Chapter 1484 : When I woke up, I became a billionaire brother?
“What did you say?!”
“Ah…it’s nothing, the relationship between master and apprentice.”
Yun Zhou spread his hands and scratched his head with a smirk.
All right.
He wanted to have a showdown to test Yun Susu.
See if she can accept it.
But judging from her “upside down eyebrows”… is not the time for a showdown.
(Forget it, anyway, the time is still long, take your time, sooner or later you will accept it.)
Hearing Yun Zhou’s voice, Yun Susu didn’t understand what it meant.
But she felt a lot better when she heard that it was a master-student relationship.
Yun Zhou looked at her with a smile, “In my aunt’s eyes, am I a rabbit cuddling wildly around the grass?”
Yun Susu glared at Yun Zhou angrily, and snorted coldly, “What do you think?”
“You have reached a certain level of beauty, which woman around you let go? Even this seat…”
“Hmph, even if your master hadn’t been murdered by you, you probably already missed him.”
Yun Zhou approached her with a smirk, held her in his arms with his big hands, and said softly:
“From then on, I will only spoil my aunt herself, how about leaving the matter of our weekend break to my aunt?”
Yun Susu felt the scorching heat coming from her waist, and couldn’t help thinking of yesterday’s absurdity in her mind.
For a moment, his body went limp, his face was as hot as a boiled prawn, and he scolded angrily: “Shut your mouth, who will take care of this kind of 273 things!?”
After finishing speaking, she broke free from Yun Zhou’s big hand.
With a dark spit, he opened the window and escaped from the vicious place.
All right.
She was afraid that if she didn’t hurry up and leave, she wouldn’t be able to go back to Haoyunzong.
Yun Zhou sat on the couch and built a pergola, suddenly thought of something, and said loudly:
“Auntie, go back and deal with the business first, and I’ll find you to sleep with after Linmen is destroyed!”
Yun Susu’s body trembled, and she almost didn’t bring it up in one breath.
This villain… is too scary.
Seeing Yun Susu’s back disappear, Yun Zhou was not in a hurry to go back to the sect.
The first thing he has to think about is how to move the next move.
As for the matter of the demons, he had already forgotten about it, so don’t worry about that.
On Linmen’s side, although he doesn’t care about it on the surface, he has secretly thrown away many methods.
The most important thing is for Jue Ling and Lin Shan.
After the night with Lin Shan, Yun Zhou has already made arrangements.
With Lin Sheng’s level of intelligence, he naturally wouldn’t have any doubts, and he couldn’t help but inquire about “his condition”.
What to do next, how to arrange this “situation”, Yunzhou has almost planned it, so Lin Sheng can let it go first.
“It’s the thing that is sealed, you can try it out in advance.”
Mumbling, Yun Zhou couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.
Judging from the memory of the Immortal Emperor that he fused.
Although I can’t find out exactly what it is.
But he guessed that the thing sealed there should be a giant from ancient times.
Since it is a giant, it is a very important pawn.
If you can talk about it, it is your own. If you can’t talk about it, then you must try to destroy it.
Counting the time, this “chess piece” should be released.
The reason why he was eager to bring down Linmen was precisely because of whether this giant chess piece could be taken under his command.
“Speaking of which, I am the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, plus the title of “Lord of Immortals, Immortal Emperor alive”.”
“It should be possible to enter that sealed place…”
“If you sneak in by taking advantage of the current, persuade this pawn to surrender…”
“Isn’t that more delicious than annexing half of Linmen?”
Yun Zhou had a crazy idea, and then integrated the plans in his mind one by one.
Just when he was thinking about deducing various situations.
Above the town attached to Asgard.
A purple-gold chariot was pulled by three fairy horses glowing with white light, and it was galloping towards the Linmen forces.
Lin Lang Zhantai, dressed in a white skirt, sat in the treasure chariot.
The face is like peach blossoms, the facial features are elegant, and the three thousand black hairs are coiled behind the head, showing dignity and tranquility.
But the fly in the ointment is that.
At this time, she was a little tiredLooking tired, he rubbed his temples on both sides, as if he had used his brain too much.
“My good man~ It’s really annoying to be your opponent.”
Island in the city, the center restaurant Tianzige.
Yun Zhou looked at the personal attribute bar in the light curtain in his mind, and pondered.
Host: Yun Zhou
Identity: Lord of Haotu, Suzerain of Haoyun Sect, Son of Yunling… Cultivation: Emperor Realm (lower level) half step seven.
Physique: Desolate Battle Body (one of the two bodies of immortals and gods)
(Completion) Supreme Immortal Soul (Consummation) Emperor Bone (Dacheng) Title: Peerless Demon Lord (Devil’s reverence: through thick and thin)……
Utensils: Wu Tianhammer (top-level celestial tool), Daye suit (top-level celestial tool)…
Cultivation method: “Zhan Tian Jue One Level” (three layers in total), “Emperor Zun Fury”, “Wu Tian Hammer Method”, “Swallowing Demon Art”, “Tao Principles”, “Wu Wang Sheng Lu”, “Killing God Canon”, “Emperor Power”… …
Dao Rhyme: Emperor Dao (Dacheng), Buddhism, Dao, Demon Dao, Heavenly Dao, Emperor Dao, Reincarnation Dao (semi-perfect), Natural Dao (semi-perfect), Confucianism.
Full-level Taoism: Angry Buddha Lotus, Purple Green Dao Ring, Heavenly Calamity Crossing…
Dao shape: Yunpangu (the early stage of Emperor Zhengdi’s seventh level)
Immortal shape: Yunchi·Xianwei True Dragon (the mid-seventh stage of Emperor Zhengdi)
(Awakening period: Intermediate) Binding villains: Shun, Xuanyuan Tianling…
Fate Tig: Destiny.
Current luck value:
Recently, the luck value has been rising more and more slowly.
Yun Zhou guessed that the world has almost reached the critical point.
But he was curious.
Once the luck value is full, what kind of increase will it bring to yourself?
People are sitting at home, is the deadly enemy dead?
Anyone who has a grudge against him, just be struck to death by a big thunder?
Without thinking too much, Yunzhou turned his attention to the column of identity.
The master of Haoyun Sect is right, and so is the Son of Yunling.
But what’s going on with this “Lord of the Great Land”?? Yes!
In his previous identity column, wasn’t he a side-by-side emperor or something? When did you become the Lord of Haotu?
He was bewildered, a little confused.
And at the same moment.
Great land, no false sect.
Gu Xianer, Li Qing, Chan Yilan…
All the beauties are sitting together, Yingying Yanyan.
When chatting happily, Wu Shiyao was full of smiles:
“When my husband came back from Immortal Territory, he knew that he had “dominantly ruled the vast land”, and he didn’t know what to be shocked…”

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