Chapter 1337 : Great Treasure Master Delivered to Your Door! Dogs drink water, peaches!

Although it is still a bit reluctant to go up to Chen Fusheng and Lin Sheng.

But at least we can fight head-on!

Seeing him approaching, Yan Yi instantly recovered from her daze.

“Zhou’er, are you okay?”

She quickly supported Yun Zhou, took out a pill from the storage ring, and stuffed it into Yun Zhou’s mouth.

This is what Yanyi scavenged from other sects when Haoyun Sect annexed other sects.

Different from ordinary elixir, this is an elixir that can quickly replenish celestial power, and not many can be found in the entire celestial realm.

The elixir gradually melted in the mouth, and a warm medicinal power carried a faint fairy rhyme and wandered among the limbs and bones.

The empty Xianli in Daohai quickly replenished.

Yun Zhou’s paper-white face also gradually recovered blood color.

He took a long breath, and after stabilizing the injuries in his body, he slowly opened his eyes.

Although he had the upper hand in the whole battle with Xiong Wuji, how could Xiong Wuji’s demonic appearance not attack him at all?

Fortunately, the pill was taken in time, otherwise he must have suffered for a while.

Seeing Yun Zhou opened his eyes, Yan Yi’s pretty face became more joyful, and suddenly her beautiful eyes smiled and said:

“I didn’t expect Zhou’er, you have become so strong now, and the master will be covered by you in the future.”


The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up, and he said solemnly: “It’s only natural to cover up with Master, but well, don’t forget the deal Master just agreed to.”

As he spoke, his big hand dishonestly patted Yan Yi’s back.

“Master, dogs drink water, peaches~!”

Having been with Yun Zhou for a long time, Yan Yi knows a lot.

Immediately, her face turned slightly red, and she turned her head and spat softly:

“Thinking about all these things all day long, it’s almost necrotic…”

Just when Yanyi was muttering in her mouth, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

There was a sudden gust of wind in the dense forest.

Yun Zhou frowned instantly: “Another group of demons?”

Yan Yi’s heart sank, and suddenly thought of something, she directly grabbed Yun Zhou’s arm, and said eagerly:

“It should be the woman’s subordinate. Now you and I are empty, so we can’t love to fight. Let’s go!”

Xiong Wuji has always regarded the words of Mozun as an imperial decree.

Since it is necessary to temper Yunzhou, then naturally he cannot be allowed to escape.

So this time Xiong Wuji brought a lot of people out from the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race.

At this moment, sensing the breath in the dense forest, Yun Zhou’s frown gradually relaxed:

“Don’t worry, master, here are all demon heads who have proved the Dao Realm, there is no threat.”

Xiong Wuji should be confident that his cultivation is sufficient, so he didn’t bring too strong demons.

After Yun Zhou took the elixir, the immortal power in his body has recovered two to three out of ten.

It might be a bit difficult to deal with an ordinary Zhengdi, but he didn’t pay attention to these small dishes.

Wu Tianhammer in Yunzhou’s hand flickered, and thunder continued.

“Baby, wait for me here, the disciple will come as soon as he goes!”


Yanyi was dumbfounded by this title, but said helplessly, “Be careful.”

It’s just that before she could finish her words, Yun Zhou’s figure disappeared.

Not a moment later, there were wailing sounds one after another in the dense forest!

“My mother, what the hellWhoosh passed? !”

“Wusty Grass, isn’t this Yunzhou? Where is Xiong Moshou? Fuck him!”

“No, but you can’t beat it, quickly form a magic formation!”

“Ah, he’s on your head, get out of the way!”

“Run, run!”

Within a quarter of an hour, the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

The last scream in the dense forest stopped abruptly, and became dead silent again.

Yun Zhou walked out with the hammer in hand.

The breath of the whole body rose, and the terrifying power enveloped the sky, and there were bloodstains on the sleeves.

The whole body exudes a hell-like breath of death, just looking at it makes my scalp tingle!

However, Yan Yi didn’t care at all.

There was a blush on her holy face, and she quickly came to Yunzhou’s side.

Taking out a handkerchief from nowhere, he began to wipe the blood on Yun Zhou’s face: “You, even sharks have to hide some blood, the blood of the demons is so dirty, how can it get on your face.”

The corner of Yunzhou’s mouth curled up, and he hooked Yanyi’s waist directly:

“Wipe the blood afterward. Shouldn’t Master think about cashing in on the deal?”


Seeing Yun Zhou’s burning eyes, Yan Yi panicked for no reason.

Her pretty face was flushed, and she stammered and dodged: “It’s not impossible to cash in on the deal, it’s just, just… oops, I’m not ready yet.”

“That’s not okay.”

Yun Zhouhun hugged Yan Yi tightly, and grinned: “Master, you can promise me, if you go back on your word, this disciple will be sad.”

Feeling the breath hitting her face, Yan Yi blushed and glanced aside.

The head can’t see the toes directly.

She knew that she might not be able to escape today’s test.

Zhou’er hasn’t seen her for many days, so how could he let go of the piece of meat that was delivered to her door?

But that being said, she still couldn’t stop the anticipation and fear in her heart.

Contradictory to the extreme belongs to yes.

was held for a while.

Yan Yi still bit her red lips lightly.

It doesn’t matter, anyway, life and death have been experienced, so what are you afraid of.

There is no need to be entangled in getting married or not, Zhou’er will not abandon herself anyway.

If…you still can’t accept it at that point, then think of other ways, Zhou’er will definitely not embarrass herself!

Thinking of this, Yan Yi took a deep breath.

Then with apprehensive thoughts, he raised his head and looked at Yun Zhou:

“I can cash it out, but, but I don’t want to go back to Haoyunzong now!”

Yan Yi made up her mind.

As long as she doesn’t go back for a while, she will be “safe”!

Anyway, I will give it to Zhou’er sooner or later, so it’s better to wait until I feel more relaxed.

Otherwise, I will be taken back by Zhou’er now…

Yan Yi was still a little weak.

Hearing this, Yun Zhou froze for a moment.

Then the corners of his mouth curled up inexplicably.

Will it be fine if you don’t go back to Haoyunzong?

That’s bullshit!

“Okay, Master, where do you want to live now?”

“That… we’re not going anywhere, so you can stay here with me for a while, I haven’t seen your shadow for a long time, I, I miss you…”

Yun Zhou had a bold idea in his heart.


As long as she doesn’t go back to the Haoyun School and is not in the enclosed space, Yan Yi feels that Yun Zhou will definitely restrain herself.

It’s not going to be crazy, is it?

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