Chapter 1462 : The sister who was brutally murdered, the sister who secretly promised her!
Lin Shan thought for a while, then asked in a deep voice:
“Why are you so obsessed with kinesthesia?”
“Use her to threaten the abbot of Fusheng Temple to defect, wouldn’t it be better?”
Hearing this, Yun Zhou put away his plain expression, and lightly brushed her hair with playful fingers.
It wasn’t until he teased her that she was slightly ashamed, and then smiled lightly and said:
“Of course it’s for what I want. What I want to threaten is not that old abbot…”
Lin Shan froze for a moment, felt something strange in her hair, and immediately reacted.
He couldn’t help blushing and said angrily, “Is it me you’re threatening?”
“What you want in your heart…is to be greedy for my body?”
While speaking, there was an inexplicable shyness of a girl.
The little cook is ashamed and full of beauty!
“Yeah, in my opinion, you care more about sister Jueling’s life than that old bald donkey…”
“017” Yun Zhou said bluntly: “What’s more, I’m not interested in that old bald donkey’s defection.”
“It’s you, I think it’s very interesting.”
Yun Zhou’s eyes became more playful, which made Lin Shan’s heart beat faster.
Seeing the heat is almostup.
Yun Zhou coughed lightly, and took out a pill from the storage ring.
“But speaking of threats, you reminded me.”
“Anyway, Jue Ling is also a spy…”
“In order to prevent her from being unfavorable to me, it’s better to control it in advance.”
“What are you going to do?”
Hearing this, Lin Shan couldn’t stop her pupils shrinking.
She looked at Yun Zhou’s indifferent eyes, and her heart skipped a beat.
Is he trying to use this pill to control Jue Ling?
“Nothing, just trying to feel at ease.”
Yun Zhou looked at the elixir as if appreciating a handicraft: “This is the Brain Corpse Pill.”
“It can control other people’s minds, make people lose their ability to think, and become a walking dead…”
“Tsk tsk, for a spy like Jue Ling, this pill is perfect.”
“Not to mention being able to control her for my use, but in the end there will be no chance of harming me.”
All right.
This so-called “brain corpse pill”.
It’s just that Yun Dao Pill has crossed two layers of devil energy.
It’s not like he hasn’t seen that girl Jue Ling before.
Although he is a spy, he is kind and innocent by nature.
Such a person does this, which shows how entangled his heart is.
And she has been in Yunling for so long, if she wants to harm herself, she has already had a chance.
But she never made a move, which proves that this girl is still “conscientious” in her heart.
Of course, these are not the main reasons for his soft-heartedness.
the most important is.
This girl has 36 righteousness!
Turned into a walking dead, isn’t that blind for nothing?
“No, don’t, Jue Ling and I have agreed, she will never harm you.”
Lin Shan panicked: “Believe me, you can’t give her this pill…”
In a hurry, she is in a hurry!
While Lin Shan was flustered, she reached out her hand to snatch the elixir from Yun Zhou’s hand.
But Yun Zhou put the pill directly behind him, raised his eyebrows and said:
“Sister Lin Shan doesn’t want to let me take risks with just a few words?”
“What do you want?”
“You know~”
Lin Shan: () at the same moment.
In the side hall, in a room lit with candles.
Jue Ling sat behind his desk, staring at his portrait in a daze.
On a vivid picture scroll.
A handsome young man stands on the top of the mountain, with flying long hair, handsome as a banished fairy.
Hmm… who else?
Yun Zhou Ben Zhou chant.
She stared blankly at the picture scroll, and after a long while, her little hand caressed the face on the picture.
“Sovereign… What a good man!”
(Yun Zhou: ???)
Well, it means that Yunzhou himself is not here.
Otherwise, you have to break up with her.
Who do you call a good person? However, this is not surprising.
Ever since I met Yunzhou in Yunling before.
She recognized Yunzhou’s “good guy” attribute.
She heard Yun Zhou’s heart clearly.
Even if he knew he was a spy, he hadn’t hurt himself yet.
He even brought her to Haoyunzong to protect his own life in disguise… If this is a good person, who else can?
Of course, she is not sending a good person card to Yun Zhou.
On the contrary, she still has a crush on Yun Zhou.
In the words on her painting scroll:
“The best age, I met you like a star.”
emmm…It’s quite elegant to confess that it belongs to yes.
It’s just that although she loves it in her heart, she only dares to show off on the picture scroll.
She knew that the identities of Yun Zhou and Yun Zhou were too different, so she didn’t dare to ask the other party to like her too much.
As long as I can be a slave by his side, it will be fine.
Jueling looked at the handsome man in the portrait, with peach blossoms in his eyes.
In a daze, she thought of Yun Zhou’s inner voice when he looked at her at the dinner table.
(Tsk, this girl is good in everything, but her waist is too thin…
(If this is nonsense, it will be folded, right?)
The message of this passage is clear.
Jueling is also very smart, so he immediately realized it.
She, the face of a generation of fairy.
Taken together, it is certainly not worthy of Yunzhou.
However, “losing at the waist” is definitely not acceptable to her.
The beautiful eyes flickered slightly, and Jue Ling found the key point.
Suddenly, she had a bold idea.
Plump up your waist by yourself, and then recommend yourself as a pillow! As soon as the thought arises, it will never go away.
Jueling looked at the cloud boat on the scroll, and his expression gradually became firm.
“Well, let’s do this, suppress your cultivation tomorrow, and work hard to eat!”
Having made up his mind, Jueling put away the scroll, and happily climbed onto the bed.
My mind is full of suzerain, so I will definitely not be able to continue my cultivation.
If so, dream about it.
Lying on the couch, Jue Ling recalled the inner voice he heard during this period 0.3.
After several days of contact, she has almost sorted out.
In this regard, she also has a few guesses.
Just the closest to reality, more outrageous.
According to her idea…
Yun Zhou is not from this world.
The “original text” he said in his heart should be the world they are in now.
And their past, including various subsequent developments…
It seems that they are all under the control of Yunzhou.
“No wonder he knows his origin and identity.”
“It turned out that everything was in his plan…”
Her beautiful eyes became obsessed again.
“Such a mysterious and wonderful person is in a mountain not far away.”
“This, how can I control this…”

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