Chapter 1529: Discussion: A Beast Pulled Up His Pants at a Critical Moment!
An iron fist hammered over.
Zhou Qian understood.
What is in front of me is not a dream, but a real situation! He was even more confused now.
“What’s going on here? Isn’t this land annexed? Why do the disciples in it have such a good relationship with the members of the alliance?”
It was less than a day after they got the news of the start of the annexation, why did they feel that the world was strange?
The sudden powerful aura naturally attracted the disciples present.
Of course, not only this group of disciples, but also Lin Xiangtian, who escaped unharmed, and the owner of Linzu City all noticed them.
When Lin Xiangtian saw Lin Lang Zhan Tai wearing a phoenix crown, his mouth twitched, and he quickly trot over:
“The first subordinate of the Lin Sect… No, Lin Xiangtian, the subordinate lord of the Haoyun Sect, has met Fairy Linlang…”
You may not have seen the portrait of Linlang Zhantai, but the Fengming head crown has already explained the identity of Linlang Zhantai.
Lin Langzhantai nodded casually, then looked around:
“I see that this place is extremely tragic, please explain what exactly happened?”
Lin Xiangtian’s expression was bitter: “Actually, the villain also suffered a f*cking disaster…”
Time went back to a few hours ago, Lin Xiangtian and the city lord who were watching the show were directly bombarded by the aftermath, and then they were targeted by the alliance disciples as the Chen family. If they hadn’t revealed their identities at the end, they would have deliberately targeted If the “contribution” comes out, I’m afraid they will die!
He told everything about the scene witnessed by the two of them.
Lin Langyue’s expression was serious after listening.
She had heard the news that the demons and the Chen family came together, and the corpses of the demon wolves outside could tell that what they said was true.
But what made her feel unbelievable was that Yun Zhou actually released nearly a thousand disciples of the Chen family in the end!
“This cold-blooded guy actually showed mercy?”
This is like a beast that suddenly pulls up its pants and leaves at the last moment.
Lin Lang Zhantai couldn’t understand for a while.
At this time, her easy-going eyes directly focused on Jiang He who was not far away, and immediately walked over quickly, “Master Jiangmen.”
Jiang He glanced at her: “Concubine Xian? Why are you here?”
Lin Lang Zhantai saw the suspicion in her eyes, and quickly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to compete with you for territory…”
“I just heard that you guys have taken action against Chen Fusheng, and I want to discuss further cooperation with you.”
“After this, do you want to annex Chen…”
Compared with the exaggerated rumors that Yun Zhou killed Chen Fusheng alone, she still prefers the saying that “Jiang He and Xiao Tiankuo helped to do it”.
After all, in her opinion, even if Yun Zhou’s combat power is tyrannical, it means that he can fight Chen Fusheng 50-50.
To say it was crushed on one hand would be an exaggeration.
However, before she finished speaking, Jiang He interrupted directly: “It was not us who attacked Chen Fusheng, but Yun Zhou himself…”
Lin Lang Zhantai frowned, “You mean…”
Before she finished speaking, the crowd suddenly fell silent.
All the healing and serving disciples stood up straight and separated on both sides.
A tall and handsome man with blood stains all over his body stepped forward.
The scene was silent and the needles could be heard, and everyone looked at this figure with complicated expressions.
However, most of the eyes are like worshiping gods.
Zhou Gan was stunned for a moment when he saw this person, and then quickly stood in front of the Linlang Zhantai, and said loudly: “Yunzhou, I am not here to be your enemy, so please behave yourself!”
After saying this, Zhao Qing behind him slapped his forehead.
On the land that they just seized, please be more disciplined…
This silly beep, how do you talk? This is it? It’s over!
Sure enough, the moment his thoughts fell, the people present came back to their senses.
Immediately afterwards, a series of long sword strikes sounded.
Tens of thousands of disciples drew out their weapons one after another, watching Zhou Gan’s eyes gradually becoming unfriendly.
The long sword in Lin Langyue’s hand kept fighting, as if she was about to sacrifice it in an instant, and take Zhou Gan’s head.
For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.
Zhou Gan looked at the people who surrounded him, and felt a little tightness in his throat. . . . . this……
Which link seems to be wrong? He looked around at the people present.
If it’s just a group of disciples, he’s nothing to be afraid of.
The problem is, there are not only disciples present, but also a lot of elders!
Especially those female cultivators who are Yingyingyanyan, good guy, there are several cultivation bases higher than him, thenThe eyes want to swallow him alive!
“Ah this…”
Lin Langzhantai also looked bewildered.
Although there may be some problems with Zhou Gan’s rhetoric, it shouldn’t be the case, right?
There are people from all sides here, even if it is an alliance, there is no reason to protect Yunzhou like this.
Lin Lang Zhantai was about to say something, but without giving her a chance to speak, Yun Zhou walked up to Zhou Gan, looking at him calmly with deep eyes.
The tall and burly Yun Zhou looked down, his whole body was covered in blood, and Gu Jing Wulan’s face showed a terrifying power like a beast.
Zhou Gan was in palpitations, feeling like he was being targeted by a demon!
Yun Zhou’s voice was extremely indifferent, and his eyes seemed to be looking at ants again.
Zhou Gan stiffened his neck and was about to have an attack, but after meeting the other’s eyes, he took a step back unconsciously.
He has lived for 4.4 years, and has experienced many storms and waves, but when facing Yunzhou, he still couldn’t help being timid.
This is his intuition honed by years of free life and death. Yun Zhou in front of him doesn’t take his life seriously.
It might kill him in the next second.
But behind him is the fairy concubine, since he has decided to follow the fairy concubine, he should not retreat now… Just when he was in a dilemma and pondered a little.
Seeing Yunzhou raise his palm, Linlang Zhantai’s pupils shrank and he said quickly, “Zhou Gan, get out of the way!”
Zhao Qian dodged in an instant, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, he lowered his head and dared not speak.
Yun Zhou glanced at Linlang Zhantai with calm eyes, mixed with a flash of banter.
Immediately after, I walked past them without a word of exchange…

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