Chapter 1465: Ling Luohuan’s soul-moving method! Grumpy Girl is online!
heard the words.
Shadow asked in surprise: “Check his background, does it have anything to do with his temperament?”
Ling Luohuan remained expressionless, “Do you know that in the ancient fairyland, there is a soul-moving method?”
“Ah this.”
Ghost froze for a moment.
Then he seemed to think of something, and said in shock, “You mean…”
“That’s right.”
Ling Luohuan quietly looked at Yun Zhou in the picture, and suddenly chuckled lightly: “This little reincarnation may be from a soul transfer.”
Mumbling to herself, she waved her hand.
Shadow understood, and directly took the order to leave.
Looking at the sour scene reflected in the black ball, Ling Luohuan chuckled suddenly: “Heaven said that you are not from this world, and there is a basis for it.”
“Occupied the reincarnated body of the Immortal Emperor, and concealed the remnant soul of the Immortal Emperor…”
“You little gong, you are quite capable.”
Haoyun sect dense forest.
“Cough cough cough…”
Followed by a fierce fight.
Lin Shan only felt tired all over, and her saliva and nose were choking, as if it was broken.
The irritable Yunzhou did not give up the discussion!
He even pinched Lin Shan’s neck on both sides with his big hands! With a big hand, a sense of suffocation hits the brain.
It made Lin Shan in great pain, and she couldn’t stop 643 from rolling her eyes and glaring at him: “Wo, Wo, help me, Ning Sasou!”
emmm… Jill is outrageous! …
the next day.
Lin Shan woke up in the side hall.
Jue Ling and her are in the same hall, but not in the same room.
After waking up this time, I didn’t feel as tired as when Sakura was taken away.
Just feel very thirsty.
Although her cultivation base is not high, it is still very rare for a cultivator to be thirsty.
When she came to the table, Lin Shan poured all the tea on the table into her mouth, and then she felt much better.
Recalling what happened in the early morning, she felt an inexplicable annoyance.
“You bastard, what a devil!”
In fact, to be reasonable.
As early as last night at the dinner table, Lin Shan was ready to be called away to discuss.
In this regard, she was not very resistant.
There is even a little expectation that I don’t want to admit.
It’s just that I can’t hold back my face and dare not speak out.
But if she doesn’t say it, Yun Zhou is really not a human being.
When he felt comfortable, he turned around and left!
It is true to turn your face and deny people!
Just when she couldn’t help grabbing the opponent’s cuff, and wanted to fight.
It was also said, “I’m discussing, I want to collect the fairy stone.”
Is this tm still a person?
Lin Shan was so angry, she wished that Yun Zhou would die with a pot of lids! But that’s the problem, she didn’t dare.
In the end, her self-esteem prevailed, she didn’t pester Yunzhou to find the capitalist, and went back to her side hall in a daze.
Fortunately, this wave is not particularly bad.
At the very least, “Brain Corpse Pill” persuaded him.
Otherwise, if Yunzhou really ate this thing to Jueling, Jueling would be finished! Lin Shan breathed out softly, and said to herself, “I have done another good deed.”
Shaking her head and not thinking about it, she pulled herself together and asked the maid for a big wooden barrel, and took a bath.
When it was over, she was finally alive.
The resentment towards Yunzhou in my heart also dissipated a little.
I don’t care about training.
Go out directly and find Jue Ling to play.
Then let’s talk.
Do you have a feeling?
The person you least want to see can always appear in front of you! Take now for example.
Lin Shan never wants to see Yun Zhou again today.
As a result, as soon as he left the bedroom, he saw Yun Zhou standing at the door of the hall, looking at her with a smile.
Lin Shan frowned, and asked with a stinky face, “Why are you here again?”
Yun Zhou didn’t care about her attitude either.
After all, I just cleaned up people’s house yesterday, so it’s normal to be unfriendly now.
“I need to find out some secrets of Linmen, you go and ask your uncle for me.”
Lin Shan was a little surprised, this was the first time Yunzhou asked her for help.
The fairyland is full of fish and dragons, and there is no impenetrable wall.
The secrets of various forces will be spread out more or less.
This point is very clear to the major power masters.
So the secret that has been spread outside.
Most of them are deliberately not controlled by these “power masters”.
emmm…it’s the kind of secret that people know and it’s nothing.
But what Yunzhou wants to inquire about is some really hidden secrets.
Do not know why.
Ever since returning to Sovereign Mountain in the early morning, Yun Zhou always had a bad premonition in his heart.
It was as if someone had been staring at him somewhere.
After thinking hard for a long time, he couldn’t figure out what kind of existence could make him feel this way.
But in order to avoid long nights and more dreams, Yunzhou is going to speed upSpeed ​​up your plans.
Seeing Yun Zhou’s serious face, Lin Shan took a deep breath.
To tell the truth, she is now “under the fence”, and it is her duty to help Yun Zhou find out the news.
Just thinking of Yunzhou’s hateful face in the dense forest, she felt inexplicably blocked.
“Uncle is the great elder of Linmen, so it’s not difficult to find out the secret…”
“Just, how are you going to repay me?”
Lin Shan’s expression was a little ridiculous.
This is the first time she has taken the initiative in front of Yunzhou.
However, before she could be proud, she was hit hard by Yun Zhou in the back.
Covering his back in disbelief, he looked around guiltily, afraid of being seen.
“What are you doing!?”
Lin Shan was extremely ashamed.
How can she say that she has also stayed in Yunling for more than ten years, and many disciples who followed Haoyunzong knew her.
If someone she knew saw this, how would she behave?
Seeing her embarrassed look, Yun Zhou raised the corner of his mouth slightly: “Is not only sister Lin Shan satisfied with my return?”
“You are shameless!”
How could Lin Shan have thought that Yun Zhou would be so cheeky! Actually using this reward in broad daylight?
Can this still be the master of a sect? He’s clearly an extremely prodigal apprentice!
“You don’t think you can put me down just by biting me yesterday, do you?”
“Jueling, I don’t need to give her the poison pill.”
“But there is your uncle.”
“He is a person who can harm the entire Linmen elders group. I should be more vigilant, what do you think?”
Yun Zhou rubbed his chin with his big hand without any scruples, his eyes teasing.
Lin Shan was stunned by his words, and when she noticed his gaze, her little face instantly turned red.
this person.
It’s just unethical…

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