Chapter 1367 : Susu, don’t move the boat! The possibility of developing taboos!

Thinking of this, Yun Susu became a little more open-minded.

The dodging gaze also became more confident…but Yun Zhou was completely opposite to her thoughts.

The pill that I gave.

But he still used tricks!

In the end, half of the drug’s effect was paid back to him in disguise, and his aunt was tricked… Thinking about it, he felt that if he got cheated in the future, he should treat Yun Susu even better! Well, that’s pretty inhuman.

(But it’s not his fault, he doesn’t have the feeling of guilt.)

“Auntie, you are so kind, I find that I like you more and more.”

Yun Zhou said sincerely.

Yun Susu blushed instantly, “Bah, that’s not serious.”

“Let me tell you, I haven’t agreed to your confession yet, don’t talk nonsense…”

Although that’s what it says.

But it was obvious that her heart had begun to loosen.

At the very least, she has taken the topic of “confession” seriously.

Don’t regard Yunzhou as her nephew anymore, this is a good start!

Yun Zhou bent his eyes and moved his body, until he touched Yun Susu’s knees and didn’t stop.

The two faced each other, one with a hot look, and the other with beautiful eyes dodging.

“I promise, sooner or later I will ask my aunt to agree to my confession, and I will marry my aunt!”

“Bah, shameless!”

Yun Susu groaned and glared at him, a little unbearable, her little face blushed uncontrollably.

At this moment, she suddenly froze, and raised her head abruptly.

“Ni, Nizi, what are you doing so close?!”

“I want my aunt to kiss me!”

“No, you said it all, I am your aunt!”

“No blood relationship again!”

“No blood relationship!”

“Okay, if my aunt doesn’t take the initiative, then I’ll do it!”

“I… bored to death!”

Thousands of miles away, on top of a mountain.

There is no light on the barren mountain peaks, and there is no one around for thousands of miles.

It can be said to be a place that is inaccessible and where the birds don’t fly.

But a beautiful figure is here alone, sitting on this bare mountain top.

Lin Langyue crossed her knees and looked up at the stars in the sky.

I don’t know what I thought of, I licked my red lips lightly, my expression was confused:

“I don’t know what that apprentice is doing, did he forget me…~…”

Since the two parted, her heart seemed to be covered with a layer of dust.

In the fog is Yun Zhou’s smiling figure, always belittle her.

Especially when we were parting, the scene where the other party kissed her unscrupulously always lingered in my mind.

It directly disturbed her Taoist heart, which has always been desireless.

Even Dao Hai turned completely pink!

Lin Langyue blushed and spit secretly: “What is the number one arrogant today, I think he is clearly a libertine!”

She said so, but there was a hint of worry lingering in her beautiful eyes.

That’s right, the matter of the Chen family is not over yet…

“Chen Xinghe is dead. With Yun Susu’s protective nature, Yunzhou should not be in danger recently…”


Until now, what she misses is Yun Zhou.

speak up.

When Chen Xinghe died, only she and Yunzhou were present.

Yunzhou is protected by Yun Susu, so it is safe.

But what about herself?

Well, this is not within Lin Langyue’s consideration.

It started from the moment Yunzhou took her out of the inheritance land in spite of everything.

She knew that in her life, she might never be able to do the word “ruthless” again.

Otherwise, with her temperament, how could she take medicine by mouth to heal Yun Zhou?

“My situation is second, but in order to better protect him, I must improve my strength.”

Thinking about it, Lin Langyue’s eyes became tougher again.

“Yunzhou’s talent is there, his combat power must be improving rapidly, and I can’t be willing to lag behind.”

“And you must have the strength to make Yun Susu agree, so that she can recognize my age and let her give up Mu Xueyun…”

Thinking of what Yun Susu told her about “Mu Xueyun being Yun Zhou’s regular wife”.

Lin Langyue’s face blushed inexplicably.

Is it “robbing”?

who knows.

Anyway, her Dao heart was unstable again.


Dao Dao Jian Qi screamed, and the monstrous coercion permeated the air.

Suddenly, a white lightning shot into the night!

“We must have absolute strength against the Chen family in order to have the possibility of developing taboos!”

Yunling, Jianfeng Mountain.

Chu Lingxiao looked at Chu Liuli who was slashing left and right with a big knife in front of him, and felt a pain in the head.

“I said, little Liuli, what are you doing, I’m not used to practicing so seriously all of a sudden.”

After meeting Yun Zhou on Lingzhu Mountain, Chu Lingxiao felt relieved and returned to Fengshan.

Unexpectedly, when he came back, he saw Chu Liuli practicing seriously.

She watched this little girl grow up, and she has never seen her work so hard in so many years.

Chu Liuli’s big saber was on the ground with a clang.

Then he looked over with a smile, “”Master, didn’t I realize that I am too lazy, so I want you to supervise me?”

“Urge you?”

Chu Lingxiao glared at her angrily: “I’ve been urging you since your age, what’s the use?”

“I see you are still hot for 35 minutes this time.”

“Hey hey.”

Chu Liuli scratched her head with a smirk, “No, this disciple is determined to cultivate hard this time.”

Chu Lingxiao gave her a coquettish and funny look, but didn’t say anything.

To be honest, if her disciple can continue to be serious, it would not be a bad thing.

Since Chu Liuli had no talent for cultivation and could only be a martial artist, Chu Lingxiao was often ridiculed.

If this girl can give her a long face, it would not be in vain for her to teach for many years.

Chu Liuli put the long knife aside, drew out the sword, then thought of something, and sighed faintly.

Chu Lingxiao saw what was on her mind in an instant, and said amusedly, “Are you pissed off again?”

Chu Liuli dodged her eyes shyly, but she still answered, full of thoughts:

“Lord Ling and I asked for a marriage, but Lord Ling didn’t agree, and I don’t know what my brother thinks…”

“What else can he think? He must be very happy!”

Chu Lingxiao laughed, the corners of his mouth curled up.

After a few days of getting along with the inheritance place, she has a thorough understanding of Yunzhou.

That guy is an out-and-out apprentice!

Upside-down beauties or something…

Guess he’ll have to welcome him with open arms! .

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