Chapter 1429 : Face-wrapped forcibly! The small body has a big T!
Jiang Basui was still thinking about it.
After getting smaller, I can take the opportunity to bear Yunzhou.
In the end, she was still trapped in various ways.
Especially now.
How dare he hit her PG in broad daylight!
Fortunately, there is no one else on the suzerain mountain now, and the maids and deacons have all been sent away.
Otherwise, if someone else sees this scene.
Must she find a crack in the ground to get in? Actually tell the truth.
Yun Zhou is not trying to take advantage of her.
It’s just that he was indeed led into a ditch by this woman’s appearance.
Eight year olds…
Looks like his daughter.
I was fooled by such a little thing.
“Playing PG” is a subconscious move.
At this time, across the distance, a low voice suddenly came from the void:
“Zhou’er, what are you doing? How could you hit your junior sister “6000” like this?!”
Immediately afterwards, another dissatisfied voice sounded: “Nizi, you are not allowed to touch her!”
Hearing these two voices, Yun Zhou froze for a moment.
Then reluctantly stopped.
No way, the master and aunt found out.
These two people must have just looked at him with their spiritual sense.
That “lynching” can’t move!
“Even if you escaped unharmed, I’ll tell you, I’ll make a small report in the future, and I’ll smoke even harder!”
Yun Zhou said harsh words, and suddenly his eyes glared: “You’re looking at me like that!”
I saw Jiang’s eight-year-old chubby little face was inexplicably ashamed and angry, and his big eyes were fixed on him.
It’s like the enemy of life and death, I can’t wait to bite him to death!
Yun Zhou patted her and made her stand up.
And Jiang Basui seemed to be a conditioned reflex, felt the movement behind him, and immediately “sprinted” up.
Looking at Yunzhou with a flushed face, he covered his back and stammered:
“You, you are not allowed to fight!”
Yun Zhou: “Oh.”
Pretending to be a child?
Your flushed cheeks betrayed you! Thousands of years old yellow flower!
As Yun Zhou coughed lightly and stood up, the faint coercion in the void gradually dissipated.
However, Jiang Basui did not relax because of this.
Even his face turned paler.
Yun Susu’s voice transmission sounded in her mind:
“Jiang He, I don’t care what your purpose is to hide in Haoyunzong with this body.”
“But if you dare to harm Zhou’er, or want to use him, be careful of your life!”
“Also, I’m warning you, stay away from Zhou’er, you old Sakura, don’t get his idea!”
Jiang Basui: “…”
“Who’s going to hurt him?”
She was so aggrieved, her mouth shrugged and she trembled.
From the moment this bastard returned to Haoyunzong, she was the one who was led by the nose! Really want to use it.
It was also this bastard who took advantage of him!
In the Chen family’s wave, she took the risk alone! But what’s the point of arguing about it now?
Yun Susu’s unreasonable behavior is worse than Yun Zhou!
She didn’t think she could get any merit from Yun Susu.
As for staying away from Yunzhou…
“I’m not even close to him! He forced me to do bad things for him!”
“And… who the fuck is Old Sakura!?”
“What did I think of him??”
Jiang’s eight-year-old shriveled bones rose and fell one after another, obviously very angry.
But in his eyes, there was suddenly a kind of stubbornness flickering.
It’s like a child’s “rebel eyes”.
I don’t know what to think.
At this time, Ling Weiyang came to the top of the mountain and said with a smile:
“Brother Yun, the cook at Yuechan’s place has cooked and asked you to come over, are you going?”
Yun Zhou nodded, “Definitely go, let’s go now, you come with me.”
Ling Weiyang smiled brightly, stepped forward and grabbed Yun Zhou’s big hand: “Let’s go.”
After finishing speaking, she thought of something again, and looked sideways at Jiang Basui:
“Xiao Fu’er, do you want to go to something?”
“She won’t go…”
Yun Zhou replied cautiously.
However, before he finished speaking, Jiang Basui ran to the other side of Yunzhou with his short legs.
The little hand directly grabbed his finger, and said in a milky voice:
“Guokuo, I want to eat!”
The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth twitched.
good guy.
Why does this tiger beat face like flipping a book?
You just wanted to eat me, but turned around and “potted” again? But he didn’t think much of it.
Turning his eyes, he leaned over and hugged her, and said with a smile: “Okay, then brother will take you to your delicious 0…”
Jiang Basui nodded his head, with a cute look: “It’s so good to eat with Guoguo!”
Not to mention, the non-standard big tongue is really a bit generous.
If Yunzhou didn’t know her identity, it would be easy to be cute.
on the way.
The corner of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up again.
Apparently, he had another idea.
I saw him holding Jiang Basui and making a movement.
Turning his eyes, he suddenly looked at Jiang He and said:
“You have dinner with me, do you want to make sense of it?”
Jiang He was stunned.
“What do you mean?”
“That’s it.”
Yun Zhou leaned over, and according to Jiang He’s face, he went straight up.
When the strong suction came, Jiang He could only feel his fleshy cheeks being wrapped and shook several times! Then, I heard Yunzhou’s surprised voice:
“Sure enough, I finally know why the parents of Blue Star like to cover their children’s faces…”
“It’s so comfortable too!”
Jiang He was stunned, and his whole body was stiff.
Who am I and where am I?
What did this bastard just do!?
He said it was to make himself feel better, but in the end he bit himself with a big face? ah this…
She blinked Kazilan’s big eyes, looking atCloud 5.1 Boat.
It took quite a while before I came back to my senses.
Immediately afterwards, there was a voice full of embarrassment.
Yunzhou, what are you doing! ?”
Good guy, the pot and the pot are all gone.
Fortunately, Ling Weiyang didn’t deliberately wait for the two of them, otherwise seeing her in her current state, she must be suspicious.
That’s right, how can an eight-year-old child look ashamed and angry?
“What to do, I won’t say anything, do you want to make it clear?”
Yun Zhou replied without blushing.
Jianghe people are all stupid.
She thought that Yun Zhou would have a limit to being unscrupulous, even if he was a twitch, there must be a measure.
But now it seems that this guy is completely daring!
How the hell did I look like this, and I stretched out my claws to myself… Is he a devil!?.

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