Chapter 1541 : The Empress Who Grasps People’s Hearts! The chaos is on!
“Sorry everyone, I practiced for a long time last night, so it took me a while to calm down.”
Lin Langyue had an unprecedented smile on his face: “Please forgive me for being late.”
“Hey, Fairy Lin is too polite.”
“It’s okay, we’ve only just arrived.”
“Come on, Fairy Lin, take your seat.”
All the elders and peak masters spoke politely.
It’s not that they are familiar with Lin Langyue, it’s just that the other party is an emperor anyway, and the compliments that should be given should be given.
Chu Lingxiao did not strike up a conversation with those people.
She looked at Lin Langyue with a slightly dazed expression.
In the eyes, the beautiful woman’s face is full of spring breeze, her face is so tender that it seems that water can be squeezed out.
The translucent skin is bright and transparent, and the rich toon color can be seen in the eyebrows and eyes.
I have never seen pork, but Chu Lingxiao has seen pigs running!
Widow Li in Fengshan next door, she was always so charming and charming when her husband was alive! Good guy… Sovereign, this is much more terrifying than Widow Li’s husband!
And Xiao Xunxun’s eyes were more dull than hers.
As a witch, she has studied so many books, so she naturally understands this change! This nun has transformed!
“No wonder there was a cat whining yesterday. After a long time, it turns out that 270 is her.”
At this time, Lin Langyue came to sit next to the chief seat.
Yun Zhou licked the corner of her mouth with a smirk, Lin Langyue blushed, looked back angrily, and turned her head away.
Seeing this scene, Jiang He who was sitting across from him also saw that something was wrong.
She glanced at Lin Langyue, who was known for his “ruthless way”, and then at Yun Zhou, who had a straight (lang) classic (dang) face.
There was an outrageous guess in my mind.
Hiss – this little guy won’t give Langyue to…
Seeing that everyone had gathered, Wu Zhao got up first and said, “Everyone, you have worked hard on what happened the day before yesterday.”
“With the desperate struggle of all of you, we successfully resisted the invasion of the Chen family, and saved the possibility of our alliance going further!”
“This is everyone’s victory, and it is also the beginning of the alliance’s progress!”
“Today we are going to attack Linmen. I am only representing Haoyunzong here, and I ask everyone to work together to occupy the territory!”
“In addition, for those who were injured and sacrificed in this battle, I, Hao Yunzong, will be responsible to the end!”
Although Wu Zhao’s cultivation was not the highest among those present.
However, she must be the one who wins people’s hearts the most!
That’s right.
After all, she was also a figure who had once been an empress. Who could compare to her for such things as boosting morale by talking about scenes? Especially after saying this, Wu Zhao also changed his normal routine and bowed deeply.
This kind of sincerity naturally moved everyone present, and their slightly nervous hearts instantly calmed down a bit.
After Wu Zhao finished speaking, he sat back.
At this time, Jiang He looked at Yun Zhou: “Little guy, I’m about to set off soon, what do you want to tell me?”
Ever since she saw Yunzhou’s combat power, she subconsciously regarded him as the backbone.
Although I didn’t have enough brains before, I was able to be a backstage for Yunzhou anyway.
Up to now, it seems that I can only follow behind others…no convincingUnconvinced, the strong are respected.
The same is true between men and women.
Yun Zhou shook his head: “I’ll just follow along, there’s nothing to say.”
Jiang He nodded his head, not at all hypocritical.
After looking around at the crowd, he said slowly, “Although the members of the Chen family have left, this annexation has only just begun.”
“Lin Sect is huge and has a deep foundation. It must not be an easy task to annex it.”
“The Jiangmen disciples will follow me to fight in the vanguard later, and the rest of you must be careful when you lead your own disciples.”
“As far as I know, the scariest thing in Linmen is not Lin Sheng’s background, but the guardian formation.”
“Everyone must be careful when breaking the formation, and try to ensure their own safety as much as possible.”
Jiang He’s words were not groundless, but she only spoke to remind her after she had a solid understanding.
Even though the Chen family is gone now, the biggest threat is gone.
But the Linmen faction has been stationed for thousands of years, so it should not be underestimated.
Especially the large formation that is rumored to be able to destroy the strong in the Emperor Realm (middle level), we must be on guard.
And besides that, there is Lin Sheng who has never heard from…
It can be said that this trip may not be smooth sailing.
The people present knew the danger, but no one backed down.
It has already reached this point, and there are three great powers beside Xiao Tiankuo, Jiang He, and Yun Zhou, so naturally there is no reason to retreat in spite of difficulties.
Seeing everyone responding, Jiang He nodded.
“Okay, after half an hour, each of you will lead your disciples to gather in the square inside the city.”
“Ready to annex!”
All the members of the alliance headed towards the depths of Linmen’s influence, preparing to take Linmen down in one fell swoop.
It’s just that on the way, Wu Zhao and Chu Lingxiao led the people from Haoyunzong from all walks of life to land first.
They said they want Haoyunzong to reap the greatest benefits from this annexation.
So take advantage of the time when everyone is going to Linmen.
They first led the disciples of the Haoyun Sect along the road to annex its affiliated forces.
Of course, this was all done secretly.
When the people in Jiangmen reacted, it is estimated that most of the affiliated forces of Linmen have already been acquired by Haoyunzong.
Then this wave of detailed operations made Yunzhou very admired!
No wonder being an empress knows how to act in a chaotic situation in order to maximize one’s own interests.
No poking no poking!
And Chu Lingxiao has obviously become smarter.
It can be said that the mind is contagious.
Just don’t know why, Yunzhou felt that Chu Lingxiao looked at him very strangely.
The big lala look in the past is gone, replaced by a kind of shyness and amazement? And inexplicably felt that the other party was hiding from him.
Especially when the other party is looking at him, the eyes dodge and always look down.
It made Yunzhou very confused.
But now Yun Zhou doesn’t have the heart to think about these things.
It’s just that this woman was shy when she bumped into him taking a bath yesterday.
He didn’t know at all, what happened to him yesterday and this morning was all perceived by the other party! Then this is for Chu Jianshou who is not under the control of capitalists.
It caused a great psychological impact…

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