Chapter 1519: I treat you as my mortal enemy, are you tm going to sleep old?
There are several types of people that Yun Zhou hates the most in his life.
The most annoying thing is the kind of people who love to pretend.
Unfortunately, he has encountered many such people.
Since coming to the fairyland.
Those members of the Lin family, Chen Xinghe who died at his hands…everyone is a representative of pretending to beep.
Although there are some rules in terms of strength, but the look of a dog looking down on people is really disgusting.
And among this group of people, Yun Zhou despises the most.
It also belongs to Chen Fusheng.
Not only pretending to be a criminal, but also a hypocrite.
Not to mention the yuppie with a gloomy heart, he still maintains a sanctimonious appearance all day long.
He holds the number one power in the Immortal Territory, but is full of selfish desires.
On the surface, he followed the order of the Immortal Emperor, but in fact he still wanted to keep the Immortal Territory in his pocket? Otherwise, knowing that he is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, why would he try every means to kill himself? A dark pretender, worse than a villain.
In Yunzhou’s view, keeping such a person is a disaster.
Just this time when Linmen was annexed, the two met.
Chen Fusheng is admired by thousands of people, Yun Zhou felt very happy to beat him up and push his proud head down.
“Come on, let’s see how powerful you are, the number one person in the fairyland!”
“It’s just a mere child, there must be a limit to being rampant.”
Boom boom boom!
With the power to annihilate all living beings, the thunder kept impacting for tens of miles around.
The entire barren hill and the buildings on all sides shook continuously!
The falling thunder splashed wisps of lightning, making the surrounding cultivators howl continuously.
Especially Chen Tu, who was teleported by the secret method, was bombarded by the remaining thunder, and his body shook like chaff.
Foaming at the mouth, he quickly pulled it out.
Just the scattered Yu Lei has such power, not to mention the power that the center bears.
boom boom.
A series of thunder fell, Yun Zhou put his hands behind his head, his eyes were inexplicable:
“Tsk, I didn’t expect my combo technique to be so powerful… Thinking about his third-tier Emperor Realm (middle-level) combat power, he shouldn’t be hacked to death, right?”
A quarter of an hour passed.
The thunder light stagnated, and the dark clouds dispersed.
The bright moon and stars reappeared in the sky.
Yun Zhou looked at the figure below, and the corner of his mouth curled up: “As expected of you, old Beibi.”
In the eye, in the center of the deep pit that was bombarded, Chen Fusheng stood there with a calm expression.
His slightly aged figure was tall and straight like a pine tree, and he whispered softly.
Words follow the law, and the whole body is shining with a pale white mask that isolates all breaths.
The mask was covered with cracks like spider webs. At the moment when the combo technique ended, his eyes opened, and the mask shattered invisible.
Yun Zhou chirped twice in admiration: “Amazing, really amazing!”
“As expected of the number one person on the Immortal Realm list, my combo skills are comparable to the Heavenly Tribulation of the third level of the Emperor Realm (middle-level), and you were able to survive it.”
“It seems that your combat power…doesn’t quite match your realm.”
As he said that, Yun Zhou’s eyes were inexplicable, he was smiling on the surface, but his heart became awe-inspiring.
Although this attack is not his strongest, it can be regarded as one of his trump cards.
He was sure that even the ordinary third-level Emperor Realm (middle-level) would definitely not be able to handle this wave.
But Chen Fusheng resisted so calmly.
From one point, it can be seen that no matter what the character of this guy is, his strength is definitely worthy of being the first person on the bright side.
Moreover, his real combat power…
I’m afraid it has already reached the fifth floor of the Emperor Realm (middle level)……
It was not as easy as Yun Zhou thought.
At this time, Chen Fusheng pretended to be calm, but the blood in his body was surging unstoppably.
A mouthful of blood was stuck in the throat, almost spurting out.
However, he still clenched his teeth and swallowed the blood back.
Yun Zhou is very powerful!
That kind of combination of exercises can be called a great horror!
This is definitely not the strength that a person in the imperial realm (lower rank) can show! Under the thunder, he had no possibility of fighting back at all.
If the blow just now prolongs the counting time, I’m afraid he will hurt Yuanyuan! Chen Fusheng’s eyes flickered with a rare seriousness.
In the face of absolute strength, any calculation is futile.
The fighting strength of this son has already surpassed Chen Fuxian in his heyday, even comparable to Lin Sheng! 0…..0…
If you let him grow up, I’m afraid that no matter how you arrange it in the future, it will become useless.
Absolutely not to keep him!
“An attack of this kind of power will definitely consume most of his immortal power. Now his Daohai is absolutely weak. It is not impossible to keep his life!”
Originally, Chen Fusheng still wanted to fight steadily, but this time, he can take down the Linmen faction first.
But after this wave of fighting, he completely changed his mind.
Regardless of whether Yun Susu will retaliate in the future, this son of YunzhouMust die too! This is the biggest obstacle for him to dominate the fairyland!
In order to avoid sudden changes, try to achieve one-hit kills as much as possible!
“Chen Jiaxun, the sky will not fall…”
Chen Fusheng’s eyes closed slowly, and when he opened them again, the turbulent breath around him had already calmed down.
He rose into the air, pointed his wrinkled hands at Yunzhou, and dazzling lights flashed out!
“Xianguang Zhenshanhe!”
Gorgeous white awns burst forth!
Like a shooting star galloping across the sky, the terrifying power dazzles people blind!
“Shua” sound!
White light flashed by!
As if taking away all vitality, the moment the explosion exploded in the sky, the entire sky was like daytime, splashing clouds and dust.
Chen Fusheng’s expression was extremely flat, “He finally died…not right.”
In the next second, his eyes suddenly turned sharp: “The fairy light penetrates but the blood mist is not seen, that figure…”
The moment his voice fell, Yun Zhou’s pierced figure suddenly disappeared.
Chen Fusheng turned his head in an instant, and a sword light suddenly cut across his face.
The gust of wind floated, and a few strands of hair scattered with the wind.
Yun Zhou’s sword spirit is sharp and his smile is bright:
“Sorry, Yun has learned the art of doppelganger in “Taoism”.”
After saying that, the towering sword light surged towards him, and the long sword condensed from a phantom had a frightening momentum.
“One-level · Slashing Art!”
Swish Swish Swish!
The figures of the two turned into two rainbow lights, constantly fighting in the sky.
There was a deafening roar when the sword intent collided with Taoism! Ordinary people: o((↑))o9.

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