Chapter 1339 : Wild Area Matches Yanyi! The mysterious Demon Lord Ling Luohuan!

The warm breath hit her face, and Yan Yi’s face instantly flushed red.

She groaned softly and wanted to get up immediately.

But before he could move, Yun Zhou grabbed his waist.

Terrified, she struggled quickly.

“Traitor, what are you going to do? This is in the wilderness, you are not allowed to mess around!”

“The disciple didn’t want to mess around, it’s just that the master agreed to trade with me, you can’t count on what you say.”

Seeing Yun Zhou’s earnest eyes, Yan Yi swallowed, feeling very nervous—extremely nervous.

“No, no, I regret it…”

“It’s okay to go back on your word. Then you go back on your disciple and you go back on it. If the disciple doesn’t marry you, we will be good mentors and apprentices for the rest of our lives!”

Yan Yi immediately clenched her silver teeth.

This little bastard just got her right! How dare you threaten her with marriage? What a bastard!

“A good teacher and student is like a teacher and student. If you dare to exceed the etiquette in the future, if you are a teacher, your brain will be smashed!”

“That won’t work, I’ve always been pestering Master, I can’t sleep if I don’t hug me for a day!”


Yan Yi was amused by his shameless remarks, “Why, you still want to hug me to sleep as a good teacher and apprentice, isn’t it a bit too cheeky?”

“Cheeky is cheeky, anyway, I’m sure of my master, you can’t escape today!”

“…Zhou’er, you are a strong lock man. Before I promise you to get married, I will definitely… fight you once, but can you give me some time?”


Yun Zhou directly played the game of being generous.

Anyway, the relationship between him and Dabao Shizun has long been in place, when will the window paper not work?

Yan Yi watched him hug herself in his arms, knowing that today she would not be able to escape.

But it doesn’t work right now, let alone think about it.

This wilderness…

Looking at the side of Yunzhou, the dense forest is foggy.

So she closed her eyes and pretended to obey.

When Yun Zhou got close, he immediately pushed him away and stood up, ready to run away.

“Zhou’er can’t, at leastIn Haoyunzong, we will talk about it after we go back…”

“Go back to P!”

I still have to go to Yunling, but I don’t want to procrastinate.

The bitter fruit caused by Lin Langyue is still there, but Yun Zhou has no intention of enduring it.

Immediately “whoosh” turned into a streamer, and stopped in front of Yan Yi.

If you go, you will definitely not be able to go!

Be here today!

If you don’t knock one of them out, you can’t leave! …

(Damn capitalists want money)  …

(We who are suffering are persecuted)…At the same time.

Forbidden Land, Magic Mountain.

The top of the main mountain.

In the simple but extremely luxurious bedroom, the sound of bells and drums continued continuously.

Through the thin gauze curtain, one can clearly see a graceful figure lying on the couch.

She fiddled with her fingers lightly, her long legs were placed randomly, and she looked slender in the shadow of the tent, which made people infinitely reverie.

Her name is Ling Luohuan, the Lord of the Magic Mountain.

You may not know who it is just by listening to the name, but she also has a well-known identity.

It was the old enemy of the Immortal Emperor who disappeared ten thousand years ago: Lord Mozun!

At this time, Ling Luohuan sat up slowly, gently lifted the gauze curtain, revealing a heart-stirring face.

She has a graceful figure, and under a thin red shirt, Xiong Daxiong is ready to come out.

But it was accompanied by a scalp-numbing strong demonic energy, like a demon god in the Nine Nether Hell.

On the side, seeing her coming out, several maids who were playing the music stopped quickly, lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

At this time, a female voice came from outside: “I report to the demon master, the wolf demon chief is asking to see you.”

Ling Luohuan frowned frivolously, “Tell her to come in.”


After a while.


A woman who was not tall and had a small figure, but her eyes were like a ghost wolf walked in.

She has a strong breath, giving people an unfathomable sense of sight.

But at this moment, he was kneeling on the ground in a regular manner.

“Report to Mozun, this subordinate has something important to report!”

Ling Luohuan glanced at her indifferently, and then said softly, “Go all the way.”


All the girls who played music and served left one after another, and the bedroom became silent.

Ling Luohuan still looks like an ancient well, as if he doesn’t care about anything:

“Tell me, what’s your business?”

The woman known as the “Wolf Demon Head” pondered for a while, and then whispered: “Leave the forbidden area and go to find Yun Zhou’s Bear Demon Head…the soul is gone.”



Ling Luohuan’s indifferent pupils finally showed a look of surprise.

She slowly sat up straight, and the corner of her mouth was rippling with a subtle arc:

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

The wolf devil said in a low voice: “The thirteen people who accompanied the bear devil to surround Yunzhou were all buried. The one who did it was Yunzhou himself.”


The surging magic power suddenly burst out at this moment, and the whole bedroom trembled.

Vast power swept across the air, and the void was filled with a terrifying aura.

Perceive carefully.

There was actually a little…excitement in that breath?

The wolf demon fell to his knees, silent like a cicada, his small body trembling slightly.

It has been thousands of years since the Demon Lord was so restless.

After Demon Venerable inadvertently revealed this kind of aura back then, within a few months, the entire Immortal Territory was bleeding like a river!

Now ten thousand years have passed, this breath appears again… what it represents is self-evident.


“I thought my old friend was getting old, and the reincarnation can only be a reminiscence…”

“I didn’t expect it, it gave me a complete surprise.”

“Walking through the inheritance once, will you be able to kill the little bear when you come out?”

“The growth rate is really amazing, it is worthy of being the mortal enemy of this deity…”

He said it was a “mortal enemy”, but there was no sense of hatred in Ling Luohuan’s voice.

Even when her subordinates died, she didn’t show any resentment.

It’s outrageous!

The demon wolf prostrated himself on the ground, meditating:

“Subordinates believe that Yun Zhou is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, so they cannot stay for long.”

“If he grows up, it will definitely become a serious problem for the Lord, why not…”

“Not as good as what?”

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by an indifferent voice.

Ling Luohuan glanced at her expressionlessly: “Little wolf, you don’t need to have some cleverness. Is it a serious problem in my heart that has nothing to do with you, what do you think?”

The wolf devil froze instantly.

With a “bang” sound, his head hit the ground, and he rinsed his hands in a cold sweat:

“The Lord’s teaching is very true. It is the subordinate who violated the rules. Please punish the Lord!”


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