Chapter 1334 : Innate restraint! Europa time is up!

Xiong Wuji is stuck here this time.

He came here to experience Yun Zhou in response to the Mozun’s words.

So it is natural not to be polite in terms of words.

“Hehe, white-faced waste, you bitch can speak well.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized something, then looked at Yanyi and said with a smile: “Master, you have suffered a disaster, these people are here to block me.”

Yan Yi looked slightly cold, and said in a low voice: “This group of demons is simply a bunch of gangsters.”

“If you can’t beat them today, then leave first, and when you succeed in your cultivation in the future, you will destroy them.”

The master is the master, and everything is based on the safety of the baby.

Seeing the two people beeping softly, they heard the name “mother bear”.

Xiong Wuji narrowed his eyes immediately, and the monstrous devilish energy surged all over his body: “You are quite courageous, and your mouth is strong enough.”

“But I just don’t know if your life is as hard as your mouth!”

If it was just to experience this little guy before, now she has moved her heart.

That’s right, after living for tens of thousands of years, what she taboos the most is being called a bear by others! This is an insult to a woman!

08 “Oh.”

Yun Zhou sneered: “I don’t discuss hard or hard things with the mother bear, just a little bit now, you have bullied my master, what do you say?”

Xiong Wuji screamed with a long knife in his hand, “So what if you bully her? Why, it’s up to you, and you still want to ask me for an explanation?”

Yun Zhou’s expression was flat, the giant hammer trembled in his hand, and his voice sounded like Jiuyou: “You misunderstood, bullying her, just a word is not enough.”

“What I’m asking is, how do you want to die!?”

After the words fell, the monstrous coercion poured in, and Yun Zhou’s figure suddenly disappeared.

The power on Wu Tianhammer is like thunder in the sky, venting the supreme power of thunder.

Suddenly, a heart-piercing scream sounded.

The leader Soi Ying, who had spoken rudely just now, was engulfed by the purple-white thunder.

The painful howls echoed for miles!

But in an instant, the sound stopped abruptly, turning into wisps of black smoke and disappearing.

It was an instant extinction!


The remaining three black shadows instantly froze their smiles.

Xiong Wuji’s pupils narrowed slightly.

However, Yun Zhou smiled as usual, Wu Tianhammer in his hand made a “Zi La” sound, and grinned:

“Everyone, it’s time for Europa!”

Yan Yi stared blankly at the fighting figure of Yun Zhou, and murmured softly: “You bullied me, how will you die…”

In a daze, she remembered the scene in Haotu back then.

Yun Zhou’s parents died because of her, so since then, Yan Yi has always felt guilty towards Yun Zhou.

Even after Mu Xueyun ascended to the throne, regardless of the sect’s objection, Yun Zhou was made the Holy Son.

Although it is said that he became the son of God when he was young, from the perspective of resources, it can be regarded as compensation for Yunzhou.

But the disciples in the sect were very dissatisfied with Yun Zhou.

Among them was a young man who was much older than Yun Zhou.

Taking advantage of her unawareness, he secretly murdered Yun Zhou many times.

It was later discovered by her.

What she said was exactly the same as what Yunzhou said today! The young man was personally sentenced to death by her.

Since then, no one dared to provoke Yun Zhou when he was a child, and he has grown up all the way to this day.

It’s just… he still remembers things back then.

She was used to protecting Yun Zhou, but this was the first time that Yun Zhou protected her behind her.

The double-image-like picture caused ripples in her heart.

“But in more than ten years, can you stand in front of me… I am really unqualified as a master.”

Looking at his tall and straight figure like a pine tree, Yan Yi felt a sense of security that she had never felt before.

Perhaps, compared to the master, I should adapt to be his wife as soon as possible… Xiong Wuji’s face was gloomy, and he said in a low voice: “Little thing, you have angered me.”


The sound of charcoal grilling meat soul came.

Accompanied by a scream, the last subordinate disappeared in smoke.

Yun Zhou turned around and smiled brilliantly:

“It’s not interesting to talk about it, just take out a knife and do it.”


Tell the truth.

Xiong Wuji, as the number one general under Mozun, her strength should not be underestimated.

His cultivation base is as perfect as that of a Demon Emperor (lower rank), and his combat power is even more powerful enough to leapfrog ranks!

Even if it is placed in the current fairyland, it is still among the top ten existences.

Even Chen Fuxian, who is now at the end of the Six Emperors.

In terms of combat power, it may not be her opponent.

You can see its horror.

“Only you?”

Xiong Wuji had a grim smile on his face, with a disdainful expression:

“I have lived in seclusion with the Demon Lord for thousands of years. I never thought that there would be an arrogant junior like you in this outside world.”

“It’s really ignorant… Anyway, today I will train you, you little brat, for Mozun.”

“Emmm… just start by removing the bones.”

After finishing speaking, she suddenly licked the corner of her mouth ferociously.

It looks like a full T change!

But Yun Zhou on the opposite side was stunned after hearing her words.

Good guy, he said that there are very few people with such strength in the fairyland.

The co-author is under Mozun…

In my mind, I recalled what my predecessor, the Immortal Emperor, told me.

The reflection of the whiteness of his eight teeth.

“You’ve lived tens of thousands of years and you’re still so tough. It seems that you, like your Demon Lord, are old monsters.”

623 Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his expression was cruel:

“I haven’t been a devil for a long time, and today I will save you first!”

He suddenly disappeared, and thunder roared above the sky.

The overwhelming pressure enveloped the sky, and the monstrous power formed a vortex from the clouds in the sky.

The golden talisman carries the ancient Buddhist script, wrapping around the vortex and spinning rapidly.

Yunzhou’s figure appeared in the center of this vortex, and the Buddha’s principles flowed endlessly, lingering around Yunzhou.

“Buddhism and Demon Killing!”

It was as if the voice of Amitabha came from the sky, it shook Xiong Wuji’s eardrums so painfully!

Fodok Mo Dao, the innate restraint effect.

As the sound fell, Yun Zhou’s figure suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of Xiong Wuji.

The palm is raised, and the word “卍” is printed on it.

The radiant golden light mixed with the terrifying Buddha rhyme, slapped it on the forehead!

Xiong Wuji was startled, and hurriedly raised his arms to block, but he never expected to be slapped several miles away by Yun Zhou’s palm!


Her figure didn’t stop until it hit the mountain wall.

Xiong Wuji stood up, his unfemale face was full of puzzlement and shock.

Didn’t Mozun say that he is too weak and send me to train him?

But this… Mozun calls this weak?!

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