Chapter 1421 : The tiger beats up the eight-year-old girl Jiang! This wave takes the route of filial piety and crying!
The two used a combination technique, one of them lifted the magic weapon to trap her.
“Jiang He, you harmed my Chen family, and you will save my life!”
Think of this picture.
Jiang He’s face twitched.
“If I’m really rough, I will never let Yun Zhou go, anyway, he said that there is my soul power intertwined in the sea…”
“The big deal is that my physical body is gone, so I’ll just live in his sea, rely on him for the rest of my life, and let him support me!”
Jiang Basui pouted and thought.
She left the town and came to the outskirts of the Chen family’s influence.
This is the only shortcut for her to enter the Chen family.
Many disciples and elders leave the Chen family, this is the only way to go.
She is a “good horse” and wants to be noticed by “Bole”.
Here is the most suitable place.
This is also the reason why Yunzhou asked Jiang Basui to come here specially.
The Chen family has been aggressively recruiting casual cultivators recently.
The elders of the Chen family will often go out to find talented people.
This is very easy to get your hands on.
With Jiang’s eight-year-old bones astonishing, as long as he is seen by these elders.
It is inevitable to be taken back to the Chen family.
The facts turned out to be more or less the same as expected.
Shocked by several guard disciples.
Chen’s parents looked like they had picked up a treasure.
Jiang Basui, who was “looking like a beggar”, went back to the mountain gate.
Clearly explain:
The old man wants to reap her as his own heir!
I’ve never seen anything so smooth.
With the help of several maids, Jiang He took a bath and changed into clean clothes.
Came to the inner hall of the third elder, took a deep breath and followed inside.
After entering the inner hall, several elders gathered together, and it seemed that they were all elders of the Chen family.
The leading old man looked at her with a smile: “Little guy, your name is Jiang Fu’er?”
Jiang He quickly nodded his head: “Ah yes.”
“My name is Chen Lianhe, and I am the Great Elder here. You can call me Elder Lianhe, or even Grandpa He”~.”
Still stepping on Grandpa Marianhe?
Long live my old lady, your ancestors may not be as old as me!
But under the eaves, Jiang He still bowed childishly: “Elder Lianhe!”
A ninety-degree bow, like a funeral.
Chen Lianhe was taken aback, “Little guy, what are you doing so loudly?”
“…That’s right, I heard from the third elder that you were a beggar with your family, but you got separated from them, right?”
“When you arrive in an unfamiliar environment suddenly, it is inevitable to feel nervous…”
“Relax, Grandpa is a good man.”
Jiang Basui couldn’t laugh or cry.
God tm grandpa is a good man!
If it wasn’t for Yun Zhou’s pressure, why would I be nervous?
“Understood, Fuer is not nervous.”
“Okay, so cute.”
Chen Lianhe didn’t think too much, and took Jiang He to sit on a chair beside him.
Then several elders got together and started beeping.
The sound was quite low at first, but it got louder as it went on.
Apparently, the small meeting fell apart.
As for the reason…
Naturally, they wanted to fight for Jiang Fu’er’s right to be a teacher.
That’s right, even in the Chen family, there are only a handful of people who have the qualifications of the emperor, and it can even be said that there is one! Suddenly, a little girl with such talent came.
This group of elders is naturally going to rob them like crazy.
If she can be harvested as her own disciple and given time, this little girl will enter the Emperor Realm.
Didn’t he follow Glory Infinite?
But everyone has the same idea.
A total of nine elders wanted to accept “Jiang Fu’er” as an apprentice.
No one regresses!
As the Great Elder, Chen Lianhe is naturally a little self-confident.
He talked to Jiang Fu’er just now, thinking that he would definitely choose himself.
So with a wave of his hand, he directly gave her the right to choose.
Jiang He looked at this.
People are numb.
None of these nine elders has anything to do with Chen Jiadan Pavilion.
Anyone who follows them must report to the Pill Pavilion, and there are people watching.
How does this make her act?
I’m going to die!
If Yunzhou was in front of her now, she would definitely jump on it and bite PG! The old lady has an eight-year-old body, but she still looks like a child! Do you have the humanity to embarrass a little girl!?
“Huh ~ relax, look for another chance.”
“Don’t be nervous, absolutely not nervous.”
Jiang He took a deep breath.
Grit your teeth and stomp your feet.
Standing up abruptly.
Because the range was too large, the chairs behind him creaked.
“Elder Lianhe, I want to enter the Pill Pavilion and become a medicine boy!”
After saying this, Jiang He felt his body was hollowed out.
She entered Chen’s house as a beggar, and said that the fish and meat on the exhibition board were all right.
Whoever people tell her to follow, she should follow.
After all, the power of the Chen family is here, and the elders inside are extremely arrogant, and there is basically no possibility of discussing what they decide.
In order to complete the task successfully and smoothly, Yun Zhou entrusted her with the task.
She can only pretend to be beaten by an eight-year-old tiger!
The corner of Chen Lianhe’s mouth twitched.
Why does this little thing feel like a tiger?
If an ordinary disciple wanted to be a drug boy with such talent, he would have already kicked him in the faceup.
However, this little thing was a little beggar before.
When I was young, I was like a frog in a well.
It’s normal to have some short-sightedness.
So Chen Lianhe was stunned for a moment, then recovered his smiling face, and smiled patiently: “Fu’er, why do you want to be a medicine boy?”
“Because it’s convenient…ah no, because I want to save my father’s life.”
Jiang He said without blushing, “Father suffers from perennial cold and needs to rely on pills to maintain his life every year.”
“That’s why I want to learn to refine the elixir for cold disease first, so as to maintain my father’s life.”
“Don’t worry, as long as I learn how to refine this elixir…”
“I will worship under your sect and be the disciple of Grandpa Lianhe.”
In order for the process to go smoothly, Jiang He endured the discomfort and called Grandpa.
After hearing this, the scene became silent!
Chen Lianhe: o(T_T)o good guy! What a filial child, Joe!
At the age of only eight years old, he has such filial piety… When he died, he almost cried!
“Okay, Grandpa Lianhe is the master, let you enter the Pill Pavilion first.”
Chen Lianhe came directly to her side, and said softly, “Follow Grandpa, Grandpa will take you to Dan Pavilion to report in person.”
Jiang He nodded hastily, ignoring the group of old men wiping tears behind him.
After a while, I followed Chen Lianhe to report…

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