Chapter 1516: What are your rules, kid? Chen Jiaxun · All evils must not invade!
All kinds of destructive powers rushed away like a sea of ​​fire, heading towards Chen Fusheng.
In an instant, a wave of nine colors was formed, and each wave of beating waves contained the breath of death! And Chen Fusheng’s face was calm, he waved away casually, and a group of purple-gold light protected him in it.
Immediately afterwards, the corners of his slightly wrinkled lips parted slightly, and a few large characters came out: “Chen Jiaxun, No Evil Invasion!”
The brilliant golden light shot out, extinguishing all the “sea of ​​fire”.
Chen Fusheng’s eyes were calm and his tone was flat: “Only by your Taoism, if you want to hurt this seat, you are still far away… Poof!”
Before he finished speaking, everything around him turned gray.
The method of reincarnation drives to the extreme, and the surroundings seem to be frozen.
Chen Fusheng’s pupils shrank, before he had time to react, a huge fist suddenly magnified in his eyes.
I saw the flames burning on it, and the punch that contained the black magic energy was terrifying.
With a bang, it hit Chen Fusheng hard on the chin.
The magic flame did not dissipate, and the next punch followed.
Yun Zhou actually gave up the struggle among the cultivators, and bombarded Chen Fusheng with his physical body.
That boxing method has no rules, it looks like an ordinary person with no cultivation, but every punch contains unspeakable power…
Below, the two parties who were fighting stopped their movements at the same time.
They stared at the sky blankly, and there was no sound for a while.
Whether it is the disciples of the alliance or the children of the Chen family, they all watched this scene in bewilderment, and their minds were greatly shocked.
good guy…
This is the strength of No. 1 Tianjiao?
It’s too scary to beat Chen Di unexpectedly! Tajill is amazing!
Even if it’s a peerless figure, he’s only in his double tenth year!
Not to mention this group of disciples, even Jiang He in the sky was stunned.
Originally, she still wanted to accompany Yun Zhou to deal with Chen Fusheng.
But looking at it this way, it seems that he is completely useless!
“This little guy…what kind of combat power is hidden?”
For some reason, Jiang He felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.
emmm… seems to be worrying about “you can’t bully Yunzhou in the future”? Roughly the same.
Lin Langyue withdrew from Chen’s parents and elders, looking at the figure above, her eyes shone with almost adoring heat.
The person above, Yun Zhou!
It was the man who saved her life and opened up a new world for her!
The disciples of the Haoyun Sect below looked hot and shouted loudly: “Sect Master Niubi!”
“Disciple of Haoyun Sect, follow me to kill the Chen family!”
Wu Zhao saw that the morale was soaring, he said aloud without saying a word, and then he jumped in the direction of the disciples of the Chen family and slaughtered them.
Yun Qiaoer pursed her lips, her eyes flickered inexplicably: “Disciple Yunling obeys the order and slaughters the Chen family for the Holy Son!”
After finishing speaking, he led a group of disciples to fight away!
The fairy sword was unsheathed, Dao Qi surged, and all the disciples of the alliance seemed to have awakened some dark attributes, and they threw themselves into the range of the disciples of the Chen family like their lives.
But before Yun Qiaoer and the others went, they still did not forget to look back at the escaped Jiangmen disciples with contempt.
There was obvious sneer in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything, so he swooped in with his sword.
“The Chen family is the stepping stone to help the suzerain unify!”
Most of the disciples were full of enthusiasm and fought bravely with their long swords.
But those practitioners in Jiangmen froze completely, and dared not turn around and go back. It would be embarrassing to just run away.
Moreover, Jiang He, the sect master, is watching from the sky.
If they dared to run away today, they would definitely lose their skin if they returned home, not to mention being executed.
The atmosphere became very silent for a while.
The corner of Jiangmen’s Lord Lingfeng’s mouth twitched.
Yes, he was responsible for running away, but now he is in a dilemma.
If Jiang He is very concerned about this “running away”…… Will he still have a way out? Seeing that the disciples of the United League fought with the children of the Chen family again.
The master of Lingfeng swallowed his saliva, and said stiffly: “Then what… we didn’t mean to run away.”
“I just want to take a rest, and then cooperate with the people of Yunling Haoyunzong, right?”
“Yes, that’s what we thought…”
“Wait until the people of Yunling and Haoyunzong can’t hold on to our leadership, and fight with the Chen family.”
The other shameless people spoke out one after another to cater to them, making excuses for themselves and others.
On the top of the clouds, Chen Fu was sitting on the back of the crane, silently looking at Yun Zhou who was confronting his elder brother, his eyes were full of fear.
“This little guy…is beyond common sense…”
The internal scope of Linmen’s forces.
The first case affiliated to Linmen.
In the main hall, a middle-aged man was sitting on a chair, sipping tea leisurely.
Every now and then he would make a “tsk”.
Standing beside him was a crooked old man, dressed in an official uniform of the Linmen.
It was the city lord who had taken the Lin clan’s city lord’s mansion.
He swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty: “Sect Master Xiangyun, now that the Lin Clan City has fallen, is there still no movement from the Sect Master?”
“Hurry up.”
Lin Xiangyun’s face was calm, and his eyes were calm, “The sect master’s silence proves that those guys can’t make any waves. Don’t be afraid, just wait for the sect master to teach them personally.”
After learning that the alliance forces of Yun Zhou and others and the Chen family came together to commit crimes.
The first thing Lin Xiangyun did was to call the city lord and some people to his side.
Facing that group of mutants, it is useless to keep them there.
It’s better to transfer them to his first affiliated force to protect themselves.
The city lord scratched his head, “But I heard that the members of the Chen family in the outskirts have already fought with the members of the alliance, won’t they destroy the Lin clan city?”
As the city lord, if Lin Clan City is destroyed…
Even if everything calms down afterwards, he still can’t afford to walk around!
Lin Xiangyun put down his teacup, and said with a light smile, “Don’t worry, those gangsters are fighting for territory, even if the Lin Clan City is destroyed, the sect master won’t blame you for anything, and…”
“There are already important people there, it is definitely impossible for Linzu City to be destroyed.”
As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up:
“It is estimated that the group of bandits in the Alliance have already escaped with their tails between their legs?”

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