Chapter 1380 : The flea-moving miniskirt! I’ll take it when I see it!

Yun Susu doesn’t have a good look at these scumbags who covet her man.

Self-servingly took Yunzhou’s hand and walked towards Qingyuan Hall.

At the same time, he did not forget to speak to the Great Elder:

“Ask these disciples to come over in batches, and let Zhou’er choose by himself.”

“In addition, those who don’t meet Zhou’er’s conditions, let them all go away!”


The Great Elder hurriedly said, “Master Ling, you should take the Holy Son there first.”

“Try not to let these disciples see it, or it will definitely cause disturbance.”

After finishing speaking, he went to the high platform to maintain order, and chased away people according to Yun Susu’s words.

Yun Zhou didn’t shy away from it, and interlocked fingers with Yun Susu directly, and walked towards Qingyuan Hall.

Anyway, nominally, the two are “aunt-nephew relationship”.

Even if it feels inappropriate to be seen by others, it doesn’t matter—it doesn’t matter.

While walking, Yunzhou looked at Yingying Yanyan over there and complained a little:

(I’m in the Immortal Realm, so I’m considered a fairy no matter what, why does it look like it’s for sale?)

(The outer shirt is unbuttoned, and the inner shirt bares the shoulders. Why, do you still want to let Xiong Da out?)

(Heh, a bunch of ugly dogs, I don’t like you guys.)

(But then again, Hao Yunzong’s fighting background is already very strong.)

(When you recruit enough people, you will officially enter the mid-level power, right?)

(It’s too slow to pick one by one, it’s better to take it away directly from Yunling…)

(Hurry up and finish this. It’s boring to watch this group of female wolves. Try to solve it within an hour.)

When Yun Susu heard this heartfelt voice, the corners of Yun Susu’s mouth curled up unconsciously.

I thought Zhou’er wasn’t picky eaters, but it seems that there is still a bottom line.

Thinking about it, she glanced at the closed palace door and pursed her lips into a smile.

Standing on tiptoe, he gave a “baji” on Yunzhou’s side face.

Don’t forget to add a sentence after finishing the work: “You will be rewarded.”

It made Yunzhou feel inexplicable for a while.

After a wave of surprise attacks, Yun Susu fell into deep thought again.

Involuntarily, I thought of the little cook and Lin Shan.

These two should be able to use it.

There are great elders in the forest gate, and they are using these two people to assist them.

Not to mention bringing down Linmen, but hurting the origin of Linmen should not be a problem.

She studied the idea in her mind, and then decided to let Yunzhou meet the two of them first.

After all, you have an idea, but you still have to implement it step by step.

Randomly found a chair and placed it next to the main seat, and then sat down.

Yun Zhou unbuttoned the top button of his coat and let out a long breath.

Good guy.

These goblin-like fairies are really suspected of being sold.

During the period, he saw several people who had their inner and outer shirts cut off, exposing their thighs! In Xianyu, there is actually someone who cuts out “miniskirts” by himself!

He also really admires the brain structure of these female disciples! It’s avant-garde enough, too.

“Then what, you go tell the Great Elder and let him bring someone over.”

“A team of fifty, the ones I like stay in the square, and the ones I don’t pick leave.”

“You show me, if someone fishes in troubled waters and stays behind, I will be the first to question you.”


The deacon nodded quickly, bent over and said, “I’m going to find the Great Elder right now.”

After speaking, he turned his head and walked out of the hall.

But before he reached the door, he was stopped by Yun Susu.


“Ah, what is the command of the Lord of the Mountains?”

The deacon was startled, then quickly turned around and knelt down.

Although Yunzhou is strong, he is only the Son of God.

What he is most afraid of must be the Lord of the Ridge.

“Go and tell the Great Elder to call the little cook and the chef from the main mountain over.”

Yun Susu said casually.

“The rest asked them to wait outside now.”

Hearing this, the deacon quickly responded: “Yes.”

“By the way, before letting them in, let the Great Elder come in first, I have something to ask him.”

“Okay, Lord Ling, wait a moment, I’ll come as soon as I go.”

The deacon nodded respectfully, then gestured to Yun Zhou, then turned and left.

With the door of the hall closed again.

Yun Zhou looked at Yun Susu curiously:

“Auntie, what do you want the little cook to do first?”

“I am recruiting talented disciples for Haoyun Zong, not recruiting cooks.”

“Did you misunderstand something?”

“Although I’m pretty lecherous, it doesn’t mean that I’ll be fine if I see a lecher.”


“I’m really not interested in this little cook, if you want to test me…”

“Then we duck don’t have to!”

What Yun Zhou said was indeed from the heart.

althoughHowever, he was very greedy for the little cook’s face and figure.

But he was really afraid of breaking that thin waist.

And this Yunling’s cook is probably not a key person.

It’s not necessary.

He is not a stud breeder, so how can he go up to him when he sees a good look? What if someone is broken?

Hmm…he still likes Shizun and Aunt Yuechan.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t care about Rin’er.

Although her appearance is not as good as that of the little cook, she is definitely not easy to mess with.

Yun Susu smiled and gave him a white look: “Who said you will be tested.”

“I just think that the talents of these two people are not bad.”

“And it looks so good-looking, I’m also very curious.”

“Such a beautiful woman is reduced to being a cook…”

“Don’t you think there is a problem?”

“Ah, this… seems a bit wrong.”

Yun Zhou also touched his chin in thought.

(Just now it seems that she entered Yunling later?)

(Could it be… this cook has some status?)

(A character outside the original text? Or an unknown development of the plot?)

“Okay, Auntie will figure it out.”

“But don’t waste time, let’s go back to Haoyun Sect today.”

“There are thousands of people, fifty in a team, and it will take an hour to complete the selection.”

“I still want to hurry back and eat delicious food.”

“Time is tight, auntie, you can help me choose together.”

“For those who don’t want to leave and fish in troubled waters, help me kick them away.”

“You know, I never do anything to female cultivators.”

Yun Susu: “…”

You, never do anything to female cultivators? Exhaust you!

When you hit me, I didn’t see you being a bit soft! I even bit it with my teeth!


She pinched Yunzhou angrily, and snorted coldly: “Understood, I will do what offends my disciple.”

“You just sit here and leave the rest to me…”


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