Chapter 1431 : The so-called head on the buttocks! Yunzhou’s retreat is the only way to advance!
Be reasonable.
For this magic lotus, Yun Zhou is convinced from the bottom of his heart.
I don’t know why.
This little gadget can always see into his inner thoughts! Yes, just say it’s weird.
Just when he laid down the foundation for victory, but the spirit of battle was still in full swing.
The guy clapped his hands twice.
Several soldiers broke in again!
Threatening to come and compete with Yun Zhou on behalf of Mo Lian.
Can Yun Zhou get used to it?
Certainly not!
This battle was fought in full swing! After turning over four, six more!
It almost made Yun Zhou stumble!
But fortunately, his “capital master” taught well.
In the capital enchantment that lasted for several hours, he fulfilled his mission and picked the fruits of victory! Entered the peak as early as noon, and left until the next morning.
Yun Zhou won the duel, and his mood was bright.
Putting his hands behind his head, the old god walked towards the Suzerain Mountain all the way.
Thinking of those sentences yesterday, “I submit to the suzerain”.
Yun Zhou was very satisfied.
(To be a suzerain, you must have the strength to convince your subordinates!)
While walking, his consciousness sensed the shadow of Jiang Basui.
This guy is still pretending to be immature.
The small face is full of flesh, and the two short legs are swinging upside down, looking clumsy.
He also didn’t expect that Jiang He still had this kind of interest in pretending to be a child.
Is it lack of parental love? We don’t know either.
Anyway, Yun Zhou has no intention to expose her now.
At this time, Yanyi’s voice transmission suddenly came from the token hanging on his waist: “Zhou’er?”
Yun Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then quickly picked up the token on his waist, and said with a smile:
“Master? Where are you? What are you preaching in Haoyunzong, why don’t the disciples find you now”~?”
Yan Yi was angry and funny, “Don’t do it, I just left the back mountain now.”
“Your aunt is still in the sect, so don’t mess around and let her find out.”
“What are you afraid of?”
Although Yun Zhou felt guilty, he still looked disapproving on the surface:
“If you find it, you will find it out. Anyway, the disciple and the master are in love with each other, can my aunt still beat the mandarin duck?”
“If she dares to disagree with you and my feelings, I’ll tie her up and play PG!”
“Your disciple has this strength now!”
All right.
Yun Zhou knows how to make female cultivators happy.
If this is the case, it’s normal.
It’s easy for Yanyi to understand that “he doesn’t want to make it public”.
So you have to do the opposite.
The more she looks like “not afraid that my aunt will know”, the happier Yanyi will be!
Of course, he is also certain that Yanyi dare not make it public with Yun Susu now.
Just playing tricks.
Before hearing this, Yan Yi felt quite sweet in her heart.
But the more you listen to it, the more you can’t laugh or cry.
In the end, he stayed in Bengbu directly, laughed out a “puchi”, and said helplessly:
“What nonsense are you talking about? That’s your aunt, how dare you call her PG? It’s really a change of playing the piano.”
Yun Zhou scratched his head, “Aren’t you afraid that my aunt will disagree? What does Master say, do you want to confess to my aunt?”
Yan Yi shook her head, “Let’s forget it now, about your parents… your aunt finally let go of her grudge with me.”
“At this time, it’s better not to be unhappy with her.”
Anyway, Yunzhou’s parents also died to save her, and she still feels guilty now.
With the addition of Yun Susu, I have a good impression of her, and I want to make friends with her.
In the end, when she turned around, she directly “became a niece and daughter-in-law”? The timing wasn’t right.
She doesn’t want to be mistaken for an old cow eating young grass.
Still waiting for the opportunity.
Yun Zhou nodded, “Okay, Master doesn’t want to confess, I listen to you…”
“Then Master is looking for me now, is there something urgent about the sect?”
After returning to Haoyunzong a few days ago, he had two face-to-face photos with Yanyi.
And every time he couldn’t say a few words, Master Dabao went to busy with Haoyunzong’s affairs.
But it is true.
Right now is the critical period for the rise of Haoyunzong.
His hands-off shopkeeper is relaxed and happy.
Correspondingly, Master Dabao must be too busy to ignore his back! Yan Yi smiled wryly when she heard this.
It must be the sect’s business to find you?
It seems that during this period of time, I seem to have really neglected the traitor…
“It’s not about the sect, it’s about Fu’er, I have to tell you.”
“Fu’er’s identity doesn’t seem to be simple… I’m here with Emperor Yun today, and Emperor Yun’s name isI’ll be more careful with her…”
Yan Yi explained word by word.
She could sense that Jiang Fu’er was not malicious.
But Yun Susu told her to be careful… there must be some reason.
Yan Yi instructed: “”
“It doesn’t matter who you are, junior sister.”
“But we still need to pay more attention to her.”
“It’s fine if you don’t have any bad intentions towards us, but if you really have different intentions…”
“If you are not careful, the consequences will be serious.”
Thinking of Jiang Basui’s bewildered face, Yan Yi frowned and her eyes flickered inexplicably.
Yun Zhou asked curiously, “Then why didn’t you tell her?”
Yan Yi pondered for a while, then thought: “I want to find out her intentions.”
“And I don’t know her identity, so asking rashly…it’s easy to startle the snake.”
Hearing this, Yun Zhou raised the corner of his mouth.
Also scared the snake of P.
This old woman is more demon than snake.
Without thinking too much, Yunzhou responded loudly: “Okay, I see.”
Yan Yi was also silent for a while.
Suddenly said softly: “Zhou’er, come to me at Haishi today… Ben, I miss you.”
Yun Zhou had a doting smile on his face, “Okay, coincidentally, I miss Master too.”
Yan Yi snorted tenderly, “Think I won’t come to see me at night these few days?”
“Isn’t Mr. Xiang afraid of delaying Yi’er’s handling of the clan’s affairs?”
“…Bah, you, who are you?”
… 따”
The two agreed on a time for their tryst, and they got bored for a while.
Just when the sound transmission was about to end, Yanyi thought of something again, and suddenly said: “By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say about Fu’er.”
“When I left just now, I happened to see this little girl, and went up the back mountain angrily.”
“I asked her…she said she was angry, and she wanted to go to Emperor Yun for comment…”
“Did you bully her?”

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