Chapter 1417 : Ling Ai is Vigorous enough! Guoguo took advantage of others!


Can Yunzhou’s reincarnation road restore Xiao Tiankuo’s daughter’s consciousness? But don’t rush to the end and find out that it doesn’t work.

At that time, with Xiao Tiankuo’s temper.

Why don’t you hold Yun Zhou directly and force Yun Susu to bring that little magic lotus over? Yun Zhou definitely couldn’t agree.

The fate card that I gave Yun Susu became a restraint for each other.

But what if Xiao Tiankuo was forced into a hurry?


Good guy, he said he was here to treat someone else’s daughter.

But if it’s a bad one.

Maybe it will be directly broken with the world.

This little bastard is really brave enough.

Is he really confident, or is he betting on his reincarnation? Jiang Basui blinked his big eyes.

Dumbly standing outside the hall, waiting for Yun Zhou to come out.

But Yun Zhou didn’t know that the little oil bottle outside was worrying about him.

Since he dared to come, he had full confidence.

The hall was filled with gray, and Xiao Tiankuo who was standing beside Yunzhou didn’t dare to breathe.

In his eyes, this is the best solution to complement his daughter’s sanity.

Although he is domineering, he doesn’t want to fight Yun Zhou to the death.

As long as his daughter can wake up, he would rather suffer from being dumb.

Just let go of the magic lotus of Moon Cicada.

And the result didn’t disappoint him.

Yunzhou, I always like to do some horse flea operations.

The cycle of reincarnation is driven to the extreme.

It directly reincarnated Xiao Xunxun’s fate.

After a while, under Xiao Tiankuo’s ecstatic eyes.

Sitting upright in the void, Xiao Xunxun opened his bright eyes! only……

Xiao Xunxun, who was already the age of Yujie, now has the dark eyes of a girl!



With a familiar tone, the old man was so direct that tears filled his eyes.

It’s just this slightly playful sentence.

Xiao Tiankuo knew it.

The domineering daughter I used to be is back! She is awake!


Her daughter’s next sentence completely confused him.

I saw Xiao Xunxun suddenly come down from the void, ignored him and stood opposite Yunzhou.

Glittering eyes looked at him.

“Guokuo, who are you? Do you have a Taoist partner?”

“If you don’t have a Taoist companion…can you consider me?”

“I am smart and virtuous, I never mess around, I am chaste, I have never made friends of the opposite sex…”

“Why don’t you speak? Are you dumb?”

After beeping for a long time, I saw Yun Zhou twitching the corners of his mouth and not opening his mouth.

Xiao Xunxun rolled his eyes and looked directly at Xiao Tiankuo: “Father.”

“Can you tie him up to my room?”

“It was love at first sight!”

Yunzhou: (o_o)? Xiao Tiankuo: ???

The two generations looked at each other, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward.

After a long time.

Yun Zhou: “Ling Ai… has always been this character before?”

Xiao Tiankuo coughed lightly in embarrassment, “Then what… I made you laugh.”

“I can’t talk about laughing.”

Yun Zhou shook his head, and said seriously: “It’s just that I think Ling Ai’s vigor is really up to you.”

“Damn, have you ever thought about taking her mind back?”


After a while.

Xiao Xunxun has just regained his senses, adding the transition to the path of reincarnation.

Short of stamina, he passed out directly.

Xiao Tiankuo couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief after checking that there was no problem.

I want to keep Yun Zhou and thank you very much.

But the horse flea cloudZhou didn’t show any face.

After a few simple and polite words, the expected goal in my heart was achieved.

So he asked him to take good care of Ling Ai, and walked out of the hall alone.

The disciples who came and went did not dare to stop him and let him leave.

When Jiang Basui saw it, he quickly chased after him.

“Brother, wait for me.”

Yun Zhou’s footsteps were fast, and Jiang’s eight-year-old childish voice called.

With short legs and it’s not easy to show off his cultivation, it took him a long time to catch up.

She pretended to be wronged and said, “Brother, why did you leave me?”

Yun Zhou said impatiently: “What else can you do, this matter is over, hurry up and get down to business.”

“Then you have to take me with you, don’t you say you want to take me to a fun place?”

Jiang’s eight-year-old mouth shrunk, and the circles of his eyes turned red.

Uh, the thousands-year-old woman pretends to be a child so naturally… she even cried!

It’s Oscar-winning actor level!

Yunzhou: “…”

“Okay, I didn’t say I won’t take you, just cry.”

“Woo~ Guoguo is fierce, Guoguo curses!”

Yunzhou people are a little numb.

Damn, cry as soon as you say you want to cry?

This little oil bottle is wrapped around me.

Jiang Basui snorted and waved towards Yunzhou, seeing him squat down and crawl directly onto his neck.

Just as Yun Zhou spread his wings, he suddenly thought of something and turned his head to stare at Luo L’s chubby face.

“`Ah… Guo Guo, what are you looking at me for?”

Jiang Basui was taken aback for a moment, blushing and said arrogantly.

“No, I just remembered that you seem to be quite useful.”


What do you mean it seems to be useful?!(ヘ*)ノ

Jiang He was about to be blown away by Yun Zhou.

This emperor has galloped in the Immortal Realm for nearly ten thousand years, one person is under ten thousand people, whoever sees this emperor’s real body is not allowed to call out “Jiangdi”.

How come it comes out of your mouth that it just seems to be useful? A dog’s mouth can’t spit out ivory, you!

Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile and said, “Would you like to change your skin?”

“What’s the meaning?”

“It’s just a change of clothes with a hole, the ragged kind.”

Jiang He widened his big round eyes, and stared at him dumbfounded.

Ragged clothes?

My current appearance is only eight years old! What the hell is he going to do!?

With a twitch at the corner of his mouth, Jiang He quickly shook his little head into a rattle, his big eyes were full of disgust and vigilance.

“No, I’m not rich!”

“What are you going to do, Guoguo? Be careful and I will tell Master!”

Yun Zhou spread his hands, quite helpless.

Does he look like a mutant T?

Jiang He is now eight years old, a whole kindergarten kid, what are they afraid of?

But no matter what he said, he has already thought about the Chen family’s ideas in the future.

In order for the process to go smoothly, she must be remodeled.

Yun Zhou spread his wings and took off directly to a city in the affiliated heaven and earth region.

“Guokuo, what are you doing in Jieli?”

Jiang Basui looked bewildered.

“Don’t ask, just stand here and wait.”

Yun Zhou put Jiang He down and walked into a busy street alone…

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