Chapter 1514: Incomprehensible means! Watching the fire from the other side, Chen Fuxian!
All right.
These three words perfectly interpreted Chen Fusheng’s inner voice.
He sighed slowly, looked at the sea of ​​clouds with a complicated expression and said:
“I really didn’t expect that I, who have lived for nearly ten thousand years, would lose my composure in front of a boy in his twenties…”
“And this chess game…”
“It seems that I cut off his big dragon, but in fact he is holding me back in various ways.”
“If it’s in the next half moment, the loser must be me…”
“It’s really scary for young people.”
Interrupted by Chen Fusheng’s words, Chen Fuxian’s attention fell on the chessboard.
Then he looked slightly surprised.
In the situation just now, he deliberately released water, it can be said that he was beaten by Chen Fusheng.
You can look at now again.
Black and white are clearly distinguished, although the black chess he is holding is dangerous, but it is already on the verge of breaking the game! this little guy…
“It’s not unreasonable for Yunzhou to be able to develop Haoyunzong to the present state in a short period of time.”
Chen Fusheng put down the white piece, slowly stood up from the seat, and stood still at the edge of the crane:
“If he doesn’t die within a month or so, I will completely miss the position of the Immortal Lord in the future!”
If those words were heard by someone familiar with Chen Fusheng, 407 would surely drop his jaw in shock.
Chen Fusheng’s status is lofty and he is superior to other heroes. When did he evaluate anyone like this? And it’s unbelievable to say so firmly.
Chen Fuxian was silent when he heard this.
He didn’t know what to say, so he could only pretend to be dumb.
To be honest, he was thinking.
Recalling that from the first time I saw Yun Zhou to the present, the other party obviously had no ill intentions towards him.
It’s just…the path I chose seems to be against him!
It can’t be helped, it can only be a hostile relationship.
“Do you want to be a demon dog?”
Chen Fuxian thought secretly, then lightlyShaking his head slightly.
Don’t count.
I should be the half master of the Demon Race.
Or strictly speaking…
Is he the prime minister of the demon clan? Roughly the same.
Regarding the issue of identity, Chen Fuxian didn’t think much about it at all.
He is more than an identity of the demon clan?
What is difficult to deal with now is the little guy Yunzhou.
The reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor?
doesn’t look like…
Sure enough, the “reincarnation of another world” is more reliable.
And regardless of these things, this little guy seems to know the existence of “Earth Lord”.
Then things will be clearer.
They all came for the “old stuff”.
Then it depends on whether he is quick to retaliate against Yunzhou, or he is quick to kill himself.
Chen Fuxian pursed his lips lightly, and there was a subtle smile in his eyes.
If at this time Chen Fusheng observes him carefully.
Definitely noticeable.
The instant “Heavenly Dao” breath that bloomed from his body.
“Fuxian, you don’t have to think too much, I don’t take what Yun Zhou said to heart.”
Chen Fusheng glanced at his pensive expression, misunderstood that he was guilty, and couldn’t help laughing: “Brother has no intention of probing your secret.”
“Whether you really have a connection with the demons, I don’t want to care about it, and I won’t get involved…”
“It’s just… I agree with Yunzhou’s words.”
“The road, you have to choose well, so as not to let yourself go astray.”
Chen Fusheng suddenly pointed out something with his hands behind his back and spoke with an inexplicable look in his eyes.
“Thank you brother for remembering, Fu Xian knows it well.”
Chen Fuxian cupped his hands in salute, and responded respectfully.
Chen Fusheng nodded, and then returned to his seat.
“I agreed to give him half an hour… come and fight two games with my brother.”
After half an hour.
Baizi is as powerful as a broken bamboo, and Heizi is walking on thin ice.
At this time, Chen Fuxian “cautiously” put the sunspot down.
Suddenly pretending to be unintentional, he asked:
“Brother, why do you think Yunzhou has such confidence, dare to say that he doesn’t want to help, and fights alone with you?”
Yun Zhou has many hidden methods, which even Chen Fuxian is quite puzzled.
He really didn’t know what kind of means Yun Zhou had to dare to be alone with Chen Fusheng.
You know, Chen Fusheng has already stepped into the third level of Emperor Realm (Middle Level).
He didn’t believe that Yun Zhou couldn’t see it.
Even if Yunzhou has many kinds of Taoism, the gap in realm is here, and the assistance is futile.
“Why does he have confidence? You have to ask yourself. However, the cards he hides are all secrets, and they probably won’t be revealed until the critical moment. You and I can’t detect them.”
Hearing this, Chen Fusheng responded perfunctorily.
Yun Zhou dared to face him alone, which means that the other party must have the means to deal with him.
At the very least, there is also the ability to escape.
This is to be expected.
Although he intends to kill the other party in one fell swoop.
But he also knew it in his heart.
Today, if you want to kill Yunzhou, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.
This little guy is hiding some means that he can’t understand.
As for what it is, it still needs to be explored slowly.
But he has no interest in this, now he just wants to drive Yun Zhou away as soon as possible, and completely annex the Linmen forces.
When all the dust settles, even if Yunzhou has the means to reach the sky.
As long as he has the support of formations and the huge Chen family, the other party has only one way to escape!
“So… brother just meant to execute him within a month?”
Chen Fuxian’s eyes flickered, grasping the key points in Chen Fusheng’s words just now.
“I’m afraid it’s been a long time for more than a month… After the Linmen is annexed, he must be dealt with as soon as possible.”
“In just a few months, this child has grown from the Dao Realm to the seventh level of the Emperor Realm (lower level), which should not be underestimated.”
“In order to avoid long nights and dreams, we must strike quickly and accurately, so as not to capsize the boat in the gutter for brother and me.”
Hearing this, Chen Fusheng sighed again.
I feel that I am a coward, and I have been frightened by this little guy who has turned into a T.
Returning to Yunzhou below, he did not join the battle group immediately.
Instead, he stood in the attic of the city gate and waited quietly.
Outside the city gate, the battle is still raging.
Countless Taoism and magic rhyme are mixed together, and the bloodthirsty magic wolf seems to smell the breath of prey, with greedy eyes.
The disciples of the alliance fight and retreat.
The leader of Lingfeng Peak in Jiangmen shook off a group of demon wolves, blood dripped down his arms, and he felt lingering fear.
No longer caring about face, he immediately said loudly:
“These disciples of the Chen family are easy to deal with, but our methods can’t kill these demonic wolves at all.”
“The herd is huge, we should retreat first and avoid the sharp edge!”

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