Chapter 1504: A righteous speech? No, I’m afraid of the dark!
With all sorts of calculations and encirclement, Xiao Tiankuo was bound to a thief ship.
It’s just that Yunzhou doesn’t seem to know anything about it.
I kept watching Lin Langyue there.
Xiao Xunxun’s eyes were dim, and he glanced at him and pouted: “Brother Yun, why don’t you speak?”
Yun Zhou came back to his senses, glanced at Xiao Tiankuo, and said perfunctorily: “Thank you, Master Xiao, let’s go.”
After speaking, he stood up directly.
Xiao Xunxun froze for a moment, “Where are you going?”
Lin Langyue also looked over nervously.
This bad guy doesn’t want to attack now, does he? Didn’t he hear what he just said?
Oh yeah…he’s been staring at me, probably didn’t hear me! No, you can’t let him mess around, it’s very dangerous!
Lin Langyue opened her mouth and was about to say something.
But before she could speak, Yun Zhou stretched his waist: “Where else can we go, anyway, we have to wait for the general attack, let’s find a place to sleep first.”
Everyone present looked at him in bewilderment.
Good guy, doesn’t this person take Linmen seriously? This is one of the five major forces to be annexed!
How could he still be in the mood to sleep?!
Xiao Xunxun let out a “puchi” laugh, and his eyes sparkled.
As expected of 673, the man I fell in love with, he doesn’t pay attention to anything.
Hmm~ I’m so fascinated~!
She rolled her eyes, and then stood up with a smile, “Father, then I will find a room to rest.”
After finishing speaking, she twisted her enchanting pelvis, and walked away from the main hall with brisk steps.
Lin Langyue looked at the figures of these two people, the long sword in her hand was tightly clenched, and her eyes were about to burst into flames.
Standing up with a “crack”, he walked towards the outside of the hall with big strides.
Jiang He frowned, “Xiao Langyue? Why are you going?”
Lin Langyue’s voice was piercing, “Practice meditation!”
ah this…
Why do you feel that she is in a hurry when you meditate? …
There are many empty rooms in the main building of the whole city.
Yun Zhou went directly to the roof, which was the original city lord’s room.
Well, the location is high and the view is good.
It should be convenient to observe some situations outside the city.
He came outside this room and was about to open the door and go in.
Suddenly, a delicate voice stopped his movements.
I saw Xiao Xunxun coming up from the stairs and opening the door of the palace of the princess next to him.
“Hehe, elder brother Yun is sleeping in the palace of the city lord, and it’s just right for me to sleep in the city lord’s concubine.”
As she spoke, she suddenlyHe closed the door again, leaned in front of Yunzhou and exhaled like a dragon, saying:
“It’s just that Xunxun thinks that the room of the city lord concubine is too much… why don’t I sleep with the city lord Yun?”
The word “City Master Yun” is very heavy.
Inexplicably, there is a very YH sense of sight.
“This… duck doesn’t have to.”
Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth and refused directly.
Although he has always been open to comers.
But he is not familiar with Xiao Xunxun yet.
This progress was somewhat unbearable for him.
Of course, the main reason is that .
Xiao Xunxun’s father is in the main building of the city! If you know that you have slept with his precious girl.
Why don’t you tie yourself up to marry his daughter? Cheap old man or something…
It’s better not to admit it until you can’t control it.
“I think there should be less seduction between decent people, you say…”
Yun Zhou’s righteous words haven’t shown yet.
Behind him, there was a sudden coughing sound.
Looking back, I saw Lin Langyue staring at him quietly, pressing the handle of the door on his right side with his hand.
Grass (plant)!
How many concubines does this city lord have? Any room on the top floor?
Yun Zhou’s face twitched, then he scratched his head and said, “Could it be possible… you also want to sleep on the top floor?”
It doesn’t do anything, does it?
Lin Langyue snorted softly, squinted her eyes and looked at him: “Why, does it have anything to do with you where I rest?”
“Or…are you afraid that I will delay your good deeds?”
Yun Zhou: “What?”
Lin Langyue glanced at Xiao Xunxun, who was smiling happily, and was furious:
“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in your debauchery! Who do you like to sleep with!”
“Besides, when I cultivate, I hold my breath and concentrate. I can’t hear you making any noise. I promise I won’t disturb you!”
After finishing speaking, she kicked open the door.
The door was closed with a bang, and the door trembled twice.
Yun Zhou: o((o.))
This nun…why is she suddenly so angry? I haven’t messed with her recently!
After thinking about it, he looked sideways at Xiao Xunxun, “Did you tell her something?”
Xiao Xunxun’s quirky little face was full of innocence, “Brother Yun, don’t make false accusations.”
“I don’t know Fairy Lin, and I didn’t even look at her just now, how can I talk to her?”
Yun Zhou rubbed his chin: “That’s what you said…forget it, maybe a relative is here and you’re in a bad mood.”
He stopped thinking, shook his head and entered the bedroom.
And Xiao Xunxun stood outside, looking at Lin Langyue’s door with surprise in his eyes:
“Didn’t Father say that she practiced the ruthless way?”
“It doesn’t look…it doesn’t look like it.”
After muttering a few words, Xiao Xunxun suddenly thought of something, and there was a playful arc on the corner of his mouth.
“Such an interesting fairy… If you are with me… Tsk tsk, it’s fun to think about~!”
Regarding the idea of ​​changing T, it must be understood only by changing T.
At this time, Yun Zhou was lying on the couch in the city lord’s bedroom, his head was full of strange thoughts.
(Xiao Xunxun on the left, Lin Langyue on the right…)
(If you really can’t sleep at night, why don’t you find one to play with?)
(emmm… Is it a bit conservative to only find one?)
(How about together?)
Thinking about it, Yunzhou felt a little alive.
But soon he shook his head.
(Forget it, let alone whether Xiao Tiankuo will confront me, Taoist nun will definitely not agree.)
(I’m still doing big things honestly!)
Shaking his head and not thinking too much, Yun Zhou took out a biscuit from the storage ring.
After taking a big bite, the sky was already dark.
He first sent a voice transmission to Jiang He and asked about the progress of the annexation by the disciples of the alliance.
Then I found the bath in the room, and called an elder of Haoyun Sect to bring hot water.
Then soaked comfortably in it.
The conditions are limited, and the elders can only be used as attendants.
It’s just this elder…
Hmm…it’s Wu Zhao! .

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