in shame and indignation.

But I haven’t waited to cut it, I’m looking up, how can there be Yunzhou’s shadow?

Her face was as hot as a boiled prawn, and she gritted her silver teeth angrily: “What a pedant, next time I catch you, I will make you look good!”

He muttered cursingly, and suddenly thought of something.

The corner of her mouth was slowly drawn into a curve, and she gently covered it with her small hand, and the stars were shining in her beautiful eyes:

“No wonder those Taoist couples like this…”

“It turns out that there is such a big gap between being awake and unconscious…”

The place of inheritance is thousands of miles away.


A beautiful figure flew by here, and the whole body was filled with a faint white light, and the restless breath was suppressed as much as possible.

While running away, he looked back from time to time, his holy and elegant face showed a little panic.

It’s like being kicked out by a blind bear.

After escaping a hundred miles away, she took a long breath and sat down behind a big rock.

The glamorous face interprets classical beauty, and the face of the holy rank is not square, and it is the kind that should not be played with.

It is the Great Treasure Master Yan Yi!

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