Chapter 1543: Scoundrel, use a sledgehammer to tease people as soon as they meet!
It’s just for most of the Xianyu people.
Immortal rank is the highest rank, and few people believe the rumors of “above the immortal rank”.
Therefore, the reputation of shaking Qianzhong has never spread in Xianyu.
And Linmen’s guardian array.
It was Lin Sheng who set up the top-level fairy formation with this Zhenqianzhong as the eye of the formation! Once cast, Wan Guanghua is in the inner gate.
If someone perceives it carefully, it can be detected that this formation has already left the scope of the fairyland.
It can be said that a new world has been isolated from the world!
Anyone who wants to enter this formation will be subjected to the extremely terrifying power of the formation, and their souls will be scattered! Seeing that this formation completely isolated the surrounding area, the disciples inside were slightly relieved.
“It’s all right now, people from the Alliance will definitely not be able to break in.”
“It’s safe for us to respond to “Seven Five Seven” for the time being, right?”
But soon, the face of the quick-witted disciple turned dark:
“Safe ass, their people can’t get in, but we can’t get out either!”
“Mist grass, that’s right! Don’t we become a turtle in a jar?”
“Ah, this… how to fix it?”
“It seems that it’s better not to open this guardian array?”
“Okay, stop beeping, haven’t you found the door owner yet?”
“What kind of sect master, the elders can’t find it!”
Just when the disciples in the inner sect were full of uneasiness, everyone in the alliance outside was also stunned.
Seeing the formation like the transparent egg shell, everyone was a little numb for a while.
The aura contained in this formation… Are you sure it is a fairy rank?
Most people are dumbfounded.
Although there is a fairy charm flowing through this formation, even ordinary disciples can tell that its rank is definitely above the immortal rank! Good guy, I’ve never seen such a powerful formation at such a young age!
The golden thunder is added, and the rhyme of ten thousand dao celestial beings flows.
There is a faint flash of power enough to destroy the emperor’s realm on it, which makes one’s scalp tingle.
“NeeDamn, is it possible that this inner sect can’t swallow it?”
“I’ve lived in Xianyu for so many years, and I’ve never heard that Linmen has such a formation!”
“No wonder Sect Master Yun told us to be careful. I’m afraid you will die if you touch this magic circle?”
Everyone was chattering.
And the elders of the United League are also in trouble. The core of Linmen is the inner gate. If they can’t occupy it, then it’s a fart annexation? Moreover, this formation has such power…
God knows what other treasures are hidden in this inner door? Telling them to retreat in spite of difficulties, they are not reconciled!
For a moment, the people inside panicked, and the people outside scratched their heads.
At this time, a sighing voice came from the crowd: “It would be great if Sect Master Yun was here, this formation will definitely not be able to stop him.”
Hearing this, the people around woke up like a dream.
“Yes, where is the suzerain?”
“The sect master and the domain master Xiao are both here… Where is the sect master?”
“Good guy, didn’t the suzerain just say that they gathered outside the inner gate? Why can’t anyone be found here?”
“Forget it, wait and see, maybe the suzerain is delayed by something.”
Anyway, everyone can’t break through this formation, so just wait here.
Just a good time to sort it out.
Let’s not talk about things outside the inner door formation.
At this time, Yun Zhou was in the dense forest in the southeast of Linmen, looking for the mountain in the memory of his predecessor, the Immortal Emperor.
Hmm… that’s the place where the old monster of Earth Zun was sealed, within Linmen’s forbidden area.
Linmen has been passed down for thousands of years and has a long history. Its territory covers a huge range, and it is not easy to find it.
But Yun Zhou looked calm, not in a hurry.
The entire forest gate is already considered to be more than half of the bag.
He just looked at the remaining inner door from a long distance away.
With his current strength, there is really no way to seize it.
But sooner or later you can find a way to break the formation, don’t worry.
As for the entire Linmen territory outside the inner gate, he is now free to wander around.
I don’t believe it, can’t find a forbidden place?
Finally, after a while.
He walked through this dense forest, and his eyes suddenly brightened.
I saw a golden barrier covering my eyes, and behind me was a land surrounded by chaos, which was so foggy that I couldn’t see it.
And on the stone next to the barrier, there are two lines of scarlet characters engraved:
(Forbidden area of ​​the forest gate, anyone who violates it will die!)
“Tsk, tm the whole landmark sign, is Lin Sheng an idiot?”
Yun Zhou twitched the corner of his mouth, and then sensed the golden barrier. . . . . Immediately afterwards, the brows trembled.
(This barrier… has been opened?) Interesting.
The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up.
Stretching out his hand, the Formation Breaking Bow appeared in his hand……
The barren hills in the forbidden area are stretching, and there are thousands of ways to rise and fall one after another.
Withered flowers and trees, dry surface rivers, and spider web-like cracks on the barren land, it seems like a dead land that no one cares about.
This is slightly different from the scene in Yun Zhou’s memory.
In the memory fragments of the former Immortal Emperor, thousands of years ago, this place was still covered with dense forests, full of vitality.
As a result, thousands of years passed and everything was deserted.
Is it because of the sealed earth lord? who knows.
Except for this scene, Yun Zhou’s perception is also correct.
Someone has indeed entered this forbidden area.
To be precise, it was a few direct disciples of Linmen from the outside who ran in while taking advantage of the chaos.
After all, it is understandable that Hemeng annexed Linmen. As a direct disciple, he was afraid of being slaughtered and intended to escape into the forbidden area.
But Yunzhou just entered the forbidden area, and he met several personal descendants, and even Nirvana monsters! boom!
Yun Zhou threw a few personal bishops out of the forbidden area, and killed two demon tigers casually, his expression gradually became dignified.
It’s a little out of the ordinary.
Suddenly, it felt like something was wrong.
There is nothing wrong with direct disciples, but where did these monsters come from? Before he could think about it, there was a “hissing” sound behind him.
Yun Zhou frowned, and the sledgehammer in his hand flickered and smashed directly.
The sledgehammer flashing with thunder was about to hit the head.
Between the fire and light stones, a dense purple light surged, and a beautiful figure dodged in an instant.
I saw Xiao Xunxun crawling out from behind the boulder, with a very resentful expression on his face:
“Brother Yun is really necrotic. He used a sledgehammer to tease him without saying a word.”
“Ah this…”

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