Chapter 1354 : Macho Princess! The first bullet to impress my aunt’s iron heart!

It’s a mess in my head.

Suddenly, Yun Susu thought of Xixi Suosuo’s movement again.

Hastily stuck out his small head to look again.

This doesn’t matter.

Just made her stupid!

I saw her precious apprentice, it’s not enough after changing his own clothes.

He was actually picking off Yunzhou’s clothes like someone who was thirsty!


Oh my god!

Is this still my disciple who does not ask the world of mortals and devotes himself to cultivating the Tao? and:

“Ah… when will Zhou’er… hiss, this is impossible!”

Yun Susu’s eyes widened with disbelief.

That’s right, before she even picked Yunzhou herself, she wasn’t so strong, was she? How……

Oh yes, Zhou’er was only two years old at that time, so it’s inevitable that he will grow up.

Yun Susu comforted herself, then hesitated: “By the way…do I still want to watch it now?”

“Although I really want to see…”

“But I have no blood relationship with him, isn’t that bad?”


“Even if I’m not related by blood, I’m still his aunt. See what’s wrong with my nephew!?”

Yun Susu seemed to have found a good reason for herself.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at it as a matter of course.

Stare at (one_one)…

After half a quarter of an hour.

Yun Susu climbed up contentedly.

With a red face, he kicked the dust on the ground, then let out a long breath:

“Huh~ Then there’s nothing to say.”

“I’ll deliver this elixir tomorrow morning. I’m fine, so I can’t delay Zhou’er’s good deeds!”

Yun Susu took the wooden box and swallowed her saliva, then quietly went back to Lingzhu Mountain.

After changing her clothes, she sent off Yun Qiaoer, who was looking wolfish.

Yun Zhou sat alone behind his desk, with his chin pouted and a look of sadness on his face.


(I’m convinced too, I, Yun, have been doing tricks, but Yun Susu still doesn’t like this!?)

(She hasn’t come to me for so long, she is more stubborn than me.)

(Yes, and that elixir…)

(I haven’t believed it after so long, she must have not eaten, right?)

(Hiss—if she doesn’t take it, the potency of Luanqing Powder won’t work…)

(Lao Tzu’s idea was for nothing, isn’t it?)

It’s also a pity that Yun Susu couldn’t hear Yun Zhou’s heartfelt voice.

Otherwise, I know his current male (lang) heart (zi) strong (ye) ambition (xin).

Didn’t even take a breath away.

To drug her nominal aunt? Just completely insane.

To be honest, Yun Zhou’s main purpose of getting this chaotic fan is also to speed up Yun Susu’s falling in love with him.

After all, Yun Susu’s subjective consciousness is to treat the two of them as aunts and nephews.

This deep-rooted impression can never be changed without such a small trick!

In addition, he also worked hard on the fairy cotton.

In order to embroider his confession, he took a needle and carved it for a long time on the way back.

The fairy cotton I bought was used up, so I found a decent one.

I thought I came back late this time, and using this would make Yun Susu happier.

By the way, it can also make Yun Susu face up to his “unkindness”.


But never thought, Yun Susu didn’t seem to see it at all.

Whether it was the elixir or the fairy cotton, there was no rumor about it all day long! Could it be that my aunt knows about my little Jiujiu, so she doesn’t want to talk to me?

“Ah, my fairy confession is a bit too much, she can’t accept it…”

Yun Zhou scratched his head, always feeling a little distressed.

But after a while, his eyes suddenly brightened.

He took out a bunch of big treasures directly from the storage ring.

“use this!”

“I don’t believe that I can’t move my aunt’s iron heart?”

Thinking about it, he grinned, picked up the pile of things, and threw them on the desk.

Xianli is added to it, I don’t know what I’m doing……

The tip of the moon.

Under the breeze blowing, Yunzhou was refreshed.

I just feel that the air in Yunling is romantic.

I don’t know if Yun Susu was so angry that he didn’t even find him for dinner.

But this is not a problem for our Yun Shengzi.

If you don’t look for me, I will take the initiative to send it to your door!

Your Xiaozuojing is online, please sign for it in time! on the top of the mountain.

ShouThe one outside is still the deacon at noon.

Yun Zhou stepped over and looked her up and down: “You still won’t let me in?”

“That… Lord Ling didn’t say you can go in.”

The female deaconess said helplessly.

Yun Zhou pouted, then pointed to the sky:

“Okay, it’s okay not to let me in, but you have to tell her to come out.”

“You tell my aunt, I’m leaving now, let her come out in half a quarter of an hour to watch something fun.”

“‘If she doesn’t come out, I’ll come over and kill you tonight!”


When the deaconess heard the corners of her mouth twitching at the end, she was about to cry: “Isn’t the Holy Son a bully?”

“I’ll bully you, don’t whine.”

Yun Zhou glanced at her: “Now hurry up and report.”

“You’re on a horse…”


Yun Zhou rolled his eyes.


Seeing the deaconess push the door open like a concubine, Yun Zhou peeked inside.

Well, it’s dark, and there’s a curtain blocking it, so I can’t see anything.

“It’s not interesting.”

Yun Zhou muttered.

Immediately, arrogantly, like a macho princess, she descended the mountain with her hands behind her back… …

In the bedroom.

Yun Susu lay on the couch tossing and turning, her little face was flushed, and her body felt weak for a while.

Next to it was an old empty wooden box.

It was the pill box that Yunzhou gave her, but the pill inside was gone!


After a battle between heaven and man, plus today’s “door visit” by Chen Fusheng.

Yun Susu considered again and again, and ate this superb elixir by himself.

That’s right.

Although Yunzhou eats this thing, the effect is definitely better than her.

But Yunzhou hasn’t fully grown up after all.

No matter how good the effect is, it can’t resist Chen Fusheng.

With this in mind, she decided to take the danger on herself.

Use this elixir to increase your strength first, and then follow Yunzhou every step of the way.

In this way, even if the elixir is blinded in vain, it can better protect Yunzhou’s safety.


Anyway, she felt that taking the cultivation-improving pill by herself would definitely have a greater effect.

But what she never thought of was.

This potion is on.

It was fueled by the villain Yun Zhou! Get away from Jill Dappler! .

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