Chapter 1413: Junior sister, have you experienced the feeling of taking off?

Sovereign Hill, the inner palace bedroom.

Yun Zhou looked at Jiang Basui who was like a fart.

His eyeballs rolled twice, and he didn’t hold his fart well.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and smiled at Jiang He and said, “Junior Sister, have you ever experienced the feeling of taking off?”


For some reason, Jiang He felt that Yun Zhou’s smiling face was full of “obscene” and “bad intentions”!

“Ah… senior brother, what do you mean?”

Jiang He suppressed the fear in his heart and pretended to be a curious baby.

A cute yuppie with a small face carved in jade.

“You come out with your brother.”

Yun Zhou smiled mysteriously.

The two left the dormitory and came to the peak mountain.

Yunzhou suddenly communicated with the aura of heaven and earth, and spread his wings behind himself:

“Let’s go, junior sister, ride on senior brother’s neck, senior brother will take you Feifei, and lead you to a fun place.”

Jiang He:! Good guy! Ride, ride on the neck!? Change to T!

If only she was really eight years old.

But she is actually a thousand-year-old dick.

This, how can I ride this!

Jiang Basui was beeping in bewilderment, and when he realized it, he blushed and waved his hands again and again:

“No, no need, brother, where do you want to take me, I’ll just follow you, I will control the sword myself.”

“And, what’s more, Master taught me that men and women can’t kiss each other…”

Yun Zhou looked at her loli face that was blushing due to nervousness, pretending to be funny and interrupted:

“You’re only eight years old, why don’t men and women kiss each other…”

“If you didn’t call me Senior Brother, I would have regarded you as my daughter!”

“Hurry up and don’t dawdle, come up.”

Jiang He: …

The gods take my old lady as a daughter… Is this really treating myself as a child?!

Seeing Yun Zhou’s funny look, Jiang He hesitated.

Indeed, her current fairy body is like that of an eight-year-old child.

Even if Yunzhou is changing into a T.

It’s impossible to take advantage of a child, right?

Glancing at Yunzhou’s slender neck, Jiang He was a little tempted.

Does this count as… riding on his neck and pulling?

Bah, bah, bah, what a fly!

How can my generation of emperors say such vulgar words…but…

She looks like a child, but in fact she is a thousand-year-old girl with yellow flowers.

Riding the neck of the opposite sex…

Isn’t it a little bad to be so intimate?

Jiang He’s heart was in a mess, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

Yun Zhou didn’t have the spirit of a gentleman. Seeing that she was still smeared, he immediately said impatiently:

“What’s the ink, I have something else to do, if you don’t want to go with me, just stay by yourself. “Oh, brother, wait a minute.”

Seeing that Yun Zhou was about to leave, Jiang He gritted his teeth and jumped onto Yun Zhou’s back.

Wrap your hands around your neck.

Yun Zhou glanced sideways at her helplessly: “Do you have any good eyesight?”

Jiang He: (o_o)??

“The two big wings on my back are suppressed by you, how can I fly?”

Yun Zhou squeezed his hands back: “Hurry up, ride on your neck.”

Jiang He wants to cry but has no tears.

It’s too shameful to ride someone’s neck or something, right?

But she couldn’t break free from her big hand, and she didn’t want to reveal her identity too early.

After all, I haven’t played enough…..

So he could only let the other party do what he wanted, and the two short legs grabbed the other party’s neck.

Yun Zhou took a step back.

Then with a “whoosh”, it turned into a streamer and went away.

The maids on the top of the mountain were shocked.

They have seen this little girl named “Jiang Fu’er” before.

Although only eight years old, he loves to drink and mess around.

No one can control the entire Haoyun Sect.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a little demon king.

However, just one day after the suzerain came back, he treated her submissively.

That attitude is like picking up a chick…

Really worthy of being the Sovereign Lord! on the void.

A yuppie with a silent atmosphere.

Most cultivators have no hope of reaching the Emperor Realm, let alone reaching the sixth level of the Emperor Realm (lower level), and comprehending the principles of nature.

So they basically use swords, or use Daobao to fly.

The highest level, that is, shuttle under the clouds.

But Yunzhou has reached a new level, and the wings condensed by natural power can reach the sky, so when flying, it is difficult to meet any cultivators.

Jiang eight-year-old blushed and rode on Yunzhou’s neck, and didn’t speak a word.

Although she looks eight years old on the outside, she has already passed the age of yellow flowers.

Glancing at the big head on her stomach, the shyness in her heart made her flustered.

Yun Zhou didn’t notice her strangeness, and walked forward on his own.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Jiang Basui finally plucked up the courage to ease the awkward atmosphere.

She put her two small arms on Yun Zhou’s head, supported her little face like a child, and said softly:

“‘Brother, your big wings are so boring!”

Although Jiang He didn’t hit the God Realm (intermediate level), his own strength has already reached the perfection of the Emperor Realm (lower level).

It is not too difficult for her to use the natural way to form wings.

Saying so now is pure nonsense.

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up in a playful arc upon hearing this.

Then he put his hands on the two cold short legs around his neck.

U1S1, Jiang He, deliberately smaller, conceals it very well.

This little guy’s body is very light, and he has a faint milky smell, which smells very good.

Yun Zhou said calmly: “I have just mastered the laws of nature, and I am not yet proficient…”

“Is it like that? But I think the brother’s mastery of Taoism is already very good!”

Jiang He didn’t care about the abnormality in his legs, and moved closer to Yun Zhou’s face with blinking eyes.

Although she had some resentment towards Yun Zhou, she had to admit that thisThe talent of the bastard is truly terrifying.

Just after crossing the watershed of the emperor’s realm, one can feel the power of nature.

He even mastered the gasification wings.

It is estimated that they will be able to condense the natural Taoism in the near future, right? Yun Zhou shook his head: “I haven’t finished yet.”

“I used power to transform my wings, and there have been many accidents.”

Jiang He was stunned, subconsciously said: “What accident?”

“Fell into a river and hit a mountain, rushed through a herd of beasts and was drowned in the cold.”

Jiang He: ???

“Besides, when I used Dao power to form wings, I didn’t have the energy to use my fairy power. I fell into the magma of Tianshan Mountain, and I was almost burnt.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that there are so many treasures to save their lives, I’m afraid they would all die inside.”

“Look at my neck, is there still a scorched place that hasn’t recovered?”

Jiang He: (0_o)? .

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