Chapter 1356 : I Can’t Take It Anymore! The taboo relationship between Lingzhu and Shengzi!


If what Yun Zhou said was fun, it was this.

Then Yun Susu was really angry.

That’s right.

If placed before today.

She will be very pleased that Yun Zhou will do this with her.

After all, if my nephew made me happy like this, it would be strange for her to be unhappy.

But today is different from before.

She, after taking that ~ elixir advanced.

I am actually tempted by Yunzhou!

At this time, she is still in the process of dealing with the “adopted brother and son”.

In the guilt of “misconduct”.

Unexpectedly, Yun Zhou made such a move, she was instantly stunned!

“What the hell is this bastard doing!”

“As a nephew, can you tease your aunt like this?”

“What do you love or not? What if I take it seriously!?”

Yun Susu clenched her fists tightly and bit her red lips tightly.

I don’t know if it’s the effect of the love powder or what.

She, who was supposed to be calm, unexpectedly trembled uncontrollably.

Obviously, her mind was disturbed.

at the same time.


A ray of light swept across the sky, reaching the highest point in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the light exploded.

The dots of light in the sky exploded with the word “Zhi”.

It’s a brilliant firework!

But these fireworks are completely different from ordinary ones.

Wrapped in fairy rhyme, the word “Zhi” dances with fireworks, but it lasts for a long time.

In the dark night, the brilliance in the night sky attracted the attention of countless disciples.

Yun Susu stared blankly at the sky: “This…”

Before she could speak, several bright fireworks exploded behind Xianlong.

One by one, as if they were sorted, they formed five big characters at the same time as the epiphyllum bloomed.

Connecting together is exactly: “Beloved Yun Susu”

Before Yun Susu was dumbfounded, another more dazzling firework bloomed than before.

In the night, under her startled gaze, there was actually a starry sky covered in patterns.

In the pattern, a gleaming girl is holding a baby with a happy smile on her face.

Isn’t that girl’s delicate appearance the same as when she was young? Yun Susu froze for a moment.

But then, another ray of fireworks exploded.

This time there are two profiles, one resolute and the other soft.

But strikingly, the two faces were stuck together.

Although I can’t see what it looks like, I’m sure it’s babbling!

“Wow, Lord Ling has been confessed!”

“Who did it, is it too courageous?”

“Wooooow, I’m so envious.”

“I just don’t know who this male cultivator is, his face is blocked too tightly…”

A group of disciples looked at the fireworks above with different expressions.

Female disciples look forward to it, while male disciples are at a loss.

Only Yan Yi stood on the top of the main mountain, under the complicated eyes of the deaconess, her expression was shocked.

Others can’t tell who that silhouette is, but she is very familiar with it.

Isn’t it her “bloodless” nephew?

Yun Zhou stood at the foot of Yunling Mountain, looking at the direction of the main mountain of Yunling with a smile.

“Auntie, you can’t escape.”

Bright fireworks lit up the sky.

Although it is a brilliant galaxy, it is very dim to match it.

The two portraits that were close to everything, embracing and kissing, stagnated in the void for a long time, and finally the fairy charm receded, and then gradually dissipated.

Yun Susu stood on the top of the mountain and didn’t recover for a long time.

Such a shocking confession, even if her suitors are all over the fairyland, she has never experienced it.

The gorgeous fireworks seemed like a sharp sword, piercing into her heart in an instant.

She should feel the pain, but somehow a sweet feeling is growing.

She looked complicated and bit her lower lip lightly.

For a moment, he was in a state of confusion.

“Zhou’er is confessing to me…”

“What should I do? Although I have no blood relationship, I am also his aunt in name.”

“Why don’t you think of a way to reject him?”

“…But why do you feel reluctant.”

“What’s wrong with me, I just treat him as my nephew, why am I so happy to be confessed by him.”

She was thinking about it in her mind, and a complex emotion that she had never felt before rose in her heart.

Of course, she never imagined that this was the role of “chaotic fans”.

If you compare Yunzhou’s confession to fertilizer.

That “seed” is this chaotic fan!



Falling in love with the most favorable opposite sex…

Although the method is a little different, the result is still very good, isn’t it?

Yun Susu was dazed for a long time, and then let out a breath of foul air.

If she thought Yun Zhou was teasing her just now.

Those two faces pressed together made her completely abandon this idea.

The “kiss” in the fireworks just now is like a picture scroll engraved in my heart, lingering.

She caressed her reddish cheeks lightly, sparkling in her beautiful eyes:

“This rebellious son…even if he is related by blood, how dare he tease me like this.”

“What should I do?”

“Forget it, don’t care, avoiding is not the way, I want to see him!”


Now that things have happened, Yun Susu doesn’t have the heart to worry about anything else.

She just wanted to find out what Yun Zhou was thinking.

If the other party just teased her out of frivolity, then she must make the little bastard pay the price.

But if he really likes himself…

Yun Susu’s beautiful eyes sparkled, her pretty face turned rosy for a moment and she lowered her head.

Luanqing fans changed her feelings towards Yunzhou.

And this confession completely changed her mind.

The guilt towards the adoptive brother and sister-in-law was put aside, and the shame of being an elder was also let go.

She wants to have a face-to-face talk with Yunzhou now, even if it’s just to find out what the other person thinks.

As for the relationship between her and Yunzhou…we’ll talk about it after we meet each other.

“Huh ~ Rin’er.”

Yun Susu was shy and pretended to be calm when he opened his mouth.

The deaconess at the side woke up in an instant, and quickly said respectfully: “Lord Ling.”

“Go find the Holy Son…”

Yun Susu blushed, and dodged her eyes: “Tell him to come to Lingzhu Mountain, I, I have something to ask him.”

The deaconess seemed to have realized something, and looked at the sky in shock.

Could it be that… the Holy Son did it just now?

Thinking of what Shengzi said to show the Lord Ling the fun ones.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, and she was surprised: “I discovered the taboo relationship between Lord Ling and Shengzi?”

Misty is misty, but on the surface he didn’t dare to delay at all, after putting away the gossip, he quickly responded:



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