Chapter 1471: Legendary Zhao Miaozhu! To feed someone in Huyun with his body!
But after spitting lightly, Yun Susu felt powerless for no reason.
Meimou glanced at Yunzhou’s face, and sighed: “You are the nemesis of the Lord of the Ridge!”
“It’s also thanks to the fact that I don’t practice the path of few desires.”
“Otherwise, one day you really succeed, and I’m afraid all your cultivation will be wiped out.”
Yun Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and then looked curious, “What kind of magic is this, it doesn’t exist in the Three Thousand Ways.”
“Cultivation is still empty? Why haven’t I heard of it?”
Yun Susu couldn’t help laughing: “What kind of magic way?”
“If Zhao Miaozhu hears your words, why don’t you go all out with you?”
Zhao Miaozhu?
Yun Zhou froze for a moment, then remembered the rumors in the Immortal Domain, and said doubtfully:
“That’s not the legendary “May 10″Is it a person, does such a person really exist?”
All right.
There are more and more characters in Xianyu beyond the original text.
Some people have never even heard of Yun Zhou.
Take the name “Zhao Miaozhu” as an example.
It was never mentioned in the original text.
He also heard his rumors in the Immortal Domain, and only then did he learn that there was a legend about this person.
He didn’t understand what had happened.
But what is still fresh in my memory is…
This woman seems to be the “Slaying Male Fairy” from thousands of years ago? Well, the kind that men can’t extricate themselves from seeing…
How beautiful is this?
Not paying attention to Yun Zhou’s daze, Yun Susu gave him a charming look: “Who told you that she is a legendary figure?”
“He’s living a good life now, he’s just taking Dushengmen along with him to hide from the world.”
“Speaking of… she was also an existence that could compete for the position of the Six Emperors in the past.”
“It’s just that she is pure-hearted and ascetic, and has no intention of facing the world.”
Yun Zhou scratched his head in doubt.
Speaking of which, he had only heard of the name Zhao Miaozhu.
Characters outside the original text.
But this “Walking Life Gate” is somewhat recorded in the original text.
Avoid the chaotic world of mortals, the number one force hidden from all living beings.
Strictly speaking, there is still an indissoluble bond with Yunzhou.
That’s right.
I still remember when I was in Haotu Palace in the past.
Did he wake up the four Daoist girls with his literary talent, and was chosen as the successor by the Taoist sect of Xianyu? Yes, the Taoist sect based on “Confucianism and Taoism”.
It is the first sect under the influence of “Walking Life Gate”!
It’s just that Confucianism and Taoism were lonely in the past, and the status of Taoism plummeted.
Eventually it disappeared from public view.
All sentient beings thought that Taoism was destroyed.
Even Yun Zhou who came to Xianyu has this guess.
So after he arrived in Xianyu, he didn’t go to inquire about Daozong’s news.
But now it seems…
This Taoist sect may not be extinct, it is very likely that they followed Dushengmen and disappeared together.
After thinking for a while, Yun Zhou asked curiously: “Auntie, what you mean is that this Zhao Miaozhu is the master of Dushengmen?”
“They cross the life gate, and they practice the way of few desires?”
Yun Zhou has never heard of the name Dao of few desires.
Just listen to what my aunt said.
Once the practice of this thing has become the reality of the bed, it will empty the cultivation base.
Then he felt it was outrageous.
Do normal people practice this thing?
“No, Zhao Miaozhu is the only one who practices the way of few desires.”
Yun Susu said flatly: “She has a closed heart, and she has been paying attention to abandoning love for many years and saving all sentient beings.”
“In her view, everything in the world of mortals is a burden, and what people want is childish.”
“That’s why I opened up a road on my own, and named it the way of few desires.”
The direction of the Tao is all in the heart.
The Three Thousand Ways are inherent, but not complete.
Those with extraordinary talents can open up their own Dao outside the group Dao.
In this regard, Yunzhou once thought about making a way out.
He had already thought of a name, and it was called “The Way of the Bed”.
But until now, it is still just an idea, and there is no time to practice it.
And the way of asceticism developed by Zhao Miaozhu can be regarded as one of the great ways.
There is no reason to understand, maybe this way is more suitable for her, and can make her cultivation improve faster?
Yun Zhou stretched his waist and grinned, “Give up your love and save all sentient beings… Isn’t that just like a monk?”
“Oh, no, she is a woman, it should be said that she is a nun…”
“Well, she is an old nun.”
Yun Susu squinted her eyes, and said very displeasedly: “And she’s a very unbeatable nun!”
Hearing this, Yun Zhou froze for a moment, “Auntie, do you have a bad relationship with her?”
“Bad relationship? Huh…”
Yun Susu said bitterly: “I wish I could cut her into pieces. If she hadn’t meddled in her business back then, the current number one power would have taken the Chen family’s turn?”
The more she spoke, the more angry she became, Yun Susu gritted her teeth: “Don’t let me catch her, or I’ll have to skin her!”
She squeezed her small white fists with a bad look on her face.
Yun Zhou on one side watched the whole process, and felt that there was a story between these two people.
Yun Susu was furious, but suddenly thought of something again, and snorted coldly:
“If only I were a man, I would tie him to the couch, break her cherry blossoms, and let her cultivation be wiped out!”
“Hmph, the girl from the heavens has been reduced to an ordinary person…”
“It’s definitely more relieved than killing her!”
Hearing this, Yun Zhou trembled all over.
Good guy, it’s my aunt after all.
This thought is more like a villain than myself!
After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he should make his aunt happy.
Immediately waved his hand, patted his chest, and assured:
“My aunt’s hatred is my hatred, don’t worry, although you are not a man, I am!”
“Leave this to me 5.6, when I have the chance, I will trick Zhao Miaozhu into my hands and take her cherry blossoms!”
“Hey, what are you thinking about!?”
Yun Susu stared, and directly grabbed the soft flesh around his waist.
Angrily said: “You are mine, don’t mess around with others!”
After that, she saw Yun Zhou looking at her with a smile.
Responding instantly, blushing and letting go:
“It’s a rebellious son, bullying me all day long…”
As she said that, she thought of something again, shook her head and said, “But it’s the same thing.”
“Unless you force it, if you want to take her cherry blossoms, there is no possibility at all.”
“Zhao Miaozhu is as pure as ice and jade, and she has no desires or desires.”
“Even if you have the means, you can’t deceive her heart…”

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