Chapter 1460 : Lonely! Yun Zhou’s daily life!
Yun Zhou thought for a while, “Then you start directly from Lin Langyue’s side and poach the wall!”
Jiang He looked at him with mentally handicapped eyes: “Poach your aunt’s corner?”
“What if your aunt gets impatient and she picks up a sword and hacks me to death?”
Yun Zhou shrugged, “Then let’s just open the table.”
“No, I’m on a horse…”
The two chased after each other and walked down the mountain…
I had lunch at Jianghe’s, and I ate the fairy wine brought back by Bo Jiangmen.
Yunzhou returned to the Sovereign Mountain contentedly, with a lot of fairy meat in his hand.
Pushing open the bedroom door, he said with a smile: “Don’t sleep, get up and eat first…”
As a result, when he walked to the side of the couch, he froze.
I saw that the originally messy bed was tidied up.
The futons were all folded into tofu cubes.
However, where can I still see Lin Langyue?
(Good guy, I let her slip away when I went out for a meal?)
(how do you say that?)
(The cooked duck flew away…can’t eat meat anymore?)
Yun Zhou pulled the corner of his mouth and patted his forehead, secretly said, “Drinking is a mistake”.
At this time, he suddenly noticed a photo stone on the side table.
Pick it up, pour celestial power into it, and phantoms flicker 200 times in it.
Lin Langyue’s figure appeared for a moment.
Then he directly threw the photo stone on the table, and said in a cold voice:
“Speak to your aunt, help her deal with Yunling matters, and go to her Yunling retreat by the way.”
“When we meet next time, Pindao must give you a good lesson…”
Maybe I want to talk to Yunzhou about where to go, so that he can rest assured.
Happily, he doesn’t speak much.
In this way, Lin Langyue said a lot of things, and ended the picture in haste.
Yunzhou: “…”
Lin Langyue stood in the void outside the Haoyun Sect’s influence, looking in the direction of the Sovereign Mountain from afar.
There is no longer the old well and no waves in his eyes, but an unspeakable look in his eyes.
Until today, she finally recognized her own heart.
What’s wrong with practicing the Ruthless Dao?
Daohai turned pink, so what happened to the small bubbles?
Although she fell in love, Dao Xin and Dao Hai never had any mistakes.
It even made her combat power a bit stronger!
Doesn’t this mean that the “ruthlessness” she insisted on in the past is wrong?
“If you like it, then just treat it honestly.”
“Yun Zhou is not yet married, his master covets the position of wife, but in the end he has to speak with his wrist.”
“As long as my strength grows fast enough, I will be the one who will stand by Yunzhou’s side in the future!”
Thinking about it, the corners of Lin Langyue’s mouth curled up: “Even though there are countless confidante girls, they are nothing more than concubines.”
“The position of the main wife is poor!”
Impressed with fairy rhyme, she turned and left.
The breeze fluttered her blue hair, adding a bit of beauty.
But Lin Langyue didn’t know that she wasn’t the only emperor who was eyeing the position of wife.
Yun Susu, you stare much tighter than her…
With Lin Langyue leaving without saying goodbye, Yun Zhou’s life became boring again.
That’s right.
Now Yunling, Haoyunzong, and Jiangmen are in a tripartite alliance.
Yan Yi and the others were so busy all day long trying to expand their power that they had no time to pay attention to him.
And Jianghe Jiumengzi is alone, except when eating, I can see her.
Other times I don’t know where to hide and drink.
The most annoying thing is, this unreasonable woman.
He even brought Chu Liuli and Yun Qiaoer under his wing.
The whole day either let these two people play poker with her, or the three of them drink together.
It’s just not doing business properly!
The situation now is much higher.
There are a lot of confidante, but I can’t find one who can accompany me.
This makes Yun Zhou, the hands-off shopkeeper, miss Lin Daogu very much.
But he also knows.
As of now, it’s useless to think about it.
Just like Hao Yunzong is busy with his head and doesn’t care about his back recently.
Lin Langyue took care of Yunling for her aunt, so it might not be much better.
“Oh~ I never thought that I, Yun, would have a time when I was “lonely.”
ε=(o`*))) Alas.
… evening hours.
Still no sign of Yan Yi and the others.
There were only a few people at the huge dining table.
Just out of the blue.
Yun Susu actually came out from the back mountain.
He accompanied Yunzhou and others to have a meal in a flat manner.
Jiang He was full of wine and food, and took Chu Liuli and Yun Qiaoer to mess around.
Yun Susu stopped Yun Zhou.
It’s not that I have any serious business with him, but simply reminded me a few words about “Linmen”.
Tell him that there will be major turmoil in Linmen recently, and he should be prepared to prevent Linmen from counterattacking.
Obviously, Yun Susu has received some wind.
Yun Zhou naturally took this matter to heart.
According to his understanding.
The great elder of Linmen has now completely become Yun Susu’s spy.
Hmm…completely instigate belongs to yes.
Plus that fellow Lin Sheng is currently in retreat…
Auntie will never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime mobile phone opportunity.
Remind yourself at this time that something is definitely going to happen.
Yun Susu gave a few words of warning, and there was someone at the dining table.
He didn’t respond to Yunzhou doing anything too much, and left directly.
After she left, Yun Zhou didn’t stay long.
Before leaving, when passing by Lin Shan, she whispered: “…After midnight tonight, go to the dense forest under the Suzerain Mountain and wait for me.”
on the dinner table.
Lin Shan, who was eating vegetarian dishes, shrank her pupils upon hearing this.
She didn’t reply, but the small fist in her cuff was clenched unconsciously.
Yun Zhou didn’t care.
Linmen is in turmoil soon, maybe it will be taken over by one pot!
These two undercover agents, as people who grew up in Linmen in the past… naturally have to be punished.
Lin Shan loves Jue Ling, so let her come alone.
The corner of his mouth curled up, Yun Zhou’s swaying back looked like a villain… Time passed.
Lin Shan came to the appointed dense forest.
I saw Yunzhou standing on the edge of the dense forest with his hands behind his back, looking up at the moon in the sky.
Unlike usual days, today’s rare red moon is particularly eye-catching, and it seems to have a bloody breath.
Explain that the recent days are not peaceful.
Under the moonlight, Yunzhou is as tall and straight as a pine tree, with a refined temperament, as handsome as a fairy descended into the world.
Lin Shan looked at his back and swallowed inexplicably:
“This man… is really bad and handsome.”

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