Chapter 1457 : Shy nun! Well, Pindao should help him!
Yun Zhou froze for a moment.
He seemed to think of something casually, licked the corner of his mouth and said, “It’s not uncomfortable, it’s not uncomfortable at all!”
“Don’t tell me, I think it’s still sweet. Did you eat honey when you drank?”
“But I can tell you, even if you eat honey, it won’t work.”
“I’m also the master of a sect anyway, your bah bah bah bah is really too much, you…”
“Oh, that’s not what I said!”
Lin Langyue glanced down with evasive eyes.
After looking at Zhiyin, he quickly looked away, hesitating and saying: “Yes, it is that…”
Yunzhou: “…”
He blankly followed Lin Langyue’s line of sight.
Then, people froze!
I saw that because he didn’t know when he would rise completely, he had an invincible momentum! Good guy!
No wonder Lin Langyue would ask this question.
Could it be that she is only afraid of the explosion!?
As Lin Langyue lowered her head, the scene gradually became silent.
Lin Langyue’s heart beat faster and faster, and her erratic eyes glanced at Yun Zhou from time to time.
emmm…looks a little panicked.
Yun Zhou looked Lin Langyue up and down.
In my mind, there are the records of Lin Langyue in the original text, as well as the memory of the time when I was in contact with the other party.
He is sure that among these crumbling female key figures,
Lin Langyue is definitely one of the characters that most fits the original setting!
When he saw her for the first time, the indifferent breath and the emotionless eyes were still fresh in his memory.
But what’s going on now?
Time has smoothed the edges and corners of a person?
Ruthless nun brave enough to explore the source of magic?
Yun Zhou shook his head, forcing himself to calm down before speaking.
After all, one second he was still shouting and shouting, and the next second he suddenly asked this… He felt a little flustered for no reason.
Don’t be Lin Langyue deliberately fishing.
Looking for an opportunity to smash the cause, that’s a bad thing! yes!
Just because in the state of confrontation, it is impossible for him to use the fairy body.
It is not impossible for Lin Lang Yuedi Realm’s cultivation base to be crushed!
“Ahem… If you really don’t want to sleep, how about we read a book?”
Yun Zhou pointed to the bamboo scroll in his bedroom, and asked Lin Langyue.
Lin Langyue nodded and sat down.
Afterwards, he took the bamboo roll handed over by Yun Zhou, and read it together.
Yun Zhou picked two at random, both of which are love stories in the fairyland.
(Pites: A romance novel similar to Lan Xing.)
In this regard, Yun Zhou felt a little boring.
But Lin Langyue, a Taoist nun, watched it with gusto.
Especially when I saw the plot of “falling in love” in the storybook.
Her face would instantly turn red, and she turned her head shyly.
But it was obviously uncontrollable, so he calmed down for a few seconds, and then watched intently.
Yun Zhou looked a little sleepy, didn’t straighten up, fell asleep in a daze.
Lin Langyue looked at the script seriously and didn’t notice at all that Yun Zhou who was asleep was even more dishonest than when he was awake.
His thigh hit her with a “snap”.
Lin Langyue was taken aback for a moment, and then she came back to her senses from the script.
When she saw Yun Zhou who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, she curved her eyebrows and smiled.
But then, she stopped laughing.
I saw that Yun Zhou, who was sleeping, had a more powerful vision than before!
“Ah this…”
Ruthless Taoist Lin Langyue’s breath suddenly became stagnant, and her eyes widened in disbelief.
Immediately after reacting, he quickly covered his eyes!
The kind that blinds your eyes!
Such visions are like golden pillars stirring the sky, the visual impact is so hard for her to look directly at! but.
The strong curiosity drove her frequently, wanting to let her put down her hands and have a look!
“I’ll cover it up at a glance…it should be fine?”
Lin Langyue let out a long breath, then put down his hands.
Unexpectedly, the dazzling golden light as imagined did not appear, but the vision was still terrifying! She stretched out her hand out of nowhere to remove the seal of the vision.
When she saw the magnificence, she immediately covered her mouth in shock, inexplicably shocked! this!
It’s Yan Yi and those people, who are so thirsty for the vision of heaven and earth!? But… this is too outrageous!
“emmm… so uncomfortable 0…”
At this moment, Yun Zhou suddenly muttered something in his sleep.
Lin Langyue was confused for a moment, and then understood in seconds.
It must be that Yun Zhou didn’t know that visions would erupt after he fell asleep.
That’s why it’s so painful.
That’s it…
Lin Langyue did not know what to think of, gentlyBiting her red lip.
“If it wasn’t for him, maybe my life would have been lost…”
“Forget it, let’s take it as a repayment for his kindness in saving me in the heritage site…”
Thinking about it, she took a deep breath and looked at Yun Zhou seriously:
“The road to the rise of this villain has been bumpy and bumpy. It is hard to tell how much effort has been put in to reach this level.”
“Forget it, Pindao will help you as much as I can.”
She put the script aside, her red lips parted slightly.
A mantra came out of his mouth, and it actually vented all the immortal power in his body…
(Ding, Lin Langyue has completed the hidden task: Crossing Names.)
(Congratulations to the host, the key character “Lin Langyue” is bound to the villain.)
(Host luck looting is successful, luck point +10)
Yun Zhou opened his eyes drowsily, and the system’s notification sound kept coming from his mind.
Of course, he couldn’t hear the hidden notification tone.
However, this did not delay his beeping in the slightest.
Hidden mission?
What’s the meaning?
Yun Zhou looked at the wood carvings on the roof in a daze.
That’s right, I slept on Zeixiang 1.6 just now, and I don’t even know what happened.
How did you complete the hidden mission?
Or did Lin Langyue complete it?
Hmm~ You have become your own bound villain?
Yun Zhou was wondering, suddenly thought of something, and looked to the side.
I saw Lin Langyue still quietly looking at the script next to her.
No change can be seen on the slightly cold face, and Gujing Wulan’s side face is unparalleled in beauty.
business as usual.
As if nothing happened.
Suddenly, Yun Zhou was dumbfounded.
This… is not right!
She didn’t seem to do anything, why did she bind the villain? Just when he couldn’t get rid of it.
He noticed a small detail…….

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