Chapter 1521: Hit me and insult me! Floating Life player is careless!
Yun Zhou sneered, his eyes darkened: “A conceited old thing like you is really annoying.”
“Obviously I was cowardly, but I wanted to pretend to forgive me. What are you pretending to be?”
“The number one person in the fairyland? The top in the world? Exhaust…”
“Today, I dragged you off this altar, and beat you until you have teeth all over the floor!”
Chen Fusheng’s face turned sullen.
Thousands of years later, this is the first time someone dared to talk to him like this! To say that he is a conceited old man? He also said he was pretending to beep?! This tm is an insult to his personality!
Yun Zhou’s eyes were serious, and with a swipe of his palm, a crack was torn out in the void: “Smash your turtle shell first!”
Chen Fusheng was taken aback.
I saw above the sky, a dragon wrapped around a small giant, smashing towards it like a comet! The speed was so fast that a wave of air was formed on it, like a falling star!
The protective cover was full of divine light, blocking all the blows, and the ground below trembled slightly.
Chen Fusheng calmly said: “You are wasting your efforts, Wulong 06 Jia is a top-level fairy tool, even this seat can’t be broken, it’s not something you can wear.”
“Now, I’ll give you another chance to take someone away and let Linmen out.”
“I guarantee that I will not trouble you after annexing Linmen.”
Yun Zhou sneered, “Your guarantee is no different from farting in my eyes.”
“What’s more…you keep saying that you are giving me a chance, but you are actually cowardly, right?”
“I can’t do anything to you, you can kill me!?”
After the words fell, Chen Fusheng’s expression froze.
Obviously, Yun Zhou’s words hurt his heart.
On the surface, the gap between the realms of the two certainly exists.
But the opponent has nine blessings of the Dao, and there are two fairy shapes of a dragon and a giant.
Coupled with the inexhaustible immortal power and those weird exercises…combining all the factors, it is really not an ordinary difficulty to kill Yun Zhou.
Thinking about it, Chen Fusheng raised his head and looked up at the sky.
According to Chen Fuxian, he can’t help today.
Otherwise, Xiao Tiankuo and Jiang He, who have been peeping from above, are bound to join the battle.
At that time, the other party’s three emperors, the two brothers will be stretched.
It’s just that in the current situation, if Fuxian doesn’t help… how will he solve this problem? Yun Zhou smiled fiercely: “How dare you be dumbfounded when you play against me?”
After all, another series of attacks came over.
bang bang bang!
Yun Zhou and the two-shaped combination cooperated very well. He had golden blood flowing all over his body, as if he had turned into a humanoid beast! With dragon claws, giant fists and his Wu Tianhammer, all kinds of attacks became more and more fierce!
Like an earthquake, the entire mountain was shaking, and the ground continued to collapse.
Chen Fusheng followed his words, and Xianli continued to fight back.
But Yun Zhou didn’t just use any means, his counterattack disappeared out of thin air the moment it touched Yun Zhou’s body.
This is outrageous!
“What kind of sorcery did you use!?”
Chen Fusheng had a rare look of astonishment.
Yun Zhou bared his teeth and smiled, “It’s nothing, it just transferred your attack to another world.”
Chen Fusheng didn’t understand, and his expression was still blank.
And Yun Zhou’s internal body world is already in ruins.
But he didn’t care about it at all, the big deal would be to spend 1 point of luck to repair the inner world.
The sledgehammer entwined with thunder kept falling, and the light on the shield gradually becamedim.
At the beginning, Chen Fusheng could continue to support with his immortal power, but as Yun Zhou led the two immortals to attack madly, he gradually became unable to do what he wanted.
Chen Fusheng frowned, and shouted in his heart: “I am careless.”
That’s right, in his opinion, even if his own strength could not kill Yun Zhou, it would be enough to seriously injure him.
But now it seems…
Not to mention that Yunzhou was severely injured by the land grab, whether he can leave safely is a question! You know, what he protects all over his body is the Five Dragon Armor!
To be crushed by a person on the seventh floor of Emperor Realm (lower rank)? This is contrary to common sense!
There was a “click”.
The sound of breaking equipment rang through my ears.
Chen Fusheng’s face sank, and a sense of panic that he had never felt before grew in his heart, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.
Through the mask in front of his eyes, Chen Fusheng looked at those bloodthirsty and cruel eyes, and Chen Fusheng only felt that he was being watched by a great terror, and his heartbeat missed half a beat.
In a daze, he suddenly had an idea:
“The third floor of Emperor Realm (middle level), it seems that it is not invincible.”
Seeing Yun Zhou smashing down with a hammer.
The cracks on the mask are getting bigger and bigger, and the dragon claws seem to be able to poke them out! Chen Fusheng’s heart tightened, and he felt a sense of panic that he hadn’t seen for a long time.
The last time I was so scared…was it when the Immortal Emperor stood in front of him? There is still a gap of one hundred and eight thousand miles between the cloud boat in front of him and the immortal emperor.
But with his current combat strength alone, he can be crushed after a hundred moves… How outrageous is this?
“The skills are comparable to supernatural powers, and the combat body is very powerful. There are nine 347 Taoisms in the form of immortals… How can there be such a monster in this world?”
“Thinking that I used the elixir to retreat for a few days, I thought I had absolute crushing strength, but it turned out to be a joke…”
Chen Fusheng’s self-conceited Dao heart loosened for the first time.
Yun Zhou hit the center of the crack with a hammer.
As if the glass had been hit hard, it split like a spider web from the center.
Creaking, successive cracks appeared on the shield.
With a sound, it turned into little light foam and drifted away with the wind.
The five-dragon armor of the top celestial being is broken.
The treasure that Chen Fusheng relied on for protection disappeared, and his whole body was exposed.
His pupils were constricted, and he looked at Yun Zhou with a slightly dull gaze.
Like a proud emperor who has been usurped, although he is proud, he can’t hide his panic.
Yun Zhou’s bright smile is like a devil in his eyes at the moment.
“Immortal Realm’s top ranking, disdainful of all living beings? Today I will drag you down from the altar, are you ready to be beaten?”
After asking this question, while Chen Fusheng was stunned,
Yun Zhou picked up Wu Tianhammer in an extremely shameless manner, and frantically bombarded him! Don’t ask, asking is not talking about Wude.
To cheat, to sneak attack his old comrade who is thousands of years old.

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