Chapter 1352 : Generous Cloud Boat! The girl showed her chicken feet!

“Okay, I say!”

Yun Qiaoer gritted her teeth and stared at Yun Zhou.

Then he cleared his throat and said:

“That Yun Zhou…do you mean to poach me?”


Yun Zhou was startled suddenly, and looked over with a shocked face.

Put the index finger and middle finger together, “You mean this?”

Yun Qiaoer didn’t understand what it meant, she frowned and said, “What?”

“What I mean is, do you want me to go back to Haoyunzong with you!”

“Oh, tell me this.”

Yun Zhou put down his hands and said boringly: “Why, you can’t get along in Yunling anymore?”

“Or…my aunt doesn’t talk to you?”

“Where are you going?”

Yun Qiaoer patted him, “Master, how can you ignore me, I’m serious with you.”

“As long as you nod your head, I will accompany you back to Haoyunzong this time.”

Yun Zhou looked at her and raised his eyebrows: “You are also Yunling’s saint after all, so you betrayed my aunt like this?”

“What betrayal, it’s so ugly.”

Yun Qiaoer was angry and funny and said: “You said that the master is your aunt, and I went to your place to walk around in the same sect, so there is no betrayal.


Yun Zhou thought about it, yes.

Chu Liuli was digging for him on the outer ridge just now.

There is nothing wrong with Yun Qiaoer wanting to go there.

But his Haoyun Sect doesn’t support idlers.

“Then tell me, what can you do when you go to my place?”

“Help you handle sect affairs.”

Yun Qiao’er said seriously: “I am very capable, and I will definitely make your Haoyun Sect smooth sailing!”

Hearing this, Yun Zhou looked over suspiciously: “Then what do you want in return?”

Yun Qiaoer sneered: “What do I want in return, I am your child bride-in-law, it’s not only natural to help you…”

“But if you’re really sorry, marry me as soon as possible.”

“In this way, it is justifiable for me to help you manage…”

Yunzhou: “…”

Demo, is the little girl showing her chicken feet? But he didn’t refuse either.

Anyway, I’m going to get married in the future, so it’s okay to add another Yun Qiaoer.

And he really likes this girl.

“Don’t think about getting married for the time being. I don’t intend to get married now, but it’s not like I don’t have a chance in the future…”

He pondered for a while and said, “You can follow me when I go back to Haoyunzong, but you have to listen to me when you get there.”


Yun Qiaoer, who was still a little disappointed when she heard the front, was immediately happy when she heard the back, “I promise to listen to you!”

“Hey, let’s try your identity first, and I’ll see if you listen.”


Yun Qiaoer smiled.

“Ahem, come here, Qiaoer, give the suzerain a shoulder.”


“Who told you to use your hands, fix Xiong Da!”

“…Sovereign, you step on the horse!”


A moment later, after a comfortable massage, Yunzhou stood up refreshed.

U1S1, Yun Qiaoer’s hands are not very good, but her attached Xiong Da Xiong Er is still very powerful.

After such a wave, Yun Zhou was very satisfied.

Immediately, I also thought of rewarding this sensible girl.

“Then what, for the sake of being so obedient, I’ll give you some good things.”

“nice one?”

Yun Qiaoer who cooked the prawns was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head blankly.

Yun Zhou grinned, took out a set of clothes from the storage ring and handed them over.

The brilliance on it is dense, the fairy light flickers well against it, and the faint breath of Taoism unfolds.

It was actually a set of mid-level fairy tools!

From the inner shirt to the outer shirt, it can be described as complete!

“This is a set of fairy clothes I found in the heritage site, worn by female cultivators…”

“It should have been prepared by the Emperor Xian for the Concubine Xian, but he didn’t have time to give it, so he was cut off by me.”

“Anyway, my aunt doesn’t see me, you are so obedient, I will see you off.”

Yun Zhou thought of Yun Susu and snorted dissatisfiedly, and handed the middle-level fairy tool to Yun Qiaoer.

Originally, he was thinking of giving Yanyi and aunt all the high-end things.

But Yanyi’s current power cannot maintain this fairy tool, and her aunt has not seen him.

In this case, why not give it to Yun Qiaoer.

After all, Yun Qiaoer can serve him wholeheartedly and sensiblely!

Hearing this, Yun Susu behind the tree outside the door immediately rolled his eyes.

“It’s over, a whole set of mid-level fairy tools, I have pretended to be gone…”

She wanted to cry but stared at the clothes that Yun Zhou handed over.

Ah, that should be mine…

No, nephew’s good stuff, I have to get it back.

Well, not even as an apprentice!

Yun Qiaoer stared blankly at the clothes that Yun Zhou handed over, tears flickered in her beautiful eyes.

It was the first time someone gave her something when she grew up so big.

And… it’s still an intermediate fairy tool!

Seeing her covering her mouth and crying.jpg, the corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up: “Do you like it?”

Yun Qiaoer wiped away the tears on her face, and nodded like a chicken pecking rice: “I like it, I like all the gifts Zhouer gave me.”

Has the cloud boat changed into a boat?

Well, the name is a lot closer, but Yun Zhou still likes to listen to Dad.

He pinched Yun Qiaoer’s cheek, and jokingly said, “If you like it, try it on.”

“I can tell you, if it doesn’t look good, I’ll take it off for you.”


Yun Qiao’er replied with a voice like a mosquito, then took the clothes and went directly to the couch.

ChangeAs for the clothes, you must change from the innermost one.

She glanced at it, and finally saw a piece of fabric with a different white color, and immediately picked it up suspiciously.

“Huh? This is…”

Yun Zhou looked sideways, and saw that she was holding the fabric of the big leaf suit in her hand, her eyes were shining!

She knew this because she saw Yunzhou wearing it when she failed to attack Yunzhou at night!

This is a top-level fairy tool!

Could it be given to me too? ?


The corner of Yunzhou’s mouth twitched, and the teacup in his hand almost fell to the ground and shattered.

This was specially replaced by Dabao Shizun when he was exchanging lessons two days ago.

I threw it into the storage ring casually, but I never thought that it would be wrapped with these white shirt fairy tools?

“Ahem, this is an accident, not for…”

Before he finished speaking, Yun Qiaoer quickly took off her inner and outer shirts as if no one was there, and started to wear the big leaf clothes.

As if he was afraid that Yunzhou would go back on his word, he was in a hurry and didn’t betray anyone at all! In an instant, Yun Zhou was dumbfounded!

The old man blushed:

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