Chapter 1370 : Yun Susu’s heart! Sexy young man!

Yun Susu got stuck when it came to this.

Yun Zhou looked over curiously: “But what?”

Yun Susu blushed slightly, turned her head and said, “But you are not allowed to think of her.”

“More, more, don’t treat her like you treat me.”

She didn’t know what happened between Lin Langyue and Yun Zhou.

But I heard Yun Zhou said that the other party took care of him.

Yun Susu still had a bad feeling in her heart.

After all, that Taoist nun is beautiful and charming. If she really doesn’t practice the way of ruthlessness in the future, she might not know what she will look like…

In order to prevent Yunzhou from being unable to resist.

Yun Susu also didn’t care about being shy, and deliberately kept an eye out.


The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up, “Auntie is worried that I will be abducted by a Taoist nun?”

Yun Susu bit her red lips and glared at him: “Bah, if you dare to be abducted by her, I, just…”

“So what?”

“I won’t talk to you anymore!”

Hitting, she felt distressed, scolded and couldn’t bear it.

Yun Susu could only find a punishment that she thought was the scariest.

Seeing her angry and threatening look, Yun Zhou almost laughed out loud.

Then he hurried over, 08 caressed her cheek, and pretended to be panicked: “That’s not okay, if my aunt ignores me, I won’t be able to survive.”

“Tch~ It’s not as exaggerated as you said.”

Yun Susu gave him a coquettish look, but the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn’t be restrained.

Yun Zhou couldn’t help pecking again, and said softly: “Don’t worry, Master, this disciple is as guarded as jade, and will never be abducted easily!”

“Of course, if Auntie agrees to sleep with me, I will give Auntie not only my body, but also my heart!”

The heat coming from the corner of the mouth, although I have been familiar with it several times, it still makes people panic.

Yun Susu’s body was a little limp, her cheeks were as red as steamed crabs, and she pretended to be annoyed:

“Shut up for me, who, who agrees to take a weekend break with you, let’s daydream, get out!”

After finishing speaking, he pushed Yun Zhou away and lay back on the couch with a blushing face.

The quilt was rolled up, and I dared not say a word.

She was afraid that if she continued to chat a few words, she would not be able to resist.

Yun Zhou stood by the couch, looked at Yun Susu who was wrapped in purple, and said with a smile, “That’s fine, I’ll hug Aunt Sujue when I have time.”

Yun Susu’s hand holding the quilt trembled.

So scary….

Yun Zhou left Lingzhu’s bedroom calmly and let out a long yawn.

Lin’er, the little deacon outside the door, saw him come out.

The face as red as blood turned aside, and said falteringly: “Holy, Holy Son.”

Through the crack of the bedroom door yesterday, she has seen everything that should be seen and should not be seen.

It didn’t even occur to her to kill her.

The two who claimed to be aunts and nephews to the public turned out to be Bobo Taoist couples in private! Ah, this is outrageous!

Yun Zhou glanced sideways at her, and said with a smile: “You look pretty good-looking, things last night are still slow.”


Rin’er was suddenly dumbfounded.

Last night she peeked and was discovered by the Holy Son??

As soon as her face turned pale and her legs softened, she subconsciously wanted to kneel on the ground.

good guy.

She discovered taboo issues.

will die?

But without giving her a chance to kneel down, Yun Zhou grabbed her, looked at the bedroom behind him meaningfully, and whispered:

“If you kneel down now, the Heavenly King and I will not be able to save you.”

Rin’er was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reacted.


The Lord didn’t come out to tease her, which proves that the Lord didn’t know yet.

If you kneel down at this time, wouldn’t you be exposed? Thinking of this, she glanced at Yun Zhou in fear.

That’s right, Yun Zhou held his own life in his hands! Yun Zhou patted her on the back with a smile, and said in a low voice, “You don’t want the eavesdropping to be known by Ling Lord, do you?”


It smells like that!

Lin’er glanced at Yun Zhou’s meaningful eyes, and immediately blushed.

“There are too many weeds in the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, follow me to clean some.”

Yun Zhou grinned, and then went down the mountain on his own.

Rin’er clenched her red lips, and finally gritted her teeth lightly.

Send a voice transmission to a deacon and tell her to take over.

Then he followed resolutely.

But… don’t know why.

Although she looked a little embarrassed, she still had a little hope in her heart.

In the afternoon, the sun is shining brightly.

Yun Zhou walked out of the dense forest refreshed and exhaled a long breath.

The depression at my aunt’s place last night has all dissipated, it’s very embarrassing!

The two maids who passed by the dense forest couldn’t help being stunned when they saw him coming out, “Master Shengzi, what is this?”

Few people go into the dense forest at the foot of Lingzhu Mountain, and they feel a little strange.


Yun Zhou explained casually: “I saw that the dense forest was overgrown with weeds, and the birds didn’t feel comfortable staying in it, so I tidied it up.”

The leading maid’s eyes lit up, and she immediately gave a thumbs up and said, “Master Shengzi is really a caring person!”

Yun Zhou Zhenger said: “Of course, I am a loving little man, and I can’t see birds suffering, especially female birds!”

“Master Shengzi is really kind-hearted…”

Lin’er was tidying up alone in the dense forest. After hearing this, her cheeks were slightly red, and she hummed softly:


“Kind hearted? Bah, you’re obviously lustful!”

Yunzhou hasn’t returned to Shengzi Mountain yet.Then I met Chu Lingxiao.

After seeing him, Chu Lingxiao’s face instantly turned red.

Chu Liuli practiced all night last night, and she was crazy all night.

My mind is full of Yunzhou’s figure like a god in the heritage site.

Hmm… Fengyun beauty’s heart is secretly moved, it belongs to yes.

Seeing the handsome and outrageous Yun Zhou at this moment, she blushed a little and said with a guilty conscience:

“What is the Holy Son doing here?”

When she met Yun Susu yesterday, she was playing with Yun Zhou.

I didn’t think it would be so quick to reconcile.

Yun Zhou calmly said: “Last night, I entered the fifth level of Emperor Realm (lower level) and completed it, so I went to tell my aunt.”

“Five-level consummation?”

Chu Lingxiao was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes observed the fairy charm around Yunzhou.

Then the small mouth opened wider and wider, enough to stuff an egg in.

Yun Zhou looked at it with deep meaning, secretly said “suitable”.

“So… Holy Son, have you reached the watershed of the Emperor Realm?”

Chu Lingxiao’s heart was beating extremely fast, and he asked in shock.

Yun Zhou reached out to support her chin, and lifted it up with a smile: “In principle, it’s not about reaching, but about breaking through.”


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